
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

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51 Chs

Chapitre 39

Chapter 39

Author: Ye Xunyang

"If you have anything, just tell my brother. With my brother here, I won't let others hurt you, okay?"

"It's the stars in the sky, the moon, you can pick one off and give it to you!"

Chiba reached out and helped her wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Xiao Wu was suddenly inexplicably moved. Since her mother left, she has not been cared about by anyone.

Always sad, sad, insecure, no one to protect myself.

But today, someone said to protect herself, how could she not be moved.

"Xiao Wu, don't be sad, brother will do what he says, and will definitely protect you." Qianye Bu shook Bilian's words.

"Really?" Xiao Wu was dubious.

Chiba nodded: "Well, as long as you believe it is true, if you don't believe it, I won't force it, there will be a future."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

Chiba believed that Xiao Wu would not let herself leave easily.

Only by walking cleanly can she relax her doubts and believe in herself.

"I, trust you!" Sure enough, Xiao Wu caught up and stretched out her hands to stop him from leaving.

Qianye pretended to be serious: "Xiao Wu, do you live here alone?"

Xiao Wu hesitated: "Well, my mother is no longer here, I am the only one with Daming and Erming."

"Da Ming, Er Ming?" He naturally knew that Da Ming in Xiao Wu's mouth was the Sky Blue Bull Python, and Er Ming was the Titan Giant Ape.

But know, can not say.

Otherwise, Xiao Wu would not just question, but would launch an attack.

"Well, Daming and Erming are my good friends."

"So it is!" Chiba understood that the Azure Bull Python was hiding in the lake, and the Giant Titan Ape was hiding on the shore.

Once they find that they are not good for Xiao Wu, they will attack themselves.

Chiba felt that, with his current strength, to defeat Daming and Erming, the odds of winning were obviously low.

A safe retreat is not a problem.

With twenty-four wings, it is not a sight, nor is it a decoration, flying away from the sky, they can't catch up.

What's more, there is also the trump card of the White Dragon Guardian Spirit.

As long as the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena, the Beast God Emperor Tian, ​​and the Zi Ji three dragons don't go into action, they'll be fine.

Xiao Wu took Qianye's hand and asked him to sit by the lake, then went to pick a few wild fruits to enjoy with him.

After Chiba finished eating the fruit in her hand, she suddenly had an idea, took out the carrots made in advance from the Ring Soul Guidance Tool, and gave them to two of her.

I took one myself and ate it.

"Carrots!" Xiao Wu was moved with snot and tears, eating from the left and the right.

She has loved carrots since she was a child.

Before, it was her mother who found carrots from outside and brought them back to her to eat.

Now that my mother is gone, she has not eaten carrots for a long time.

"Qianba, your carrots are so delicious, thank you!" Xiao Wu couldn't help thanking her with relish.

After eating the carrots, Qianye suddenly saw Xiao Wu's scorpion braid, and she had a plan in her heart. While playing with it, she said, "Xiao Wu, you see your hair is messed up, let brother wash it for you?"

"Really... is it alright?" Xiao Wu was very concerned about her hair, the scorpion braid.

After all, her hair was handled by her mother before.

The scorpion braid was also made by her mother for her.

It was her memory of her mother, and it was also the proof that her mother gave her.

"Well, let's start!" Qianye didn't say much, took Xiao Wu Bai Nen's little hand to the lake, untied her hair, and began to wash her carefully.

Xiao Wu lowered her head and asked him to help wash her hair. She thought of the scene of Mother Rabbit washing her hair, and her unmoved tears flowed.

With that pitiful little appearance, even Chiba, a hard-hearted handsome man, couldn't bear it.

Chiba washes Xiao Wu, washes, washes, wholeheartedly, concentrates.

When Xiao Wu saw it, she became more and more moved, and the tears fell from her eyes, like pear blossoms in a torrential rain.

Qianye reckoned that if Xiao Wu continued like this, her tears would converge into a river and drown most of the Douluo Continent.

After half an hour, Chiba finally helped Xiao Wu to wash her head, and by the way, she helped her take a bath, and her clothes were washed and dried on a wooden stand.

Let Xiao Wu's whole body, from the inside out, look brand new.

In the evening, Chiba caught a few fish from the lake, roasted a few carrots, and enjoyed dinner with Xiao Wu.

After dinner, Chiba jumped into the lake and took a good bath before going to bed.


The next day, early in the morning.

Chiba opened her eyes, let out a sigh of relief, and sighed that she had been in the Great Star Dou Forest for more than half a month. Last night, she finally went to bed and slept well.

Just as she was about to get up, she saw Zhengxiang Xiao Wu sleeping in her arms. She really couldn't bear to wake her up.

Chiba gently opened her hands, got up, and went outside the bedroom.

The sun shines on him, warm and very useful.


ten days later.

