
Douluo: Martial Spirit Black Turtle, anti-armor critical attack!

This is a translation! Read 20 chapters in adavnce here: patreon.com/TibeTranslation ---- Once Huang Wei traveled across the Douluo Continent, he awakened the Black Turtle, a martial soul full of innate soul power. Join Spirit Hall and become Bibi Dong’s personal disciple! Fighting, I don't like it! I love lying down comfy! Hit me, very good. I will activate my martial spirit. You guys fight slowly! Huang Wei also activated the turtle invincibility system, activated the turtle clan's talent of turtle longevity, and at the same time clicked on all defenses. No matter what blue silver entanglement you have, what mainland Clear Sky Hammer, or Seven Killing Sword, I will use a turtle shell to suppress it! Chen Xin: You may not believe it. I wanted to try this turtle shell, but... the Seven Kills Sword broke into pieces! Tang Hao: My mainland's first martial spirit weapon, the Clear Sky Hammer, actually broke into pieces! Tang San: Don't come over! Blue and silver winding! Looking at the increasingly terrifying Huang Wei, the enemy fell into deep thought. Please stop being defensive!

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Chapter 7 Star Dou Forest, Thorn-armored Turtle

After hearing what Bibi Dong said, Huang Wei was immediately overjoyed. This was the effect he wanted.

He is a defensive turtle martial spirit, and his life will be very easy in the future. Once he is familiar with it, he can be lazy.

The most important thing for people is to live freely and relaxedly.

Now that I have a martial soul, I am still a black turtle, and I have also started to have the talent of turtle longevity.

However, joining the Spirit Hall and becoming Bibi Dong's disciple meant becoming enemies with Tang San and his group.

But for him, it's not a big problem, because there is a system that will wait until his defense improves.

In the future, he will rebound and blow up the so-called Clear Sky Hammer.

With him here, Spirit Hall will definitely be able to rule the continent in this life!

When I live a long and comfortable life, I also want to change some things in my destiny.

Huang Wei immediately bowed to Bibi Dong and said, "I do, teacher!"

"Very good, from now on you will be my second direct disciple, Bibi Dong." Bibi Dong said with satisfaction.

Then a necklace made of red crystal appeared in her hand. She handed it to Huang Wei and said: "This is a meeting gift for my master. This one is called the red crystal chain. It is a soul guide. It contains thirty cubic meters of Meters of storage space. There are also some cultivation resources prepared for you by Master."

"Thank you teacher!"

Huang Wei happily took it. He didn't expect that this was a soul guide. It was really good-looking and transparent.

He quickly put it on around his neck and saw that it fit perfectly.

Bibi Dong was also satisfied.

"You can go back first. I will personally take him to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for the first soul ring."

Bibi Dong said to the person behind him, and then looked at Salas: "You can handle Su Yuntao's matter."

"His Majesty the Pope!"

Everyone behind him bowed his hands.

After that, a carriage headed directly towards the Star Forest.

Only Huang Wei and Bibi Dong were in the car.

After they left, Yue Guan and Gui Mei also returned to the Pope's Palace. At this time, Salas took out a certificate and announced: "Su Yuntao has awakened the innate soul power and has great merits. The Pope's awakening will save you from Deacon in white has been upgraded to the position of branch elder, with a bonus of 100,000 gold soul coins. I hope you will continue your efforts!"

Su Yuntao and the people in the palace were immediately excited and envious when they heard it.

"Yes, sir!"

Su Yuntao was overjoyed when he heard this. He completely forgot about the pain in his hands. In addition to the treatment from the healing soul masters, he was now in a state of recovery.

Innate soul power is so valuable.

He remembered that in addition to Huang Wei, there was also a child in Holy Soul Village who had also awakened the innate full soul power.

But the martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass, and the other party has no intention of joining the Spirit Hall. What's more, a useless martial spirit will never be taken seriously by the superiors.

He just reported it as normal procedure.

At the time of his canonization.

The voice of the system sounded in Huang Wei's mind in the carriage.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission. The reward: anti-armor critical hit + turtle shell enhancement. Already distributed."

