
Douluo: Martial Spirit Black Turtle, anti-armor critical attack!

This is a translation! Read 20 chapters in adavnce here: patreon.com/TibeTranslation ---- Once Huang Wei traveled across the Douluo Continent, he awakened the Black Turtle, a martial soul full of innate soul power. Join Spirit Hall and become Bibi Dong’s personal disciple! Fighting, I don't like it! I love lying down comfy! Hit me, very good. I will activate my martial spirit. You guys fight slowly! Huang Wei also activated the turtle invincibility system, activated the turtle clan's talent of turtle longevity, and at the same time clicked on all defenses. No matter what blue silver entanglement you have, what mainland Clear Sky Hammer, or Seven Killing Sword, I will use a turtle shell to suppress it! Chen Xin: You may not believe it. I wanted to try this turtle shell, but... the Seven Kills Sword broke into pieces! Tang Hao: My mainland's first martial spirit weapon, the Clear Sky Hammer, actually broke into pieces! Tang San: Don't come over! Blue and silver winding! Looking at the increasingly terrifying Huang Wei, the enemy fell into deep thought. Please stop being defensive!

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Chapter 6 Bibi Dong’s personal visit, amazing defense power

After hearing this reward, everyone was envious.

There is no limit to promotion. No matter how you get promoted, it will definitely not be as high as the status of the three of them.

As for the reward of one hundred thousand gold soul coins later.

Good guy, this is equivalent to their income for half a year or even more than a year.

Very envious.

One hundred thousand gold soul coins can do a lot of things.

Salas nodded immediately: "Yes!"

"He is now living in the branch hall and is very safe."

Bibi Dong pondered for a moment and said, "It's getting late now. I'll go there in person tomorrow and take him to hunt for the first soul ring."

"Okay, you all go down."

"His Majesty the Pope!"


The next morning.

A luxurious motorcade arrived in front of the Martial Spirit Branch Hall in Notting City.

Two long legs stretched out from it.

The person who came out was none other than Pope Bibi Dong.

In addition, Yue Guan and Ghost followed behind him.

There is also a Salas.

When the people in the branch hall saw this, they all knelt down in fear.

"I have seen His Majesty the Pope!"

Matthew Nuo panicked: "I didn't expect to alert His Majesty the Pope and ask you to come down in person. Wouldn't this be too much of a fight?"

Bibi Dong said expressionlessly: "It doesn't matter, the value of an innate soul power is far more valuable than you think. There is no room for loss."

"Yes!" Matthew Nuo nodded.

"Where is that little guy?" Bibi Dong asked with her long eyelashes twitching.

"He hasn't gotten up in the room yet." Mathieu Nuo said immediately, sweating profusely. He had no choice but to stand here. Bibi Dong naturally exuded a royal aura, which frightened him.

"It's unreasonable. His Majesty the Pope comes here in person, and that boy still dares to sleep? He must be taught a lesson!"

When the ghost on the side heard this, he immediately spoke angrily.

Bibi Dong waved her hand: "He doesn't know, I can't blame him."

"Take us to his room." Bibi Dong looked at Matthew Nuo.

"Yes!" Matthew Nuo nodded.

Lead the way immediately.

In the room at this moment, Huang Wei was sleeping soundly, his mouth was drooling, and he seemed to be having some sweet dream.

Showing a lewd smile.

Suddenly, the sound of a door opening woke him up from his dream.

The time traveler suddenly got angry when he got up, and said angrily: "Who are you, are you polite? Open the door so early in the morning, I am having a sweet dream!"

The few people who were coming in were stunned when they heard Huang Wei's childish angry roar.

When Mathieu Nuo heard this, he was immediately frightened. His back felt cold, and he thought secretly in his heart: Darling, shut up!

Then he looked at Bibi Dong quietly.

I found that her face was calm and not much changed.

However, Yue Guan and Gui Mei immediately stopped talking: "Little brat, open your eyes and let me see clearly who is coming!"

"His Majesty the Pope came to pick you up in person, so you can just have fun! He even asked His Majesty the Pope to come up in person to wake you up. Who do you think you are?!"

Ghost said angrily.

The sudden voice immediately brought Huang Wei back to his senses.

He looked at the three strangers in front of him, but they felt very familiar.

