
Chapter 138: Ye Feng, End! [Second Update]_1

Translator: 549690339


Demon Scythe Flying Assault!

Wherever it passed, it was like a land dragon tearing through the earth, a deep crack appeared!!


The two forces collided once again!!

Tang Hao's cloak flew up!

All the trees within a ten-kilometer radius were completely leveled!

Whether it was towering boulders or scattered stones, they all exploded into dust in seconds!!

A kilometer-wide pit!


However, when the dust settled, Ye Feng was shocked!!

Except for where Tang Hao stood, even the ground behind him hadn't collapsed!!

He had caught it with one palm again!!

Ye Feng was utterly bewildered!

After all, this was his strongest attack now!

And it was unleashed out of a great will to survive!

The power was several times stronger than usual.

Yet, it was still effortlessly resolved by the opponent!

Tang Hao was indeed a tough opponent.

But thinking that he would admit defeat was absolutely impossible; he hadn't even reached the peak of his life here, married a rich and beautiful wife—how could he let Tang Hao kill him!

"Very strong, even a Soul Sage might die at your hand with that move, but you only have one attack left,"

Tang Hao said, expressionless, looking at Ye Feng.

He increasingly realized that choosing to eliminate this kid was an utterly correct decision.

If allowed to grow, the trouble would be endless!

"Hao Tian Douluo, you better get ready then. My last attack will be stronger than any before. Don't blame me if you get hurt!"

Ye Feng glared at Tang Hao!

"Then bring it on."

Tang Hao looked at Ye Feng as if he were looking at a dead man.

After all, after this attack, his death was imminent!!

"Good! Fourth Spirit Skill, Three-Second Extreme Poison!!"

A black light flickered!

Behind Ye Feng, a lone black wolf emerged.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe in his hand was now filled with poison!!

"Second Soul Skill, Azure Dragon Annihilation!!"

As before.

Ye Feng was spinning at high speed!!

"The previous attack, now with poison?"

Tang Hao stared at Ye Feng, thoughtful.


This time it was a black poison dragon!!

Its blood-red eyes were filled with an explosive power never seen before!

As if it wanted to devour the tiny human before it!

At the same time, Ye Feng quickly stuffed a Stamina Pill into his mouth!

He activated the Left Leg Golden Winged Redeem Peng Spirit Bone.

The whole person vanished like a streak of lightning!

The so-called three spirit skills were nothing but a smokescreen.

His plan was to buy more time, then turn tail and run!!


The giant Hao Tian Hammer smashed into the black poison dragon!!

How could Tang Hao fail to notice Ye Feng's escape?


In his high-speed state.

In less than four seconds, Tang Hao caught up to Ye Feng!

The Hao Tian Hammer smashed down hard on him!

Ye Feng was directly embedded in the ground!

"Run? I told you that you can't escape from me!!"

After the hammer blow, Ye Feng was already gasping for breath.

He struggled to prop himself up and glared angrily at Tang Hao!

"Not convinced? Blame your own weakness. I gave you a chance before, but you didn't cherish it!"

Tang Hao's hand, filled with Soul Power, pierced directly into Ye Feng's chest!

Ye Feng only felt a piercing pain!

Is this the end?

Ye Feng had never imagined that he would be killed by having his heart ripped out!


The excruciating pain made Ye Feng cry out harshly!

He didn't know when blood had started to ooze from his mouth!

It turned out Tang Hao had violently ripped out his heart, which was thumping wildly in his palm!

Since he had to kill someone, he might as well be extremely vicious!

Even a Titled Douluo would suffer great vitality loss and couldn't live for more than a few days without a heart.

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Feng stared at Tang Hao!


Tang Hao didn't answer and instead decisively crushed Ye Feng's heart!

Blood splattered right onto Ye Feng's face.

The stench of human blood was unbearably pungent!

And he could feel his own life force rapidly dissipating.

Accompanied by the bleak cold wind, a cool serenade played as his swan song, Ye Feng, perished.

But did he really perish??

"Pfft! You're the one who's perished!!"

Six hundred kilometers away, Ye Feng popped elixirs like mad, not daring to stop for even a second!

That damned Tang Hao had made him waste a substitute!

Luckily, he was smart enough to use a substitute the first time he unleashed the Three-Second Lethal Poison Scythe.

The substitute ran westward, while he ran eastward!

For the first minute, his true self's presence was imperceptible.

Then he controlled the substitute to spar with Tang Hao, delaying him for about five minutes!

Under the extreme speed of his soul bone skill, he could run two kilometers in one second, one hundred kilometers in one minute!

Add the more than five minutes of fighting to the more than one minute of running, in total, over six minutes, and in that time, he had run more than six hundred kilometers!

If using specific Earth landmarks as reference, it was like running directly from Chengdu in Sichuan to Xi'an in Shaanxi!!

So even if Tang Hao was incredibly strong, he couldn't detect where he was.

This was the Sunset Forest!

An endlessly vast place!!

Although it's said to be near Tiandou City,

in reality, its eastern side stretches infinitely and can reach all the way to the Aquipeia Forest.

That place, the Soul Masters of this world have yet to conquer!

Even the Sunset Forest still has many areas that haven't been fully conquered!

There are numerous forbidden zones still to this day!

We only see Ye Feng now opening his system panel.

[Host: Ye Feng]

[Current Plane: Soul Land]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 14 years old]

[Martial Soul: First Martial Soul, Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe, Second Martial Soul, Lìkōng Bào]

[Combat Effectiveness: Displayed]

[Soul Rings: First Soul Ring Divine Beast White Tiger, Thousand Years, Soul Skill Sky-Rend, Second Soul Ring Nine-Thousand-Year Ancient Beast Azure Dragon, Soul Skill Azure Dragon Annihilation (offensive and defensive, defense becomes Azure Dragon Shield), Third Soul Ring Ten-Thousand-Year Titan Giant Ape, Soul Skill Titan Diamond Strength, Fourth Soul Ring Thirty-Thousand-Year Old Shadow Poison Wolf, Soul Skill Three-Second Deathly Poison Scythe]

[Soul Bone: Left Leg, Ten-Thousand-Year Golden-Winged Roc Soul Bone, Soul Skill, Swift as the Wind]

[Soul Power: Level 50]

[Experience Points: 1.5w/1000w]

[Gold Coins: 2301w]

[Inventory: Endure for One Minute Pill*1]

Sigh, just last night he was thinking of using the substitute to help himself in tasks and then reach the peak of his life or something.

But no, the substitute was directly obliterated today!

The Stamina Pills were also used up completely.

This damned Tang Hao, to actually bully a fourteen-year-old child like him, was truly against the spirit of martial arts!!

Luckily, he had concocted some himself.

Otherwise, his heart would ache to death.

Don't ask why he kept popping pills even though he had escaped.

If asked, it's because the substitute had a problem! Without popping pills, he definitely couldn't have escaped!!

On the other side, at the western edge of the Sunset Forest.

"What, what is happening??"

After killing Ye Feng, Tang Hao discovered something very peculiar.

He found that the body of Ye Feng in front of him had spontaneously combusted!!

That's right, spontaneously combusted!!

Then it turned into a pile of ash!!

Afterwards, a breeze blew by, and it completely vanished.