As the sound of the system fell, Huang Wei suddenly felt an inexplicable heat in his body, which quickly disappeared.

Now he felt himself even harder.

I was extremely excited.

This is the effect you want.

He is very curious now, not knowing what level of soul master's attack his current defense can withstand.

Bibi Dong said: "Xiao Wei, have you thought about the direction in which your martial spirit will develop?"

Huang Wei said: "I don't know much about this. Teacher, with your knowledge, which path do you think is most suitable for this disciple's martial spirit?"

"As a turtle clan, the most eye-catching thing is the turtle shell. The turtle shell has very terrifying defensive power. You just didn't get the first soul ring, and you attacked Su Yuntao who used level 15 soul power to attack lightly. It was easy to resist, and it also caused reverse damage to him."

"So the teacher recommends that you directly take the route of defense or being able to rebound attacks."

Bibi Dong's expression at this moment was not as cold as in the Pope's Palace, but rather gentle.

Like a mother who teaches her children seriously.

Huang Wei nodded: "Okay, I'll listen to the teacher. Let's find a soul beast from the turtle family. My martial spirit is also a turtle, so it should be absorbed more smoothly than those from different races?"

Just let nature take its course and push the target to the tortoise soul beast.

Bibi Dong nodded and decided to find turtles for Huang Wei.

The carriage moved quickly.

Soon we arrived at the Star Dou Forest.

She could actually go to the Soul Hunting Forest, but there were too few types of soul beasts in that place.

Bibi Dong quickly searched in her mind for a turtle suitable to be Huang Wei's first soul ring.

It's called Jing Jia Earth Turtle.

The carriage arrived at the Star Forest and the two quickly got out of the carriage.

"Don't leave the teacher's side for a while." Bibi Dong said softly.

"Yes, I understand, teacher." Huang Wei nodded obediently.

Following Bibi Dong, I looked at her long legs, so white and tender, I really wanted to touch them and pinch them.

Moreover, Bibi Dong's twisted waist and plump buttocks made Huang Wei, a time traveler of two generations, excited and excited.

Just like that, without knowing it, the two of them stepped into the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

A terrifying soul power appeared on Bibi Dong's body, knocking back the surrounding soul beasts.

Go directly towards the soil and rock formations.

With Bibi Dong leading the way, it was a smooth journey, and not a single soul beast dared to come out to cause trouble.

After arriving at the earth and rock layer, she restrained her aura.

The powerful mental power scanned the surroundings.

He said to Huang Wei: "Xiao Wei, wait for the teacher here. He will be back soon."

As he said that, the gem scepter in his hand was a little bit in the air, and an energy shield enveloped Huang Wei.

Then her figure disappeared.

Huang Wei activated his martial spirit, and the Black Turtle appeared, wearing a green body-hugging armor. His whole body became cool, and the aura of Turtle Dominance rose.

Silently thinking about defense in his heart, he directly entered a defensive state under a layer of tortoise shell.

Bibi Dong appeared again, already at the foot of a rocky valley, and happened to see a thorn-shelled turtle.

At this time the turtle was looking for food.

She observed the other person's figure and judged the approximate age of this guy.

"Four hundred and fifty years..." She frowned. Generally speaking, the maximum number of years a soul master's first soul ring can withstand is four hundred and twenty-three years.

But the one in front of me is twenty-seven years too long.

Bibi Dong said softly: "Xiao Wei's martial spirit is a black turtle. With such a strong defense, his bloodline must also be very strong. He has a natural compatibility with the turtle family. Maybe you can give him a try. If it doesn't work, find another one if you can, you can break the limit."

She decided to give her disciple a chance to challenge.

Of course, you also need to ask the other party if they are willing.

The next second, the coercion of a titled Douluo appeared on her body, pressing towards the Jingjia Turtle.

The thorn-shelled turtle that was looking for food suddenly turned pale in fright, felt something was wrong, and wanted to run away.

But the next second, he was knocked unconscious by a powerful force.

Then he was carried away by a woman.