
Chapter 29 The Secret Room, The Jade Bottle with the Label Torn Off, The Principles of a Man!_1

Translator: 549690339

The grey stone wall descended, revealing a dim tunnel entrance behind it, with stone steps extending downwards, their destination unknown.

Curiosity flickered through Luo Yu's eyes.

But Hulena appeared to have anticipated this, her lips curving slightly upwards.

"What place is this?"

Unable to resist, Luo Yu asked, feeling that the woman seemed all too familiar with this place.

Where there were mechanisms, where there were secret paths; she seemed to know them like the back of her hand.


Hulena, with an embarrassed look, stepped forward and firmly grasped Luo Yu's arm with her small hand.

"Alright already, don't ask so many questions, Brother Yu. Let's go inside quickly, there are treasures you need in there."

Luo Yu now felt genuinely confused. With his family's vast wealth, there wasn't much he lacked, was there?

He couldn't figure out the riddle the girl was enigmatically presenting.

Thus, he was led by the girl, directly towards the stairs enveloped in darkness.

After entering, Hulena didn't forget to rotate an internal mechanism, causing the stone wall to rise again.


As the stone wall rose, the space became pitch dark, not even a hand visible before one's eyes.

"Huff huff..."

The place was very quiet and very dark; they could hear each other's breathing so clearly.

A lone man and a single woman in a secret room, shrouded in unending darkness, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely subtle.

Luo Yu, as if possessed, pinched the soft, smooth little hand grasping his own.

"Soft Whimper." The girl, seemingly startled, let out a coy and embarrassed voice, "Brother Yu, why are you pinching me?"

"Sorry." Luo Yu quickly released the other's little hand, apologetically waving his own as was his habit when suddenly his hand brushed against something, prompting him to retract it swiftly.


A cry of surprise escaped.

"Brother Yu, you..."

Hulena started to chide with a coquettish tone, stopping mid-sentence.

In the darkness, the girl's hands frantically covered her chest, her cheeks already flushed enough to drip with water.

Her heart in turmoil, she wondered what Brother Yu was trying to do, was he about to do something bad?

Indeed, all men are pigs.

Was it intentional... or not?

Her lips biting lightly, Hulena, who had never been alone in a room with a man before, felt unconsciously nervous.


Suddenly, a beam of light appeared, illuminating the dark space.

Luo Yu's fingertips were gathering a golden orb of light.

"Are you alright, Nana?"

"No, I'm fine."

Hulena shook her head in reply, and for some reason, felt a small sense of loss when the darkness was banished in that instant.

Luo Yu began to survey his surroundings, a serpentine and narrow passage, with walls covered in mossy rocks.

"Is this place dangerous?"

"There's no danger."

"You're that sure?" Luo Yu bared his teeth, always feeling something off.

"Of course, just follow me, Brother Yu." Hulena moved her beautiful legs, her shapely figure even more striking under the dim light.

Luo Yu was slightly entranced, his mind free of any unsavory thoughts, truly finding Hulena's silhouette enchanting.

The beauty was graceful, each step light and tantalizing, brightening the heart...

Following the stone steps down, initially very narrow, the path then suddenly opened up, revealing a small secret chamber.

Golden light flooded Luo Yu's vision.

It was pile upon pile of golden soul coins.

Gems and treasures were plentiful and dazzling.

Yet, amidst the scattered splendor, Luo Yu merely lifted his eyelids slightly, showing little excitement.

He was interested in improving his strength, in beautiful things.

But as for money, he could do without it; he was not short on it.

After all, if you have strength, would you still worry about lacking money?

Beggars need money, but they have to endure wind and rain, plus they need to prepare a broken bowl.

Strong people want money, isn't it just a matter of reaching out?

At this time, Hulena was touching the wall, seemingly searching for something.

Luo Yu was momentarily unoccupied and looked at the transparent system panel.

[Task: Capturing Saintess Hu Liena]

[Reward: Nineday Executioner Sword exclusive, Ten Thousand Year First Soul Ring]

Luo Yu had his own opinion about system tasks.

His character would not be controlled by a system.

If the system orders him to capture someone, would that not make him a puppet?

Moreover, such built-up feelings would be false. What's the point?

He would only invest himself in a girl who was good, worth the effort, and for whom he actually felt affection.


If I'm ordered to capture someone, I'm supposed to just do it?

What a joke, am I that obedient?

Who is the master here, you or me?

Sorry, but that's impossible.

The system will always be the junior, I'm the one who reigns supreme.

The light in Luo Yu's starry eyes grew sharp and clear.

Actually, this was why, after he received the mission, he had briefly interacted with Hulena instead of rushing to initiate his offensive.

Now, having gotten to know her, he had already developed quite a bit of fondness for the girl in his heart.

It was time to take the initiative.

"Found it!"

The delighted voice caught Luo Yu's attention.

