
Chapter 270: Yu Tianheng Exploded!_1

Translator: 549690339


But it was very clear that Dugu Yan was no match for Tang San.

After all, Tang San's level was a whole ten levels higher than Dugu Yan's.

"What's going on? The soul skill deployed by Tang San actually has eight claws, how terrifying!"

"I really want to know if Dugu Yan is still okay, those things are highly poisonous, and if one is not careful, the consequences are unimaginable!"

At that moment, the audience in the stands were all busily discussing.

They were also worried about Dugu Yan's safety.

After all, the claws that Tang San had unleashed appeared to be venomous.

If one were to be stabbed by such a claw from Tang San, the outcome would be dire.

However, because of the layer of black poisonous fog,

they were currently unaware of the specific situation.

"My Eight Spider Lances contain deadly poison, and this little bit of learning from you is nothing more than child's play in my eyes," said Tang San at that moment.

He appeared very cold.

Right now, he had the complete upper hand.

Put simply, if he wanted to defeat Dugu Yan right then, he could have done so immediately.

But Tang San did not intend to do that, because what he wanted to do was slowly torment Dugu Yan. After all, how she had treated Xiaowu before, he certainly couldn't let her off the hook so easily, right?


At this moment, a scream was heard from inside, and it was Dugu Yan's voice.

It turned out that Dugu Yan had been pierced by Tang San's Eight Spider Lances, and as the poison entered her body, her flesh quickly turned black.

One could see Dugu Yan's whole body wilting, her fair face as pale as the moon, looking as if it had been drained, and she had an excruciating appearance.

"Just as you treated Xiaowu, now I will return a hundredfold to you!" Tang San said with a very cold demeanor at this time.

"Your family has brought my Dugu family to this state, and I also want to make you pay a hundredfold!" Dugu Yan was staring fiercely at Tang San, her whole demeanor one of tearing him to shreds.

For just having beaten Xiaowu out of the ring, he wanted her to pay a hundredfold.

But her grandfather had been injured to such an extent by his family, her Dugu Family's savings were completely emptied by them. Who could she seek a hundredfold compensation from?

"That's because you lack the ability, who else can you blame? If you can pay me back a hundredfold, then I welcome it!" Tang San said to Dugu Yan, his tone filled with an unprecedented chill.

At the same time, the Man-Faced Demon Spider attacked in Dugu Yan's direction once more.

Long ago, Tang San had learned about the Man-Faced Demon Spider from his teacher, Master had also said that it was very suitable for him.

Now it seemed that this Man-Faced Demon Spider really suited him well.

After all, Tang San was finding it very easy to use now, quite handy indeed.

"Damn you, Tang San; just wait, don't let me get on the stage. If you do, I will definitely make you pay!" Yu Tianheng spoke at this moment.

Watching Tang San strike so hard against Dugu Yan on the platform, his heart was filled with a thousand raging horses!

If it was his turn, he would definitely beat his opponent so hard they couldn't find their teeth.

Seeing how arrogant Tang San was now, he was extremely angry.

Not only was he alone very angry, but everyone from the Tiandou Royal Academy was also extremely furious!

"Fifth soul skill, Green Phosphorus Poison!"

Dugu Yan once again launched her strongest soul skill, attacking the other side!

That was also the last time Dugu Yan could unleash her strongest soul skill.

"I've told you, your little poison is like child's play in my eyes," Tang San said with a very cold tone.

There was no one he couldn't control when he wanted to, and nobody he couldn't take revenge on if he desired.

"But I can still capsize you in the gutter!" Dugu Yan struck at Tang San's most fatal weak spot.

After just now, Dugu Yan had discovered that Tang San still had weaknesses.

If she could just attack Tang San's weaknesses, then she could turn defeat into victory and directly reverse the current situation.


A massive explosion rang out.

Dugu Yan was hit with consecutive heavy blows by Tang San.

"I'll show you what real poison is!" Tang San said to Dugu Yan at this moment.

"Not good!"

Upon hearing this, Dugu Yan's heart trembled.

But in the end, it was all too late.

Dugu Yan, unable to quickly defend herself, was blown away by her opponent's soul skill for several meters.

She was also inadvertently stabbed deeply in the back by Tang San's claws, and then the poison began to spread quickly across her entire back, the color turning from purple to dark black!

This was the dreadful poison of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, and unless it was treated promptly, all that awaited was death!

"Didn't you just poison Xiaowu? Now, let me give you a taste of the poison's flavor! Isn't it thrilling?!"

After she had let some poison invade Xiaowu's body, Tang San now intended to make her experience the agony of the poison as well!


Only a painful scream from Dugu Yan was heard.

Her face twisted in agony from the intense pain.

The Dou Huang Team watched Dugu Yan's extremely painful appearance, their anger burning fiercely.

This Tang San must pay the price!!

"Yanzi!" Yu Tianheng shouted loudly at this time.