In a blink of an eye, Chiba stayed on the island in the heart of the lake for ten days, and it was time to leave and go back.

Chiba and Xiao Wu had a very hearty breakfast. In addition to grilled fish, carrots, and various wild fruits, the two of them enjoyed it.

Halfway through the meal, Qianye thought that she was about to leave, so she had to say hello to Xiao Wu first: "Xiao Wu, do I have something to tell you?"

"Brother Ye, what do you think?" After ten days of getting along, Xiao Wu had already called him Brother Ye directly from Qianye.

It can be seen that she already trusts Chiba.

"Well, I'm going home this afternoon!" Chiba said sternly.


Xiao Wu was startled, her face full of reluctance: "Brother Ye, I don't agree with you to leave, and I won't allow you to leave Xiao Wu!"

It seemed that Xiao Wu was already reluctant to part with herself, but she had to leave.

He originally wanted to take her away, but Bibi Dong knew her and brought her to the Wuhun Hall, fearing that she would be in bad luck, so he gave up this plan.

"That little dance, I have something to do when I go home, but don't worry, I will come back to see you when I have time."

"Are you really in trouble?" Xiao Wu asked again.

Hope he changes his mind and doesn't leave.

Chiba nodded affirmatively, and he didn't lie to her: "Well, trust me, okay? My little dance!"

Seeing that he insisted on leaving, Xiao Wu's heart was about to break. After thinking about it, she finally nodded and said, "So brother Ye, as long as you keep your word and come back to see me in the future, will I allow you to leave?!"

Chapter 43: The Delicate Hu Liena

"Xiao Wu, this is natural, brother's words are counted." Qianye said seriously.

Not a bit of a lie.

He doesn't lie either, he always speaks.

It won't lie to Xiao Wu.

Chiba didn't say much, then waved to Xiao Wu, and with a stroke of the snow-less traceless skill, she floated up on the lake.

Hurry up, hurry away!

Seeing Qianye running in such a hurry, Xiao Wu looked resentful: "Humph! Brother Ye, you are running so fast, are your legs rented and waiting to be paid back?"

She is very unhappy!

cried again.

In the end, Xiao Wu finally waved her tears and looked at Qianye's retreating back, disappearing into the bushes in the distance: "Brother Ye, the dead ghost... You are so bad!"


Suddenly, something about 100 meters tall emerged from the water.

I saw its bull head and snake body, it was the Great Tomorrow Green Bull.

bang bang bang~

At this moment, behind the bushes by the lake, another huge thing jumped out and looked towards Xiao Wu.

It is the Erming Titan Giant Ape.

"Sister Wu, since you are reluctant to let Brother Ye go, why don't you keep him?" Tian Qing Niu Mang asked.

"Yeah, Miss Wu, as long as you say a word, Erming will immediately go over and chase Brother Ye back to you." The Titan Giant Ape suggested and looked towards the side where Qianye left.

Xiao Wu did not immediately answer the words of the two beasts, her eyes still stayed in the direction just now: "Brother Ye said, he will come back to see Xiao Wu!"


Daming, Erming sighed, not knowing what to say.


A few days later, Chiba returned to Spirit Hall Academy and lived the life of a student again.

Today, he is a sixty-sixth-level Soul Emperor, and he is not an ordinary arrogant.

The concentration camp of Wuhundian Academy is a place specially adopted for orphans.

Most of these orphans were the children of spirit masters, and most of them were the orphans of spirit masters who died in battle in the Spirit Hall.

Chiba is fine in the afternoon, so I plan to go and have a look.

Of course, he wasn't panicking in his spare time, he was mainly looking at someone.

Her name is Hu Liena.

Also known as, the Holy Maiden of Spirit Hall.

Of course, not yet.

Hu Liena, whose parents died, and her brother were adopted by Wuhundian in the concentration camp of Wuhundian Academy since she was a child.

Now, she is five years old.

In a few months, he will be six years old, and it will be time to awaken his martial soul.

Chiba walked into the concentration camp and saw a group of children playing on the playground.

These children, the oldest only five years old, and the youngest two or three years old, are a group of children.

The reason why there is no one over the age of six is ​​because once the age of six is ​​reached, the awakened martial arts will go to study.

Chiba's eyes shot on these children, and finally fell on a little girl and locked her.

I saw that she was very charming when she was young, and when she grew up, she was even more enchanting and charming.

"Brother Ye, you haven't seen Nana for a long time!" After seeing Qianye, the delicate Hu Liena hurriedly jumped up and hugged one of his thighs.

A pair of eyes, full of resentment.

The main reason is that Chiba didn't come to see her for so long.

Reluctant to let go.

Of course, it was not the first time that Chiba came to see Hu Liena, but since she entered the concentration camp of Wuhundian Academy, she came to play with her.

Otherwise, Hu Liena wouldn't have rushed over so enthusiastically when she saw him, throwing her arms in her arms.