
Chapter 137 Fight to the Death with Dignity! [First Update]_1

Translator: 549690339

What to do, what to do!!

Ye Feng didn't even have time to check his system now!

Being hunted by Titled Douluo Tang Hao, who had time for that!!

"Fourth Soul Skill, Three-Second Lethal Poison Scythe!"

All or nothing!

Ye Feng unleashed the Three-Second Lethal Poison Scythe!

This was his fourth soul skill, and the strongest soul skill he currently possessed.

Normally, this poison could instantly kill anyone with a lower soul power level than his!

But against a Titled Douluo like Tang Hao, he had no confidence whatsoever.

If he could just delay the opponent a little, his chances of survival would greatly increase!

"What is this?"

It was a cloud of black mist.

Right in Tang Hao's path.

Seeing this, Tang Hao immediately brought out his Hao Tian Hammer!

He wasn't fighting someone civilly now; he was in pursuit!

So, any method was permissible; there was no need for so-called martial virtues.

A black soul ring merged, and in the next second, the black poison mist blocking his path was dispersed by him.

Effortlessly, the whole process took but a second.

However, that one second was enough for Ye Feng, who possessed a speed-type spirit bone, to have already dashed a kilometer away!

The guy was literally playing with his life, bro!

If he didn't run, he'd truly be without a life!

"Heh, I told you that you couldn't escape today!"

Watching Ye Feng leave, Tang Hao let out a cold laugh at the moment.

Nine soul rings were already flickering on his body!

To him, Ye Feng was merely fighting like a trapped beast.

The people Tang Hao wanted to kill had never survived!


A sound!

"No way, again?!"

Sweat was already dripping down Ye Feng's forehead.

In less than ten seconds, Tang Hao had already caught up again.

Is this what a Titled Douluo is like? Simply terrifying!!

Normally, by executing the soul bone skill Swift as the Wind along with the replenishment from Chaotic Decision, Ye Feng's speed would be comparable to the top tier of Soul Douluo.

But Tang Hao was a level-95 Titled Douluo.

The gap between them was not just slight!!


Suddenly, the next second, a huge hammer smashed in front of Ye Feng!

That's right!

The tragic guy, in a desperate state of running, was chased down again after one minute!

"Haotian Senior, we can discuss things properly, can't we? Why resort to such drastic measures? Don't you agree?"

Ye Feng slammed on the brakes, knowing he definitely couldn't escape this wave.

"Do you think I would believe you?"

Tang Hao's voice was very cold.

This kid was running quite fast, but luckily, he had the foresight to eradicate the roots, otherwise, how could Xiaosan cope in the future as his opponent?!

"Then what if I swear on my martial soul, from now on I will definitely protect your handsome son, Tang San!"

Feeling the icy killing intent from Tang Hao.

Ye Feng quickly addressed him, saying.

"I have already decided to eradicate the roots."

Tang Hao didn't give Ye Feng an ounce of chance; one of the black soul rings merged into the Hao Tian Hammer, and in an instant, the Hao Tian Hammer sparkled with unprecedented lightning!

In the world of Soul Masters, one must never hesitate; if you say you will kill, you must kill.

Otherwise, you never know when you might get bitten back.

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Feng yelled loudly.

Tang Hao gave him a puzzled look.

"Fine! You want to kill me, then let me be your prey! But at least let me die with some dignity! Last time, you waited for me to strike three times before you attacked, and this time, I also want to attack you three times. Let me use every last bit of my strength before you slay me, alright? You can't let a Soul Master die without any dignity!"

That's what Ye Feng said at this moment.

He finished all he had to say in one go.

Mainly because he was panicking!

If Tang Hao lost his patience and struck him down with his hammer, he wouldn't even have the chance to speak.

"What, as a Titled Douluo, are you telling me you won't give me this opportunity? Or are you afraid that, just like last time, you'll be blown to smithereens and lose your image? If that's the case, then just finish me!"

At this moment, Ye Feng simply spread out his hands as he spoke.

"Fine, I'll let you have three moves before I kill you, to see what tricks you can pull off."

Tang Hao retracted the Hao Tian Hammer.

There's nothing to worry about, as he's confident the kid can't escape the palm of his hand!

"Good! Hao Tian Douluo is indeed magnanimous. Today, I, Ye Feng, will go all out!!"

At that moment, Ye Feng looked straight at Tang Hao.

"Third soul skill, Titan Giant Ape Strength!!"

Ye Feng immediately released his third soul skill!

After executing this skill, his strength could be enhanced a hundredfold!!

His arms rapidly thickened!!

Veins popping!!

He looked just like he had Qilin Arms!

"First soul skill, Rip Heaven!"

Behind Ye Feng, a white tiger appeared.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe that he was holding began to buzz with noise!!

"Take this from me!!"

He combined two soul skills!

With both hands tightly gripping the Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe, Ye Feng slashed down from the sky, aimed straight at Tang Hao's head!

This strike was powerful enough to bisect a Soul King in an instant!


Just with two fingers, Tang Hao blocked Ye Feng's combined soul skills effortlessly!

He was completely unharmed, though the soil on either side of him was struck by the aftershocks of Rip Heaven, creating trenches ten meters deep!

All trees within a hundred meters collapsed with a thunderous crash.

"The strength is not bad; even a Soul King would struggle to withstand such an attack, let alone walk away unscathed. It's just a pity that you're up against me."

With merely a push of his residual power, Tang Hao sent Ye Feng flying!

This kid is truly abnormal.

But his parents are ordinary people, how could they possibly give birth to such a terrifying offspring?

Could it be that like himself, they once concealed themselves in Holy Spirit Village?

Could it be possible that people capable of bearing such an abnormal offspring starved to death? Isn't that a bit too far-fetched??

These were the thoughts running through Tang Hao's mind!


Suddenly, a dragon roar resounded!

"Since that's the case, then bring it on! Second Soul Skill: Azure Dragon Annihilation!!"

Ye Feng merely gripped the Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe.

He then ferociously flung it, casting out the Bloodthirsty Demon.

An ordinary person could throw a scythe only about twenty-five meters a second.

Under normal circumstances, Ye Feng could unleash the Azure Dragon Annihilation at a speed akin to a handgun shot, approximately four hundred meters a second!

But now, empowered by the third soul skill and a hundredfold increase in strength, his throw could match a Barrett sniper rifle's shot, reaching eight hundred meters a second.

However, at this life-or-death moment, Ye Feng utilized all of his strength concentrated in his spine and hands!!

After spinning violently, he threw it directly, like a tank cannon firing, reaching a record-breaking speed of one thousand eight hundred meters per second! It was the ultimate limit for throwing an object by hand!!

That demon scythe, once thrown, turned into an Azure Dragon!!

Ancient! Ominous! Filled with killing intent!!

With that speed, even Zhao Wuji would have to dodge out of the way here!!

Even Flander would fear getting his wings clipped!!