With a smile beaming like sunshine, Hulena tucked her messy golden locks behind her ear with one hand and waved a small bottle, akin to agate glass, in the air at Luo Yu.

The bottle was transparent, with a light pink liquid sloshing inside, quite a delightful sight.

"Here, Brother Yu, this is for you." Hulena batted her lovely eyelashes and handed it to him as if presenting a treasure.

"What is this?"

Luo Yu raised an eyebrow, unable to guess what it was at the moment.

The smooth bottle felt slightly warm to the touch.

"Eh? Wasn't there a label here before?"

"A label? What label?"

Hulena shook her head vigorously, her cheeks reddening, while she sneakily glanced at a piece of torn paper in a hidden spot.

"Brother Yu, you should try a sip quickly, I don't even know if this thing works well."

"If it's no good, just leave it."

Seeing the expectant look in Hulena's eyes, Luo Yu forced a smile and said jokingly, "What are you trying to sell in this mysteriously, you need to tell me what this is before I can drink it."

Hulena thought to herself that men were usually quite sensitive about certain issues, and if she mentioned it outright, would Brother Yu feel embarrassed and just leave?

That won't do! She had to pretend to know nothing at all.

She must respect Brother Yu's male pride.

Having made up her mind, Hulena said with a smile, "Brother Yu, you've just arrived at the Martial Soul Hall, and Nana doesn't have much to give you.

This stuff can strengthen the body, improve blood circulation, significantly enhance physical functions, and boost vitality—it's like a welcome gift from Nana."

Luo Yu's mouth twitched. The way she described it and its supposed effects, why did it sound like the street stall ads for a power pill??

He originally wanted to refuse outright, but seeing Hulena's hopeful gaze and the enticing light pink color inside the bottle.

He had to admit, he had never seen such a thing before.

Maybe he should give it a try?

He wasn't worried about poison.

Firstly, his Immaculate Divine Body, forged by the Tribulation-Crossing Golden Lotus, was immune to all toxins.

Secondly, he did not believe Hulena would harm him.


He uncorked the bottle, and a fragrant aroma wafted through the air.

Under Hulena's watchful eyes, Luo Yu took a small sip.


Luo Yu's eyes brightened with surprise as he looked at the girl.

"Is this alcohol?"

"Entering the mouth, it was smooth and slightly sweet, with a subtle aroma that tantalized the taste buds, and it seemed to carry a bit of warmth as it flowed down the throat, bringing a sense of warmth to the belly."

Seeing Luo Yu's pleased reaction, Hulena smiled even sweeter.

"Brother Yu, if you like it, drink it all; it was specially sought out by Nana to give to you."

"You've put in a lot of effort; I really like this drink."

Having said that, Luo Yu took a big gulp this time, drinking heartily.

Hulena's smile grew even sweeter, thinking to herself that she was such a clever little spirit for resolving a big problem for Brother Yu.

"This drink is really good, why don't you try a sip too?" Luo Yu suggested, shaking the jade bottle contentedly.

"No need, Nana doesn't need it."

"Hm? You don't need it??" Luo Yu looked puzzled.

Hulena waved her hands repeatedly, changing the subject, "So, Brother Yu, after drinking this, do you feel any better, not so weak anymore?"


Luo Yu felt there was something quite not right, "Nana, I don't quite understand what you are saying. Is there something wrong with this drink?"

Hulena shook her head innocently.

"What could be wrong? It's just a tonic with a good taste. Since we've already got our stuff, let's hurry on our way."

"Wait a minute!"

Luo Yu tilted his head back and finished the bottle in one gulp.

He then took out a silver kettle from his spatial storage pouch at his waist.

He held the jade bottle against the spout.

Milky white liquid flowed from the kettle, quickly filling up the small bottle.

"Brother Yu, what are you doing?" Hulena asked curiously.

The man placed the jade bottle on the ground, a faint smile on his face.

"Didn't you say we were here to borrow, so naturally, we should return what we take."

"I, Luo Yu, have never taken advantage of others in my life, so this spiritual liquid can be considered a gift in return."

Hulena's body trembled slightly, and she looked deeply into the man's face with its faint smile, feeling an invisible charm radiating from him, which made her heart inexplicably flutter.

Looks and strength might capture attention, but it's the character revealed in every action that truly touches the heart.

Even if they took everything here, the original owner would not know who was responsible.

The milky white spiritual liquid obviously was a rarity, yet Luo Yu chose to leave it as compensation.

"Let's go, Brother Yu." Hulena didn't bring up what had just happened, but her voice had a few extra notes of admiration and affection.

"Wait a moment!" Luo Yu's voice suddenly turned a bit deeper.

"What's going on?"

"Don't you feel it's a bit hot in this room?" Luo Yu could not help but loosen his collar.

Hulena looked up, her exclamation filled with shock.

"Brother Yu, why has your face turned so red???"