
Chapter 134 A Pair of Eyes in the Dark, So Cold! [First Release]_1

Translator: 549690339


Suddenly, Grandmaster was at a loss for words.

Because as a level 29 Grand Soul Master, he had no way of killing a Datura snake that was several hundred years old!

"Let me tell you, there's no way you could have killed that Datura snake. The one who killed it was Tang San, and now the Datura snake has become his first soul ring!!"

Ye Feng said to Grandmaster at this moment.

At this revelation, the entire room burst into an uproar!

That's right.

At that time, Grandmaster had gone to the Hunting Soul Forest with Tang San and Ye Feng.

And Ye Feng was bitten by the Datura snake.

So that left only Tang San and Grandmaster at the scene.

A four-hundred-year-old Datura snake, could a level 29 Grand Soul Master like Grandmaster kill it?

Clearly, it was impossible.

"You! You're talking nonsense!!"

Grandmaster shouted at Ye Feng, completely agitated!

Ye Feng's words had completely thrown him off balance!

"Talking nonsense? Okay, okay, then let's just say I, Ye Feng, am talking nonsense. But tell me, that Datura snake is over four hundred years old, and you, with only a level 29 Martial Soul that only knows how to fart, and you who only have Three Cannons, could you have killed the Datura snake?"

Ye Feng sneered at this time.

"Indeed, the Datura snake is highly poisonous, Brock, your Martial Soul can only be used three times, and it does seem somewhat unrealistic to take down a four-hundred-year-old Datura snake."

At this moment, Flander chimed in.

Zhao Wuji also gave a slight nod in agreement.

Although a Datura snake was nothing to them!

But for a Grand Soul Master like Grandmaster, who was only level 29, it was as hard as reaching the heavens.

Not to mention that he was with a child at that time.

It was almost impossible to counter-kill!

Let alone counter-kill, even escaping was a problem.

But in the end, how could the Datura snake have become Tang San's first soul ring?

Something must have happened.

And it was more likely that Tang San was the one who had made the kill.

His peculiar hidden weapons and strange movements could have helped him meet the conditions.

"Flander, we're such good brothers, and you doubt me too!!"

At this, Grandmaster flew into a rage after hearing Flander be the first to voice such a suspicion!

He smashed a fish that had been fried until crispy right in front of him!

Turning it into a mess!!

"Brock, it's not that I don't believe you, but what Ye Feng just said does make some sense."

Flander replied to Grandmaster's retort with a helpless gesture.

"Xiaosan, is what he said true?!"

At this moment, Xiaowu looked towards Tang San, her beautiful eyes filled with confusion.

If it were true, then Grandmaster would be so despicable, malicious, and filthy!

"Some of it is true, some of it is made up by him."

Tang San replied.

It wasn't that he didn't want to tell the truth, but that he couldn't.

If he told the truth, his teacher's persona would completely collapse!

And Ye Feng was definitely seeking revenge against his teacher.

He couldn't let the other party succeed!!

"Some people really do have thick skins."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders.

No matter whether Grandmaster admits it or not, everyone must have formed their own judgment in their hearts.

"Instructor, we no longer have the appetite to continue this meal, why don't I take you back?"

At this, Yu Tianheng spoke up.

He had never imagined that his uncle could be such a disgusting person.

And to think that he, Yu Tianheng, had respected him so much over the years.

Had treated him as an elder.

Now it seemed, he was not worthy!!

If Yu Tianheng ever came to power within the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan, such a person would not be allowed to return to the clan.

Not even allowed to enter the family ancestral hall after death!

"Tian Heng, could it be that you also believe this kid? He failed to become my disciple earlier, and now he's trying to slander me!!"

Yu Xiaogang never even considered that Yu Tianheng had seen through his true colors earlier tonight during the display of the Stamina Pill!

And after hearing all that had transpired, he was utterly disgusted to his core.

"Yu Xiaogang, watch your mouth and stop pretending in front of me! Do you really think I didn't know the moment Tang San passed you the Stamina Pill today? It's one thing to fool me usually, but who are you calling a kid now? Remember this, Ye Feng is my, Yu Tianheng's, big brother!!"

Yu Tianheng erupted!

The words the other had said before: "If you truly wish to become a great Soul Master, then make my disciple your target. If you can catch up to him, then you will surely stand at the peak of the entire Continent" deeply wounded Yu Tianheng!!

What nonsense about making your disciple a target?

Who is your disciple anyway!!

During the solo combat earlier, if he hadn't been overconfident, it was not certain who would have won or lost!

Furthermore, from now on, his goal would be his big brother Ye Feng!

Fourteen years old with four soul rings!

This was his true role model!

Strength is paramount in the Douluo World!

Whoever is strong, that's who Yu Tianheng will respect!

"Teacher Qin Ming, I don't think there's anything to discuss at this gathering tonight. If we meet at the Continental Senior Soul Master competition later, let's see what kind of team this 'Master' can train!"

At this moment, Ye Lingling also stood up.

If the instructors are leaving, what are they still doing here?

Did they really fancy this meal so much?

"Enough said, what can a level 29 scum who lies all day teach? Let's go, let's go."

Dugu Yan also stood up.

The Dou Huang Battle Team members followed Ye Feng and left.

"Ah this..."

Qin Ming was extremely embarrassed at the moment.

He had never expected that the leader of the Dou Huang Battle Team was actually a fourteen-year-old boy.

And he certainly didn't expect such deep animosity between the other party and Yu Xiaogang from Shrek Academy!

This put him in a really awkward position.

"Instructors, why don't we go out together instead?"

At that moment, Yu Tianheng spoke up.


Dugu Yan raised her hand!!

"Seconded, seconded!!"

The Shi Mo Brothers said.

Osslor and Yufeng Ye Lingling nodded one after another.

"It's such a good night, don't you think it goes well with sleeping??"

Ye Feng looked at everyone with surprise.

It was already past one in the morning.

Are people in the Soul Land so resistant to sleep?

"Instructor, you're leaving tomorrow, right? Why sleep? We must have a farewell banquet for you!"

Yu Tianheng addressed him, saying.

"Yes, yes, farewell banquet!!"

Shi Mo and Shi Mo Brothers nodded.

"Farewell banquet! Farewell banquet!"

The rest also echoed in agreement.

"Stop, stop, stop, I'm not as shameless as someone. Forget about a farewell banquet, after all, I'm not really your teacher. But since you're all so enthusiastic, let's go skewering tonight!!"

Ye Feng spoke up, he really couldn't consider himself a teacher, which is why he referred to himself as an instructor.

A person who's merely training them in certain skills.


Soon, everyone gathered at the street food stalls!

It lacked the sophistication of the rooftop earlier, but it was filled with a merry atmosphere; however, they did not know that in the darkness, a pair of eyes had already fixed on them.


Chilling cold!!