
Chapter 28 The Goddess Steals Something, How Thrilling!_1

Translator: 549690339


Martial Soul Hall, a majestic complex of grand halls stood tall.

On the spacious main road paved with blue bricks, a stunning pair strolled through.

In an instant, they triggered a sensation among the crowd inside the hall.

The woman's exceptional beauty was captivating, her red lips glistening, and her beautiful eyes expressive with allure. Beneath her shorts, her long, straight, jade-like legs were flawlessly perfect, making it hard for one to resist the urge to caress them.

The man was tall and strapping, walking with the grace of a dragon and the ferocity of a tiger. His features were as though he were a banished immortal from beyond the heavens, and despite his seemingly nonchalant gaze, his eyes flickered like purple lightning, deep and enchanting.

"Wow, who the heck is this guy? He's cozying up with the goddess."

"This brother is awesome, he even managed to hook up with our pure-hearted goddess?"

"What's going on, for real? Could it be the goddess actually has a suitor?"

Exclamations continued one after another, as surrounding disciples of Spirit Hall rubbed their eyes repeatedly, at first thinking they were hallucinating, since the goddess was as prideful as the Empress herself.

Like them, these people were all talented, celebrated figures in their own right.

But when it came to pursuing the goddess, they'd lose their nerve before they even started.

Sorry, we all know our place, we're not worthy!

"No way! It's not a hallucination, the goddess is really walking so close with a man."

"And they're laughing and chatting?"

"Could it be, the goddess is in love?"

"It's highly likely, when have you ever seen the goddess stroll so closely with a man, arm in arm, holding hands, huh?"

A disciple wailed as if mourning the loss of a wife, "Awooo, such a brilliant gem of Spirit Hall, could it have been rooted out by a swine?"

Someone immediately couldn't take it anymore and cast a disdainful look.

"Heh, who are you calling a pig?"

"Which of your eyes is blind? Maybe I should just blind the other one for you, since it's useless anyway."

"You don't have the guts to take a look at yourself, do you even have one-tenth of his handsomeness?"

"Even with this young man's looks, he's still slightly not on par with the goddess. I'd have to be added into the mix."

"Tch, crazy about love, shameless."

"Bang bang," the Great Han shook his fists confidently, "What's the use of being handsome? Can you eat it? Might makes right here, real men speak with strength."

"Please, save it."

Someone couldn't help bursting his bubble from the side, "Don't tell me you haven't heard the news yet, our Spirit Hall measured a devilishly talented prodigy yesterday."

"Twin Martial Souls, Innate Level Forty Soul Power!"

"If I'm not mistaken, that should be this guy right here. How can your brute strength compare to his?"

"Sss! I've heard about that."

The previously confident and proud Great Han suddenly deflated, questioning, "Could it all be fake?"

Someone got excited on the spot, "Fake my foot! My grandpa was there, and they say this guy's talent is seriously fierce, the Elders commented that he's a once-in-a-thousand-year prodigy."

"Is this guy even the same species as us? This is outrageous."

"Who cares if it's outrageous or not, the fact is before your eyes. This guy is boss-level, and anyone with a brain would cozy up to him or stay out of his way, he can't be messed with!"

The previously pompous Great Han instantly shrank his neck and retreated back into the crowd, cautiously eyeing towards the goddess, worried that his earlier remarks had been overheard.

Someone said with a sly grin, "Should I go over now and introduce myself, get to know the future big-shot?"

"Are you brain-dead? They're in the middle of sweet talk, and you want to butt in? Don't want to live?"

"Sss... Right! Thanks for saving my life."

Meanwhile, Hulena, eavesdropping on their conversation with a bemused expression, blushed faintly.

Upon hearing others pairing her with Luo Yu, rather than being repulsed, she felt an indescribable sensation, tinged with a hint of shyness.

She sneakily glanced at the man, noticing that he seemed to be lost in thought with furrowed brows.

Hulena whispered, "Brother Yu, they're all discussing you over there, don't you have any reaction?"

