
Douluo Dao : Soul Archer: The Bow of Destiny

In the world of Douluo, Feng Xuan is reborn with a rare and powerful martial soul, the Golden Bow Vijaya, a legacy intertwined with ancient myths and celestial prowess. Guided by Shivarjuna, a mentor from the epic Mahabharata, Feng Xuan embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery, rigorous training, and epic battles. Driven by a thirst to uncover the secrets of his reincarnated heritage, Feng Xuan navigates a realm where martial arts prowess and spiritual enlightenment reign supreme. As he harnesses the celestial energies of his Golden Bow, he embarks on a quest to master its unique abilities, testing his resolve against formidable adversaries and ancient mysteries that threaten the balance of Douluo. Along his journey, Feng Xuan allies with familiar faces from the Douluo Dalu universe—companions who share his quest for mastery and stand with him through triumph and adversity. Together, they forge unbreakable bonds, facing challenges that test their strength, honor, and loyalty. As Feng Xuan confronts the shadows of his past and embraces the destiny laid before him, he discovers the true essence of his martial soul and the legacy it carries. Through epic battles and soul-stirring revelations, he unveils the interconnectedness of his past life and his present existence, shaping his identity as a hero destined to transcend the boundaries of legend.

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67 Chs

Select Beast for Second Spirit Ring

After successfully creating the Soul Replenishment Elixir, Feng Xuan marveled at the shimmering, golden liquid in the vial. This elixir had the extraordinary ability to recover soul power, a ground-breaking discovery in the Douluo Continent. Holding the vial, Feng Xuan contemplated how to make this revolutionary invention known to the world.

"This elixir could change everything," he thought, imagining the countless spirit masters who would benefit from its restorative properties. However, he quickly realized that his current strength and status were insufficient to introduce such a significant discovery to the wider world.

"I need to grow stronger," Feng Xuan mused, understanding that his low rank made it impossible to garner the necessary attention and respect for his elixir. "Releasing it now would be premature and might even put me in danger."

Recognizing the wisdom in patience, Feng Xuan decided to set the matter aside for the time being. "Once I've reached a higher level of strength and influence, I'll reveal this elixir to the world," he resolved. For now, his focus would remain on his training and increasing his power.

Feng Xuan carefully put away the Soul Replenishment Elixir, securing it in a hidden compartment. His thoughts then turned to his training. With a determined expression, he sought out his master, Shivarjuna, in the tranquil meditation chamber.

"Master Shivarjuna," Feng Xuan began, "I've successfully created the elixir. What should my next step in training be?"

Shivarjuna, with a calm and knowing smile, regarded his disciple. "You've done well, Feng Xuan," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "The creation of the elixir marks a significant milestone in your life. It can help you shorten span of soul power recovery. However, the time has come for you to advance further."

Feng Xuan's eyes brightened with anticipation. "What should I do next, Master?"

Shivarjuna nodded, his gaze thoughtful. "You are now ready to acquire your second spirit ring. This will not only enhance your abilities but also solidify your foundation for future growth."

Feng Xuan felt a surge of excitement and determination. The prospect of obtaining his second spirit ring filled him with an excitement. "I understand, Master. Where should I begin?"

Shivarjuna's eyes reflected a mixture of pride and caution. "To obtain a suitable spirit ring requires careful planning and awareness. You must find a spirit beast who have five elemental attributes to complement your martial spirit. Given your current strength, a 1500-year-old spirit beast would be ideal."

Feng Xuan nodded, absorbing his master's words. "I will prepare myself, Master. So do you have any beast in mind?"

Shivarjuna nodded approvingly, his eyes reflecting his pride in his student. "For your second spirit ring, you should seek a spirit beast that can enhance all five elements. Such a beast will provide you with balanced growth and versatility in your abilities."

Feng Xuan listened intently as Shivarjuna continued, outlining the potential candidates:

Elemental Dragon – A rare and powerful beast that embodies all five elements. Its soul ring would grant you a profound connection to fire, water, earth, air, and lightning.

Prismatic Phoenix – Known for its ability to manipulate multiple elements, this majestic creature would bestow upon you enhanced control and adaptability.