Then he ran quickly to the platform.

Looking at Dugu Yan, who was on the verge of passing out, he clenched his fists tightly and started pounding the railing of the platform with force.

In an instant, the ground cracked open.

It was evident how furious he was!!


"Tang San, you're quite ruthless to attack my Yan'er like that. Just wait for our match, I will make you pay the bloodiest price!"

At this moment, Yu Tianheng spoke.

His entire being radiated with fury.

He was like a crazed, sinister dragon.

"Fine, I'll be waiting for your challenge and I will see it through to the end!"

Tang San responded coolly.

He felt that Yu Tianheng was not his match.

Defeating him seemed to be a matter of flicking his fingers.

The person he was truly wary of was Ye Feng.

However, it didn't seem to be his turn to enter the fray yet, but he believed that as soon as he defeated Yu Tianheng, Ye Feng would certainly step forward for a battle!

"Instructor, Lingling, I'll leave Yan'er in your care for now!"

Yu Tianheng was seen carrying Dugu Yan to the front of the Tiandou Royal Academy Douluo Team.

His killing intent was off the charts at this time.

He wished he could drag Tang San over and give him a severe beating.

"Don't worry. Pay attention to his other Martial Soul when you enter the ring,"

Ye Feng advised Yu Tianheng after this.

Tang San's other Martial Soul was one of the key points of focus.

One had to be doubly careful.

After all, you never know when it might strike and send you flying into a free fall.

"Nine-heart Asiatic Apple!"

Ye Lingling used her Martial Soul to try to expel the poison from Dugu Yan's body!


Suddenly, Ye Lingling realized that her soul skill was completely ineffective.

"Why can't the toxins in the vice-captain's body be removed?!"

Yufeng asked.

The others also looked on with puzzled expressions.

"Try some of this."

At that moment, Ye Feng pricked his finger and let a drop of blood fall onto Dugu Yan's lips.

For some inexplicable reason, Dugu Yan felt as if the blood carried a fatal magic power—she couldn't help but start sucking it greedily.

Suddenly, Dugu Yan vomited a stream of black blood from her mouth.

Just when everyone worried about the sudden development, the color in Dugu Yan's pale face began to return to some semblance of normalcy!

"How are things now?"

Ye Feng inquired at this time.

"Is the vice-captain feeling any better now? You really scared us silly just now!"

The other members of the Dou Huang Team asked with concern.

"Thanks to the instructor and Lingling, I managed to expel the toxins from my body in time, or else the consequences would have been unthinkable!"

After resting for a while, Dugu Yan felt a lot better and promptly responded.

Shrek Academy.

"Good job, Xiaosan performed impressively and didn't let me down. Truly worthy of being a disciple I personally mentored, very promising!"

The master said with a smile at this time.

He was extremely satisfied with Tang San's performance, certainly much better than Ma Hongjun who was only good at visiting brothels at the time.

Indeed, a disciple is a reflection of their master.

"Yes, Xiaosan is indeed outstanding. The Shrek Academy advancement match's championship seems decided!"

Some people from Shrek Academy said.

Smiles filled their faces!

As long as Tang San entered the match, the odds of winning were high!

"Brock, don't celebrate too early. There are still two more matches to finish. Don't end up being the joke with a slap in the face!"

Dai Mubai spoke at this moment.

He wasn't trying to make the master feel embarrassed on purpose.

Rather, he felt that the master was getting happy a bit too soon.

"Dai Mubai, if this were a battle, you would be sowing discord among our ranks!"

The master gave Dai Mubai a sharp glance.

"Sowing discord? Since when does speaking the truth sow discord?"

Dai Mubai spread his hands.

"Now announcing the victory of Shrek Academy, Tang San is the winner."

Meanwhile, the host on the other side of the arena began to announce the results of the match.

Clearly, Tang San had won the victory.

"Tang San! Tang San!!"

Due to the battles before, Tang San had gathered a small group of fans chanting for him.

"Who will be the Dou Huang Team's next contestant? Could it be the legendary instructor, or the future leader of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan?"

With a minute left before the match resumed, the host spoke again.

Soon, Yu Tianheng appeared on the big screen.

"The Dou Huang Team has sent out Yu Tianheng. He is a prominent figure among the younger generation of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan and also the captain of the Dou Huang Team!"

The host introduced.

He is also the heir to the Overlord Dragon Clan, with dragon transformation abilities, and a strong sense of responsibility to his family!

"Yu Tianheng is from the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan! So his uncle is Brock from Shrek Academy, right? Does that mean that the opponent could be in league with people from Shrek Academy, given that Brock is an instructor at Shrek Academy?"

Some of the audience, though participants in the tournament, were from remote kingdoms or principalities and were not aware of the specifics in the capital city.

"You're right, Yu Tianheng is a member of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan. I've heard that his relationship with his uncle Brock isn't very good and they've had a falling out!"

The audience gossiped and discussed.