
Chapter 458: Encounter in Tiandou Pavilion

The following story develops in the direction that Ye Chen expected. The emperor of that generation of Sky Soul Empire was like a sky thunder after learning the news of the princess. He didn't expect people to find it, but eventually they missed each other. They may see each other again in the future. Can treat each other as a stranger.

But when he arrived at his position, there were too many things to worry about. In the end, he didn't worry about anything. Instead, he gave a restaurant under the Tiandou imperial family to the other party and promised to keep the name of Tiandou Pavilion.

Even after tens of thousands of years, the Heavenly Soul Empire's imperial family could not intervene in everything in the Tiandou Pavilion, not collect taxes from the Tiandou Pavilion, let alone kill the princess's heirs.

Thus, Tiandou Pavilion was retained in the dust of history.

Finally, Wang Dong'er took a deep look at the plaque of Tiandou Pavilion, and said: "So, the owner here is a remnant of the royal family of the Tiandou Empire, but unfortunately there is only one woman left in this generation. It is said that The name is Liang Xianxian, and she is as long as her name, like a fairy who descended from the sky, but few people have seen her in detail."

Ye Chen couldn't help being amused: "It's just a name, maybe because of the mysterious veil, so it is vivid. And the other party is a big fat man of three hundred jins, I can't tell."

Compared with that Liang Xianxian, Wang Donger is the goddess who really came from the God Realm, but she still doesn't know it yet.

"Hehe!" Wang Donger suddenly smiled happily. She didn't care whether the other person looked good or not, so she brought Ye Chen here, just because it had the most delicious food in the entire Sky Dou City.

Of course, as a real gold-selling cave, there are many other entertainment facilities on the second to fourth floors of Tiandou Pavilion. Although I used to do serious business, I have undergone earth-shaking changes along with the character of the person in power over the past ten thousand years. The change.

Wang Donger had heard of the filth and sordidness in it, and had always kept away from it, and had never set foot in it.

She even witnessed the stairs leading to the second floor, where there were many exposed women cuddling with some drunk men. That was vulgar.

Fortunately, Tiandou Pavilion knows the rules very well. The second floor and above are only open to noble men over 30 years old. As for Ye Chen, a young foodie who brought her family to taste the food, no money will be given. Will let him go up.

Therefore, Wang Donger has nothing to worry about...

Stepping into the brightly lit lobby of Tiandou Pavilion, even if you have seen Yechen in many similar places, you can't help but sigh for the extravagance here.

From the decorations on the walls of the hall to the tables, chairs and benches carved with intricate patterns in the hall, they all reveal a strong taste of nobility.

A wall-mounted lamp alone is worth at least fifty thousand soul gold coins, and fifty thousand soul gold coins, for ordinary people, the cost of eating in a year is no more than one soul gold coin.

One lamp is worth more than 50,000 people's food and drink for a year, and all the money is spent on it. It's no wonder that Douluo's original three-nation power cannot compare to the Sun-Moon Empire.

Ye Chen sighed, silently feeling sad for ordinary people. This was the situation that Tang San single-handedly created ten thousand years ago, a situation that was extremely friendly to the nobles but suffered the people.

But after all, he is his old husband. At this time, he might be gnashing his teeth in the sky and looking at him. Ye Chen couldn't judge too much.

"Let's go, the hall is too messy, let's go to the box in the inner area." Wang Donger took Ye Chen's hand, completely unaware that this guy was still slandering her father for a second.

Ye Chen nodded. Anyway, it's just a meal, and has no other purpose, so it's better to be quiet.

The first floor of Tiandou Pavilion is also divided into many areas. The largest area is of course the outer hall, where ordinary nobles eat, and those with real status will go to the private boxes in the inner area.

Before taking a few steps, two young girls in golden royal maid costumes came over. Ye Chen's eyes lit up. Even if she was placed in Shrek, the two girls were at the level of goddess, but they could only serve as receptions here. maid.

Ye Chen had to sigh again for the luxury of these nobles' lives. He had no doubt that as long as those nobles needed them, they could climb onto each other's bedside at any time.

"What do you look at!" Wang Dong'er snorted coldly, and Ye Chen was so scared that Ye Chen quickly retracted his gaze.

But the next moment he remembered that he hadn't done anything wrong, just take a few glances, what is he afraid of?

"Excuse me, do the two distinguished guests have any needs?" The maid at the head made a court ceremony to the two and asked respectfully.

They only believe in one thing, no matter who comes, let them enjoy the treatment that the emperor can.

Wang Dong'er curled his lips and wondered where these two girls look good in the game, except for those two places that are bigger than him...

Well, more than a little...

"Prepare a box for us." The little girl didn't mean to be polite at all, raised her hand to take out a token and handed it to the other party.

The two maids were not surprised by this. Here, status and status represent everything.

Ye Chen glanced roughly, and there was a strange hammer on the black token, which looked exactly the same as the Clear Sky hammer he had seen in the ancient books of the Sea God Pavilion Library.

Moreover, the material of the token is also an extremely precious rare metal, symbolizing the strength and status of the Clear Sky School.

The maid didn't dare to neglect, she understood the power represented by the token only at a glance, she didn't dare to say anything, and after a deep bow, she turned and led the two to walk towards the inner area.

In fact, Ye Chen's identity can achieve the same effect, but Wang Dong'er has already indicated his identity, and there is no need.

Otherwise it will make people feel that they are deliberately showing off.

Under the leadership of the two young girls, the two of them walked through a golden sea, and it didn't take long before they came to a golden nanmu gate.

Along the way, because Ye Chen had already done disguise, even though his outfits were quite extraordinary, he still didn't cause much rest in the Tiandou Pavilion where the nobles could be seen everywhere.

The sign at the door reads Private Room No. 66, and the two women pushed open the door and bowed to invite them in.

At this moment, Ye Chen stared suddenly, looking in the direction behind him.

There was also a group of people coming here under the leadership of the two maids.

The people in the group were of uneven ages, and through their relatively concise dresses, Ye Chen judged that this seemed to be a team set out to hunt and kill soul beasts.

The leader was two girls aged sixteen or seventeen. The reason that caused Ye Chen's rest was that he discovered that one of the girls was at least 60% similar to someone he knew.

And that person is exactly Mu Yiyi who has become a reserve member of Shrek.

"Could it be that this is the eldest princess Mu Xue of the Douling Empire? If I guess right, the one who walks with her next to her is probably the princess of the Heavenly Soul Empire, right?"