Celestial Kirin – A mythical beast revered for its elemental harmony. Its soul ring would provide balanced enhancements across all five elements.

Aether Serpent – A serpentine beast that channels the power of the elements through its body. Its soul ring would enhance your elemental affinity and agility.Arcane Griffin – This legendary creature has mastery over the elements of wind, fire, and lightning. Its soul ring would boost your offensive and defensive capabilities.

Shivarjuna paused, allowing Feng Xuan to digest the information. "Each of these spirit beasts has its own strengths."

 "Feng Xuan, for your second spirit ring, you should seek a spirit beast that can enhance all five elements. The Elemental Dragon and the Celestial Kirin are both ideal choices, each offering unique strengths and abilities." Advised Shivarjuna about which to choose.

Feng Xuan nodded thoughtfully. "I understand, Master. What can you tell me about the Elemental Dragon and the Celestial Kirin, and where might I find them?"

Shivarjuna's gaze turned contemplative. "The Elemental Dragon embodies the essence of fire, water, earth, air, and lightning. Its soul ring would grant you unparalleled balance and control over these elements. It is typically found in ancient, secluded valleys where elemental energies converge. The Dragon's presence creates a unique environment, rich in elemental harmony."

"And the Celestial Kirin?" Feng Xuan inquired, sensing the reverence in his master's tone.

"The Celestial Kirin," Shivarjuna continued, "is a mythical beast of great wisdom and power, revered for its harmony with the natural world. Its soul ring would enhance your spiritual and elemental prowess. However, the Kirin is incredibly rare and elusive. It is said to dwell in the highest, most secluded peaks where the veil between the mortal world and the heavens is thinnest."

Feng Xuan's brow furrowed with determination. "Both sound incredible, Master. Which do you believe is the better choice for me, considering our circumstances?"

Shivarjuna paused, weighing the options. "Given your current progress and the challenges ahead, I recommend seeking the Elemental Dragon. Its soul ring will provide you with balanced elemental mastery, crucial for your training in Astras. The Elemental Dragon is also more attainable, as its presence, while rare, is less mythical than that of the Celestial Kirin."

Feng Xuan absorbed his master's words, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Where should I begin my search for the Elemental Dragon, Master?"

"In the Sunset Forest," Shivarjuna replied. "This ancient forest, hidden deep within the mountains to the east, is known for its convergence of elemental energies. The journey will be arduous, but it is there that you are most likely to encounter the Elemental Dragon."

Feng Xuan nodded, determination gleaming in his eyes. "Thank you, Master. I will prepare and set out for the Sunset Forest. But master I have heard that it is dangerous inside sunset forest."

Thinking about poison douluo Dugo Bo, who is poison by his own poison, he felt pity about him and all herb which is taken by Tang san without caring about him. He will change fate of Dugu Bo if possible.

"But master, How to reach there I can't travel very far now so how to go there without being suspicious?" asked Feng Xuan while thinking about location.

Shivarjuna said while smiling, "I will use yogic energy to teleport you and I will also mask your aura so beast higher than 2500 year cannot find you."

"But master, with this your energy will be consume. Will there be any problem?" asked Feng Xuan warily.

Shivarjuna felt warm by Feng Xuan's concern about him and said with reassurance "Do not worry, it will consume some energy but I have it, using it we can travel to Sunset forest and return but I needed to go for sleep to recover after that."

"But how much time it would take for you to recover?" asked Feng Xuan.

Shivarjuna said "Two to Three years approx., probably."

Feng Xuan thought about the timeline and after two years he will be graduating from the junior academy so he needed to choose for the senior academy.

"I will be graduating from Nuoding Academy by then, so for future academy what I need to choose?" asked Feng Xuan.

"Feng Xuan, I will only guide you to acquire strength, which path to choose needed to select by you. I will not be with you forever so you needed to became self-depended and try to make your own decision." Said Shivarjuna with a higher tone.

If he help every prospect of Feng Xuan then it would be awful for Feng Xuan's Future.

"Master, please don't be angered, I will choose my path and not ask any unnecessary questions." Said Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan also believes that he is dependent on his master most so he needs to think about matters himself otherwise he will become like a beast in a cage who cannot think straight.

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