
Chapter 271: The Battle Between Men!_1

Translator: 549690339


"What, they've already fallen out?"

Some audience members now wore an utterly incredulous expression.

To them, this seemed somewhat impossible!

"What are you thinking, how could my dear uncle possibly fall out with me!"

Hearing this, there were some who said disapprovingly.

"Indeed, I also feel that, under normal circumstances, my uncle wouldn't fall out with me. So, I'm guessing that he might go easy during the fight with Shrek Academy!"

Some thought Yu Tianheng would throw the fight.

"Tian Heng, there's no way you can't beat Tang San. I've told you before that if you want to improve quickly, you should learn from my disciple. But you just wouldn't listen, insisting on hanging out with those unserious people!"

Master muttered to himself at this moment.

In his eyes, his nephew doing well to last a minute would be quite impressive.

Even less than a minute.

Actually, he should have gone over to persuade the other party.

As a direct descendant of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan and the future clan head,

It would be so embarrassing to get beaten up by his own disciple today, right?

After all, the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan also cares about its face.

They are one of the upper three families, after all!

"Tang San! You will pay for what you've done!!"

Yu Tianheng was seen opening his mouth to speak.

His voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth!

"Oh, is that so? Too bad I'm tired of hearing that!"

Tang San's lips curled up slightly at this point.

Yu Tianheng's thinking was just too naïve.

Really thinking he could beat him!

In the end, he would only be trampled by Tang San.

A mediocre person will always be just that.

Trampled by Tang San in the past, and now the same would happen.

This was the law of Tang San.

Once defeated by him, later, they would only be more comfortably beaten by him.

How should it be put?

For example, in the grand soul fighting arena of Soto City, beating him took half an hour. In the future, it would only take less and less time.

Like now, with his level at 62 and the other at 55—a difference of seven levels.

If Tang San wished, he could dispose of the other in seven seconds.

Of course, he chose to be conservative now.

After all, behind Yu Tianheng was a Ye Feng.

He had to save some strength to face Ye Feng, didn't he?

This time he would let the other side suffer a bit in the advancement match.



The scene was boiling over.

For some reason, everyone felt that this was going to be an exceptionally thrilling fight!!

"Alright, I now declare the start of the match!!"

The host shouted loudly.

"Tang San, 62nd-level control-class Soul Emperor, I hope you won't lose too badly!"

Tang San sneered as he looked at Yu Tianheng.

Then, six soul rings emerged!

Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black.

"Six rings, ten thousand years."

Ye Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. Perhaps because Xiaowu hadn't made her sacrifice yet,

His sixth soul ring was still black.

Or perhaps, under his pressure, Tang San had rushed it.

But even with six rings, Tian Heng might not necessarily lose.

It could only be said that it would depend on how good Tian Heng's own fighting consciousness was at the moment.

If the fighting consciousness was very good, he might somewhat have a chance of winning.

If the fighting consciousness was just a bit weaker, he'd have no choice but to step in and finish the job.


In summary, Shrek seeking the championship is just impossible!

"Ha! It definitely won't go as you wish!"

He'd been hiding his true strength all this time, originally planning to surprise his clan during the finals.

But now, it seems he can't wait until then!

Today, he will reveal his true self!!

No more hiding!!

It's time to lay all his cards on the table!!

The Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Martial Soul is unleashed.

In the next instant, everyone saw Yu Tianheng emanating an aura of unrivaled Soul Power.

At the same time, six Soul Rings appeared!!

That's right.

Six Soul Rings!!

"What? Six rings??"

The audience was dumbfounded.

"Has Captain Yu Tianheng been promoted to Soul Emperor??"

Each member of the Dou Huang Battle Team also wore a look of disbelief.

Wasn't the captain at level 55?

When did he reach the rank of Soul Emperor?

It was simply inconceivable.

Only Ye Feng at this moment gazed on with a different light in his eyes.

In fact, ever since the master had provoked the other side, that person had been undergoing extremely arduous training.

The difficulty of his training was ten times that of an ordinary team member.

With the addition of some medicinal herbs for support, naturally, he had also advanced to the rank of Soul Emperor.

Just think, if Huo Wu could become a Soul Emperor, how could Yu Tianheng, with better talent, not achieve the same?

The difference being that Huo Wu's advancement was a short-term drug-induced one.

Her foundation was relatively weak.

On the other hand, Yu Tianheng was different.

His period of development was longer, an entire year.

And the efficacy of his medicines was to aid his body's recovery, not to force growth prematurely.

Therefore, this was a genuine increase in strength.

For that year, he had almost daily taken time to train his combat awareness.

Why was he so hands-on?

Because actually, he was a member of the Ling Feng Sect.

It wasn't that he intended to trap others into joining his sect. The main reason was that when he saw Du Gubo as the head of the Ling Feng Sect, he thought of securing Dugu Yan's family members in advance to facilitate the development of their relationship.

So, he joined.

Had nothing to do with him.

"He actually became a Soul Emperor??"

Dai Mubai looked incredulously at everything unfolding before him.

It seemed he really had been misled.

Yu Tianheng had become a Soul Emperor!

And he was still a Soul King!!

A surge of power suddenly erupted from Dai Mubai's chest.

He looked extremely angry.

As if he was berating himself for not working hard enough before!!

"Interesting! Then I really want to see what you're made of!!"

Tang San smiled with a playful look.

The opponent had actually hidden his strength.

He really hadn't seen this coming.

"You'll find out right away. Third Soul Skill: Fury of Thunder!"

