
Chapter 174: Tang Hao Goes Crazy! [Second Update]_1

Translator: 549690339

"Alright, Brock!!"

Just at that moment, a voice sounded.

It was a woman's voice.

It was Liu Erlong.

Mainly because she felt that Brock had been a bit sensitive lately.

She did not want to see another outstanding student like Dai Mubai driven away.

If that happened, it would be much harder for boss Flander to revive Shrek Academy as he planned for the future.

Tang San was indeed very strong.

But apart from Tang San, the team needed someone else to shoulder the burden.

Tai Long and the others were not there yet.

Dai Mubai was the only choice.

Previously, Liu Erlong herself had been the one who alone supported the Blue Tyrant Academy.

She still had that judgment ability.


Grandmaster snorted coldly!

"Now that everyone is here, let's begin the announcement of our next mission. We will be hunting soul beasts in the Sunset Forest this time. We're also bringing those who haven't reached the required level mainly to give you all some training. Thus, a total of four teachers will be escorting the expedition this time."

The four teachers were naturally Grandmaster, Liu Erlong, Zhao Wuji, and Flander.


Everyone nodded.

"Let me ask again, have you all got everything you need? Once we leave the city, we'll head directly toward Sunset Forest without any supply stations along the way!"

Going to the Sunset Forest was not like going to the Aquipeia Forest.

There were no supply stations around the periphery of the forest.


Everyone answered unanimously.

Even Dai Mubai responded.

He did not accept Brock.

But as for Chancellor Liu Erlong, sometimes she might favor someone, but overall, she was very aware of the greater good.

"Very well, then let's set out!!"

And so, the Shrek group set off.

It was a long procession.

At the front were Brock and Liu Erlong, and at the back were Zhao Wuji and Flander.

Green Peak Tower.

"Old Flayer, I might not be able to come next week, so you'll have to handle your matters then."

8th floor.

At this moment, Du Gubo said to Ye Feng.

After fussing for two days.

And still not busy!!

Busy as a dog!

Oh, not even a dog is that busy!

"You Old Poison, you're not thinking of taking a holiday, are you? It's a busy period now."

Ye Feng looked at Du Gubo.

The past two days had indeed been hard on him.

But the results were significant.

At least, their Ling Feng Sect had begun to rise.

One could say they were starting to make a name for themselves in Tiandou City.

Of course, it was mostly Du Gubo doing all the work!

Ye Feng was behind the scenes.

Because there were too many things tied to him.

If the sect rose too quickly, it would lead to trouble.

He did not want the Ling Feng Sect to fall before it even rose.

"A holiday is impossible. I once promised someone I would meet with him next week," Du Gubo said, his eyes showing something different.

If it hadn't been for Ye Feng, he guessed he'd be making funeral arrangements by now.

But now that the poison in his body was cleansed, and with another week of seclusion, the outcome was not a foregone conclusion!

"Oh? Then take these two Physical Strength Elixirs with you," said Ye Feng, seemingly realizing something by looking at Du Gubo's expression.

He immediately took out two Physical Strength Elixirs.

"Why are you giving these to me? If I want them, I can just get them myself. You don't really think I, Du Gubo, would be that polite, do you?" Du Gubo looked at the two Physical Strength Elixirs Ye Feng brought.

He said somewhat irritably.

He had taken two before.

Actually, they didn't have much effect on him.

At most, they could restore one-tenth of his strength.

This is still after consuming two pills.

By the time the third pill was taken, it had no effect whatsoever.

To him, this thing barely had any effect.

"Do you think I'd give you those inferior products from outside? This is the latest unrestricted Physical Strength Elixir I've concocted. It can completely restore physical strength and Soul Power, and it can be used up to twice, even by a Titled Douluo,"

Ye Feng said.

"What, an unrestricted Physical Strength Elixir, even Titled Douluo can use it? This medicine must be very precious, right? You aren't really this kind-hearted, are you, Old Peel?"

Upon hearing this, Du Gubo widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Of course, it's precious. This is an Elixir concocted after spending millions in material costs,"

Ye Feng remarked to Du Gubo.

If he weren't afraid the other party would die at the hands of Chrysanthemum Uncle...

He'd really be reluctant to give this Elixir to him.

"What's your condition, Old Flayer?"

Seeing the price, Du Gubo gave Ye Feng a peculiar look.

"Add another five years?"

Ye Feng stretched out one hand.

"Get lost! I'm afraid I won't live another five years! I don't need this Elixir, just forget it!"

With indignation, Du Gubo voiced his frustration.

The last two days had already exhausted him greatly.

"Hey, hey, hey, okay, okay, just joking, take it. If you end up cold, who else would I flay?"

Ye Feng stuffed two Elixirs into Du Gubo's hand.

"You flayer, if you're truly too busy, I think that Miss Zhu has adequate abilities; you could ask her to provide support for a week,"

Du Gubo suggested.

"Alright, alright, you'd better be on your way now,"

Ye Feng certainly had his own plans.

"And about my granddaughter's Soul Ring, don't you skimp, you better find a good one!"

Du Gubo looked at Ye Feng.

"No worries, it won't be a problem!"

Ye Feng waved his hand dismissively.

Tomorrow, the Tian Dou Royal Academy was set to organize a search for Soul Rings in the Aquipeia Forest.

The reason for choosing the Aquipeia Forest was Xue'er's suggestion.

Although the Sunset Forest was also vast,

the soul beasts were limited.

But in the Aquipeia Forest, there were many powerful soul beasts!

This was the perfect opportunity for Ye Feng to search for Soul Rings!

Meanwhile, in another part of the Aquipeia Forest,

a man cloaked in a cape was going mad!!

"Ah Yin! Ah Yin, where are you?!"

It was still the same large tree.

He found that the seed he had planted with his own hands was missing!!

It was as if it had vanished into thin air!

He was frantically searching everywhere.

He had been searching day and night for a full two days and nights!

"Ah! Why did you eat my Ah Yin!!"

Tang Hao exploded!!

The Hao Tian Hammer was already covered in fresh blood!!

Around him, not far off, lay the corpses of soul beasts!!

One might say they were piled up like mountains!!

He had killed all the soul beasts within ten kilometers!!

Unsatisfied with just killing these beasts, he was now furiously hammering at the river below in a state of extreme anger!!

The next second, explosions began to resound.

Countless fish were turned upside down.

The water shot into the sky, reaching dozens of meters high!

After all, that was Tang Hao, a level 96 Hyper Douluo.

His combat power was no joke!!

And when he lost his mind, he was nothing short of terrifying!!

He came ashore!

Gravel around him blasted apart!!

He was furious that he had failed to protect Ah Yin!

That she had been eaten by wild beasts!!

After a bout of madness, he returned to the foot of the big tree once more.

Suddenly, he noticed something he hadn't seen before.