
Chapter 175 Watering Ah Yin, A Huge Gift Pack Bursts Forth! [First Update]_1

Translator: 549690339

The grass on the nearby ground was slightly bent.

He was certain that he hadn't done it himself.

Moreover, there were some water droplets leaving marks on the map.

Previously, due to his haste, he hadn't noticed at all.

But now, after venting his frustration, he had calmed down.

He lay down on the ground.

Observing very carefully.

As if he had discovered something extraordinary.

If anyone he knew were here, they would surely be very surprised.

Who was Tang Hao? A Hyper Douluo of level 96.

Yet such a powerful man was now lying on the ground like a dog.

Observing every little detail.


Based on the approximate area where the grass was bent, Tang Hao deduced that these must be footprints.

"Could it be that someone has come here??"

He suddenly lifted his head!

Water droplets!!

Coming up from the waterfall below.

And then arriving here.

But why would someone not take any other Blue Silver Grass and only take his plant?

Martial Soul Hall??

Countless possibilities flashed through Tang Hao's mind at that moment.

He finally settled on Martial Soul Hall.

Even he couldn't tell his planted Ah Yin from a normal Blue Silver Grass.

Maybe Martial Soul Hall had invented some kind of detection device!

Damn it!!

Tang Hao punched a nearby large tree heavily!

Instantly, the tree was pierced with a hole.

"Bi Bidong, I will definitely get to the bottom of this!!"

Tang Hao gritted his teeth with madness in his voice.


A loud boom!

The large tree crashed down.

"Ah Yin, I will find a way to find you. Give me some time!"

Tang Hao's eyes were fixed on the direction of Martial Soul Hall!

His restless and resentful heart could not calm down for a long time!

Back then, you forced her to death!

Now you want to uproot her entirely?

He, Tang Hao, would not allow it!

And he absolutely could not!!

Clutching his fists tightly, Tang Hao disappeared!!

He was going to thoroughly investigate this matter!

He had to retrieve Ah Yin!

Tian Dou Royal Academy.

In Ye Feng's exclusive dormitory.

[Ding! Host has successfully watered Ah Yin for one month, gold coin +10k, rewarded with a senior Cultivation Technique, earned a Mysterious Gift Pack, hurry up and open it to see.]

Early in the morning, Ye Feng used Exercise Points to water Ah Yin.

Indeed, as long as he fulfilled certain days' requirements, he could get big rewards!

Like on the first day, the fifteenth day, the thirtieth day.

After all, it was just one Exercise Point per day.

For him, who could now get tens of thousands of Exercise Points, that amount was trivial.

The key was turning one Exercise Point into several thousand or even tens of thousands of gold coins.

Just tell me, is there anything else in this world that's more lucrative?

If possible, he would even want to pour all those Exercise Points onto Ah Yin!

By his conservative estimates, he now had 50,000 Exercise Points a day.

Even if one Exercise Point could fetch a thousand gold coins, multiply that by 50,000, and how much gold would that be in one day? Fifty million!!

To hell with starting a sect!

Just exploiting the System is enough!!

And a thousand was the minimum value.

Like today, straight up ten thousand!!

It's all money!!

Soon, Ye Feng turned off the System.

It wasn't that he wasn't interested in the Mysterious Gift Pack.

But he wanted to save these things for later to open them all at once.

Plus, today he had to set off to the Aquipeia Forest to intercept soul beasts.

Helping Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling find their fourth soul ring.

Three members of the teaching committee set off with him.

As for Yu Tianheng and his peers, the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan took care of them, and Shi Mo's family also sought on their behalf.

So there was no need for their assistance.

The air at the Tian Dou Royal Academy was fresh in the morning.

"Instructor Feng!"

Upon seeing Ye Feng emerge, Ye Lingling, Dugu Yan, and others greeted him.

"It seems that everyone is already here, so let's set off!"

At this moment, Ye Feng declared.

The three members of the teaching committee also left.

However, two of them were to protect in secret, with only Second Seat Bai Baoshan accompanying the group.

Meng Shenji and Zhi Lin would appear only when Ye Feng hunted soul beasts.

This was also the intention of Crown Prince Xue Qinghe.

Otherwise, the joint departure of the three committee members would have been too sensational and adversely affect the academy.

At the Tian Dou Royal Academy, horse-drawn carriages had already been arranged at the entrance.

"Instructor Feng, which carriage would you like to be in?"

Leading the way were Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling, followed by level 39 Shi Mo, level 38 Osslor, level 38 Yufeng, and the somewhat portly teaching committee member, Bai Baoshan.

The reason Osslor and his companions were also going was simple.

The Dou Huang Battle Team was a unit.

In the future, they aimed to compete in the Continent's high-level Senior Soul Master competition.

Therefore, it was the academy's intention for them to train in the Aquipeia Forest.

Only through real-life-and-death training could they achieve rapid improvement!

The academy's Mimicry Training Field was good,

but it still fell short compared to real-world situations!

As for why they didn't go to Sunset Forest,

to be honest, it wasn't challenging enough there.

While Sunset Forest may be known as the second-largest forest on the Continent, with a vast area,

it was nothing compared to Aquipeia Forest—it could almost be considered its outskirts.

So going to Sunset Forest did not present much of a challenge.

"I'll take the back carriage."

At that moment, Ye Feng replied.

After all, Second Seat Bai Baoshan was there,

It would not be good for him to be in front.

"Then Lingling and I will sit with you in the back, Instructor!"

Dugu Yan told Ye Feng.

She then pulled Ye Feng and Ye Lingling onto the rear carriage.

"Ah, this..."

Shi Mo felt somewhat disordered.

With his brother, Shi Mo, a full level 40, having gone home for the elders to help him find a soul ring, how would he feel if he saw Ye Lingling getting so close to the instructor? He wondered if it would cause his brother to internally bleed.

Although on the surface, Shi Mo pursued Ye Lingling more fiercely,

Brothers knew each other's hearts.

His brother was deeply in love with Ye Lingling.

Now, he didn't believe this was merely a pure revolutionary friendship.

There must be feelings for the instructor from both of them!!

Alas, one couldn't blame others.

Beauties love the strong!

For someone as powerful as Instructor Ye Feng to be so popular with girls was normal!

If anyone was to be blamed, it was themselves for not being up to par.

Shi Mo was quite open-minded about such matters!

Osslor beside him was also stunned.

It seemed like Captain Yu Tianheng had just left, hadn't he?

The reason Yu Tianheng wasn't present today was that he was absorbing a soul ring for his advancement to Soul Ancestor with the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan.

Poor guy!

The vice-captain seemed to be changing her affections.

He really wanted to exchange places with the instructor.

To become a man as strong as the instructor.

"Then we'll take the carriage in front,"

At that moment, Bai Baoshan casually shrugged and spoke.

"Hey, Yufeng, where are you going?"

As they were about to board the frontmost carriage, Yufeng started to run off—

toward the carriage at the back!