"This is troublesome." Luo Yu frowned.

"What's troublesome?" Hulena was surprised, "You're now the star of Spirit Hall, who would dare trouble you?"


Luo Yu shook his head, "Think about it, all these disciples from the Martial Soul Hall now know about me, which means this news could definitely reach the ears of the various powers. What do you think they'll do?"

Hulena's expression froze slightly, her beautiful eyes pondering before she analyzed, "They would quickly seek out information about you, learn what you're all about, and then either try to win you over or eradicate you?"

Luo Yu glanced at her sideways, "You catch on fast, don't you?"

"Tch, my position as the goddess wasn't just handed to me." Hulena said with haughty coquettishness.

Luo Yu spread his hands, "Now you understand why I was sighing, right?"

Hulena rolled her eyes, "What's there to panic about? Our Martial Soul Hall is big and influential enough to protect you completely."

"I'm going to have to leave the Martial Soul Hall sooner or later, anyway."

"What? You're going to leave the Martial Soul Hall?"

At these words, Hulena instantly became tense.

At this moment, she wasn't concerned about whether the Martial Soul Hall would lose a talent, but rather about her own girlish whims.

As if he hadn't noticed Hulena's mood, Luo Yu said to himself, "I'm not worried about personal safety. What I hate is having each of these powers coming to bother me. Can I ever have a quiet day? It's so annoying it could kill."

Hulena concealed the nervousness in her heart and grinned, "Yeah, these powers will definitely send spies to monitor you every day. The moment you step outside, who knows how many of them will jump out to try and recruit you."

"But if you stay within the Martial Soul Hall, none of them would dare make a move."

Luo Yu nodded absent-mindedly, beginning to contemplate countermeasures in secrecy.

He definitely couldn't stay here forever; there were still so many sights he hadn't properly seen in Soul Land.

Furthermore, there was no need to think about it – with the System's nature, it would certainly lock onto girls like Xiaowu sooner or later.

Could he just not leave?

Besides, he didn't covet the power of the Martial Soul Hall. Not to mention anything else, the Pope of Spirit Hall was his woman.

It seemed like he had to think of a comprehensive plan to shake off these persistent annoyances so they wouldn't bother him.

While he was pondering, Hulena took Luo Yu to a dark purple glazed-tiled palace.

"This is where you live?"

"Shh!" Hulena pressed her finger to her lips.

Seeing the palace doors locked, Hulena let out a sigh of relief and seemed excited.

She gestured for Luo Yu to follow her, leaped high onto the roof, and pried off some of the glazed tiles covering the palace dome.

With decisive action, she leaped in as if she were a female thief, diving straight into the house.


Luo Yu was shocked.

"Is she planning on taking me to steal stuff?"

"Not waiting for nighttime and doing misdeeds in broad daylight, isn't this a bit too brazen?"

"Come in fast!" Hulena gestured impatiently from below with her mouth wide open.

"Tsk, the goddess leading a theft, how thrilling!" Luo Yu smirked with amusement, swiftly landed, and wanted to see what the woman was about to drag him into.

"Follow me!" Hulena beckoned.

Luo Yu said weirdly, "We're out here stealing things, and doing it in broad daylight is one thing, but aren't we even going to wear masks? This is so unprofessional."

Hulena pouted her red lips and shook her head, "What are you talking about? This isn't called stealing, it's called borrowing!!"

"You came here to steal—"

"No, to borrow something? What exactly?"

Luo Yu was extremely puzzled. What could the goddess of the Martial Soul Hall possibly lack to the point she needed to resort to borrowing?

Biting her thin lips and with a flush on her face, Hulena said, "Don't ask, the owner doesn't know when he'll be back, and there must be something here that you need. Let's find it before we talk further."

"What do I need? How come I don't know about it." Luo Yu was bewildered, but Hulena had already started searching the house.

She eventually triggered a mechanism on a vase in the corner, with a click.

A gray stone wall in the room began to move downward slowly, revealing a black entrance and a flight of extending stone stairs...