
Chapter 135: Four Soul Rings Unleashed, Murderous Intent Fills the Sky! [2nd Update]_1

Translator: 549690339

Steaming hot dishes were served.

There were pleasantly aromatic grilled fish, and skewers of barbecue!

In this world, there's plenty to eat.

It's no different from Earth.

That's why Ye Feng managed to adapt just after a short period of time since arriving here.

"Instructor, I really didn't expect you to actually be fourteen years old; I thought you were just joking before,"

Ye Lingling said to Ye Feng with an embarrassed expression at this moment.

She had more or less learned his age from the conversation he had with the master earlier!

Just a little bit older than classmate Tang San.

Seven years old seven years ago.

So it's definitely fourteen now.

"Fourteen years old and level 50 about to become a Soul King, my God, Instructor, what in the world are you made of?"

Dugu Yan looked at Ye Feng in complete disbelief.

Ye Feng was definitely the most terrifying freak she had ever met among all the people she knew!

"Fifty, level 50??"

However, Dugu Yan's words had everyone like Yu Tianheng completely petrified.

Could it be a mistake, the instructor is actually level 50?

"Don't you know? The instructor has already advanced to level 50 and is getting ready to find a Soul Ring,"

Dugu Yan said to everyone, looking at their disbelief as if they were stone statues.

"I guess nobody else knew, I only found out tonight after looking for the instructor,"

Ye Lingling replied.


Everyone from the Dou Huang Battle Team exclaimed in unison, except for Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling.


Ye Feng just shrugged his shoulders.

It wasn't his fault, after all.

The system was the real freak.

It could chalk up tens of thousands of Exercise Points every day.

But it definitely wouldn't be so easy to level up from now on.

From level 40 to 50, it was a hundred thousand Experience Points per level.

But now, after reaching level 50, the system started getting even more outrageous.

With today's system update, his level-up experience rose to one million Experience Points per level, and advancing from level 50 to 60 needed ten million Experience Points.

As for advancing from level 60 to 70, he dared not even consider it.

He used to think he'd found a great system.

But now it seemed like it might be a trap!

Because he realized it seemed to be a decimal system.

From leveling up with ten thousand Experience Points per level to a hundred thousand Experience Points per level, and now to a million Experience Points per level.

Who knows if the next step wouldn't require ten million Experience Points per level??

Ten million Experience Points! Goodness, where would he even find that!!

Just going by tonight's peak battle, with a hundred thousand a night, to level up once would take a hundred nights.

To level up ten times would require fighting a thousand nights!!

That's almost three years.

The moment has long passed!

And this was still just the Soul Emperor level.

What if Soul Sage required a hundred million Experience Points per level??

What if Soul Douluo needed a billion Experience Points per level??

Thinking about it, this system was truly a deep pit.

It was thrilling to level up before, but now it's like walking into a crematorium.

Such a disaster!

"Instructor, I heard them say your initial Soul Power was only level two. How did you manage to advance to this level in such a short time? Please teach us! We want to be your disciples!!"

Yufeng said to Ye Feng at this moment.

From level two to now a super genius, an undefeatable freak, it's simply terrifying.

"Yes, yes, we want to be your disciples!"

Shi Mo and Osslor, among others, all spoke up in turn.

Not one seemed to be joking.

All of them were seriously looking at the idea of worshipping a strong instructor like Ye Feng.

"Forget it, I'm not like some grandmaster of the rivers and lakes, who needs to take disciples to prove themselves,"

Ye Feng shrugged and said.

He was only fourteen years old and still young, what would he do with disciples!

"Instructor, I'm sorry."

Suddenly, at that moment, Yu Tianheng began to speak.

His eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

"Tian Heng, you little fool, what are you apologizing to me for??"

Ye Feng found this rather baffling upon hearing these words.

What was the other party apologizing for now?

It didn't seem like he had done anything wrong.

Could it be because of him being called to the rooftop earlier?

If that was indeed the case, then he should be thanking the other party instead.

Because of that opportunity, the master managed to set himself up for failure.

From then on, his prestige in Shrek Academy must have plummeted.

This directly expedited the other party's joining of the banquet.

"I never imagined that my uncle, Yu Xiaogang, could be a murderer!"

At this time, Tian Heng's hands were tightly clenched into fists, and he pounded his thighs forcefully a few times, his expression one of anger!

He had utterly disgraced their family!

So selfish.

He simply wasn't worthy of being part of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan!!

This time, Tian Heng was truly devastated by Yu Xiaogang.

"So that's what this is about, but wasn't he cast out of your clan? So there's no need for you, the junior, to apologize. It's a matter between him and me."

Ye Feng said at this moment.

He thought it was something important.

"Regardless, I still have to apologize to the instructor, after all, this is also an internal matter within our clan!"

Yu Tianheng then spoke up.

Seeing this, Ye Feng did not continue speaking.

Soon the food was served.

Everyone drank happily.

They played until the next morning.

Ye Feng would usually go out for a run in the morning.

But this morning he could only carry people!!

One by one, they were all drunk.

First, he helped the two girls back to their place.

Then he sent Yu Tianheng and Yufeng back.

Finally, the broad-bodied and heavy Shi Family Brothers.

The owner of the food stall was tidying up with massive bags under his eyes.

He had seen people drink till two or three in the morning at best, but who could have expected a group that would drink until six o'clock the next morning?

"Finally, I can get a good sleep."

Ye Feng returned to his room.

And then he lay down.

When he woke up, it was already four in the afternoon.

After packing up, he left Soto City.

At level 50, he wanted to find a suitable soul beast first.

With elixirs, stamina pills, and even a substitute, killing a fifty-thousand-year soul beast shouldn't be too difficult for him.

Once he killed the soul beast and absorbed the Soul Ring, he would become a true Soul King.

Taking a coach, Ye Feng set off towards Sunset Forest.

Sunset Forest was the second largest forest on the entire continent.

Near Tiandou City.

After a few hours on the carriage, Ye Feng finally reached the outskirts of the forest around eight or nine o'clock at night.

He intended to spend the night inside tonight.

So taking advantage of the darkness, he entered the forest.

To find a fifty-thousand-year soul beast, he would have to spend some time in the forest.

Ye Feng gave himself a month!

The coachman had long since departed.

And Ye Feng entered the central area of Sunset Forest.

The night was illuminated by a bright moon.

A gust of wind was slightly chilly and biting!

"Who's there! Come out!!"

Suddenly, Ye Feng's four Soul Rings were swiftly released!

He stared intently in a direction far away!!

His whole body emanated killing intent!!