Yu Tianheng immediately deployed his Third Soul Skill: Fury of Thunder and attacked in Tang San's direction.

His Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Martial Soul appeared around him, and streaks of yellow brilliance shot into the sky, immensely powerful.

The man was in a state of fury, and this skill could boost his Soul Power by fifty percent.

One could say that the opponent started the battle already in a hacked state, intent on revenge!!

"First Soul Skill: Blue Silver Grass Entwined!"

"Second Soul Skill: Parasitic!"

Tang San simultaneously unleashed two soul skills, striking swiftly at Yu Tianheng's dead ahead.

"Damn it, this is too thrilling, are they planning to reach the peak right from the start?!"

"What do you mean peak at the start? This is only which soul skill!!"

The competition on the arena grew more intense.

The hearts of the audience were suspended at this moment.

"Still trying to run? Let's see where you can hide!"

Tang San said at this time.

He watched Yu Tianheng fly in another direction and immediately had his Blue Silver Grass pursue the other party.

"Run? Do I ever run? Fourth Soul Skill: Blue Lightning Divine Dragon Swift Strike!"

At this point, Yu Tianheng unleashed his fourth soul skill once again.

Dragon Transformation!!

The whole person transformed into a dragon!

Instantly shredding Tang San's wild grass.

"Bloody hell, that's awesome!"


The audience saw a blue electric dragon over a meter long appear in the arena, an illusion created by Yu Tianheng.

Tearing through Tang San's attack as easily as ripping through paper.

At the same time, Yu Tianheng's speed also shot up to a hundred percent!

"Come on! Fourth Soul Skill: Blue Silver Prison!"

Tang San was fearless and immediately unleashed the Blue Silver Prison!


A fierce sound erupted.

"Fifth Soul Skill, Bluesilver Emperor Spear!"

The Bluesilver Emperor Spear attacked.

The explosion echoed throughout the entire arena.


All the spectators on-site unwittingly tensed up.


The violent sound rose once again.

It was clear to see the transformed Yu Tianheng clashing against Tang San, who had unleashed the Bluesilver Emperor Spear.

Sparks flew!!

Then, both sides exploded outward.

"Eighty steps, a hundred steps!"

Ye Lingling counted the steps.

Obviously, Yu Tianheng was a bit weaker.

Because he had been forced back a hundred steps.

Whereas Tang San had only retreated eighty steps.

"It's not that far off."

Ye Feng said with a smile.

Actually, it was really like this.

"Fifth Soul Skill, Thunder Dragon Shocks the Heavens!"

Yu Tianheng mounted a frantic counterattack!!

"This, is this a reversal?"

The audience felt the thunderous might of the Thunder Dragon Shocks the Heavens and immediately spoke up.

At this time, the sky became very dark, as if a storm was about to arrive.

A massive tornado came head on.

The blue electric dragon soared!

In the next second, dazzling lights burst into the sight of everyone!


Wild explosions!!

"Not bad at all!"

Ye Feng smiled slightly at this moment.

This battle awareness was acceptable.

In the moment of both sides' unpreparedness, he directly launched a soul skill counterattack.

An average person probably wouldn't react in time, and even if Tang San could, the opponent would suffer!

"How is this possible, he can actually counterattack Tang San!"

Grandmaster spoke incredulously at this time.

"Seeking death!!"

The Bluesilver Emperor Spear swung forward!

This was a soul skill formed by the power enhancement of the Bluesilver Emperor after the second awakening of the Blue Silver Grass, amassing a large amount of Blue Silver Grass and the cultivation of ten thousand years.

He was going to break the opponent's fifth soul skill with his own fifth soul skill!

"Tian Heng, be careful!"

Dugu Yan said in an extremely weak voice at this moment.

"Bring it on!!"

Yu Tianheng was fearless!!


The forces of both sides intertwined.

Immediately, a huge sound was emitted.

"Wind God's Ghostly Steps!!"

Yu Tianheng, without any warning, picked up speed and directly appeared behind Tang San.


Tang San's pupils narrowed.

He knows footwork! Could it be Ye Feng taught him!!

In his memory, only Ye Feng knew such things.

Damn it!!

"Fourth Soul Skill: Blue Lightning Divine Dragon Swift Strike!"

Dragon Transformation!!

Two claw marks stretched straight for Tang San's back!!!


Xiaowu's pupils tightened in the distance.

She felt a surge of worry!!

He was injured.

Those were bloodstains on his back.

"My god, both contestants are truly formidable, this fight is too spectacular!"

The commentator said.

At this time, the battle between the two on the stage grew fiercer.

An injured Tang San instantly saw red.

He counterattacked Yu Tianheng!


Even though neither were armed,

It was as if swords and blades flickered!

"Why is he so strong?!"

Grandmaster expressed his incomprehension.

Yu Tianheng was actually able to engage his disciple in close combat.

And neither side yielded ground.

"Hmph, good thing I didn't agree to your terms, how does misleading the youth feel, Yu Xiaogang?!"

Dai Mubai asked with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Yeah, I totally agree with Boss Dai, misleading the youth!"

At this moment, Ma Hongjun also spoke up.

He was on the same side as Dai Mubai!

And it was indeed true!

"Nonsense, how did I mislead the youth, weren't you all improved under my guidance?!"

Grandmaster was angry.

However, everyone shrugged their shoulders.

They decided to isolate him.

Letting him continue to fuss.

After all, no one in Shrek paid any heed to him anymore.