The next second I remembered, weren't these Yue Guan, Gui Mei and Bibi Dong?

This is exactly the same as the image in the anime!

It's fake if you can't recognize it.

"What an interesting little guy." Bibi Dong held the scepter in hand and walked over slowly.

Huang Wei was a little nervous. After all, it was the first time he faced such a scene. He immediately got out of bed and looked at the woman walking over with as calm a look as possible.

"Hello, Sister Pope, I am Huang Wei. Just call me Xiao Wei."

As he spoke, he showed an innocent smile.

As soon as this title came out, the whole place fell silent again.

Sister Pope?

The mouths of the people behind him were twitching, and some of their veins were exposed.

The ghosts were a little furious.

Mathieu Nuo was so frightened that he almost fainted.

Bibi Dong was in a daze when she heard the little guy in front of her call her. No one had ever called her this name before.

What a strange and touching title.

Just when the ghost wanted to reprimand the guy in front of him.

Bibi Dong stopped him with his jade hands.

Her red lips raised slightly and she said, "Xiao Wei, can you let me see your martial spirit?"

Huang Wei nodded and smiled: "Of course!"

"Possessed by a black turtle!"

Then the voice rose.

A huge black turtle suddenly appeared on his body.

The face is like a bird, the tail is like a snake, and there is a huge tortoise shell in the center.

His eyes are sharp and possess great power.

Comes with the power of a turtle.

Huang Wei's body was once again covered with a layer of close-fitting turquoise armor, with yellow eyes and sharp pupils, and his body was tall and strong.

The whole person's temperament has undergone a huge sublimation.

"Isn't this too big?"

Yue Guan and others behind him were shocked.

The black turtle in front of them was the largest martial spirit they had ever seen, and it was even bigger than that black turtle.

And it is not possessed, but suspended above Huang Wei.

It always gives people an unusual feeling.

Bibi Dong looked at each other and could tell that the martial spirit of the black turtle in front of her was extraordinary.

And he also clearly sensed that the other party had exactly tenth level soul power.

"Very good."

Bibi Dong nodded with satisfaction and asked: "How do you feel after the martial spirit is activated?"

Huang Wei answered truthfully: "My defense has become very strong."

"Oh, it's very strong..." Bibi Dong guessed in her mind, wondering if this kind of strength is the same as those defensive spirits?

And she wasn't surprised to see the defense increase.

So she said: "Little guy, let's go down and find someone to test it out."

"Okay." Huang Wei nodded and followed.

Soon everyone arrived at the open space on the first floor.

Bibi Dong looked at Su Yuntao and said: "Su Yuntao, activate the martial spirit and use the power of the soul master to attack Xiao Wei."

"Ah, yes!" Su Yuntao nodded. He understood that this was to test Huang Wei's martial spirit's defense.

"Possessed by a lone wolf!"

He summoned the martial soul and directly used the soul master's normal attack to blast towards Huang Wei.

"Defense!" Huang Wei smiled slightly, with a thought in his mind.

The next moment, a tortoise shell appeared on his body, and at the same time he felt the defensive energy brought by the thorn armor fused into the tortoise shell.

Su Yuntao gathered his soul power, used his first soul skill, and landed a punch.

Bang! ....

However, the next second, the tortoise shell did nothing and did not move at all. Moreover, Su Yuntao felt that he was hit by some kind of force, and immediately flew backwards.

He fell to the ground with a thud.

"Ah, my hand hurts so much... It seems to be broken..." Su Yuntao wailed, sweating profusely, covering his drooping right arm and shouting in pain.

"How could it be possible?!" Everyone was shocked.

"It's really broken." Yue Guan and Gui Mei sensed it and were shocked.

Bibi Dong's eyelashes fluttered, and she also had a look of surprise on her face.

"Quickly, let the healing soul master come over." Salas shouted.

Soon the healing soul master from the branch hall came over to treat Su Yuntao.

His pain gradually disappeared, and the bones in his arm healed.

"You haven't even obtained the soul ring yet, but you have such amazing defensive power, and it seems to be able to rebound other people's attack power. Yes, this martial soul is very good!"

Bibi Dong praised it.

If you add soul rings, how amazing will the defense be?

Bibi Dong looked at Huang Wei gently and said softly: "Xiao Wei, are you willing to worship me as your teacher?"