
Chapter 457: Heaven Dou

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, his expression turned very stern, as if others owed him tens of millions of gold soul coins.

"Dong'er, if you say that I will go home with you, will the two uncles beat me out and drive me out like the letter said? After all, I abducted their favorite little princess, why? What a guilty conscience..."

Wang Dong'er chuckled and said, "So you are sometimes scared. I thought that in your heart, the boss is your second child."

Ye Chen thought: 'Am I not saving face? '

Prince Shrek, who used to be fearless and fearless in the past, couldn't help but froze, "Am I so arrogant?"

Wang Dong'er rolled his eyes: "Where is it gone, your previous style will only be more excessive."

Ye Chen suddenly became speechless, thinking about it, it seemed that it was really the case.

Wang Dong'er suddenly thought of something, and she asked unwillingly, "What do you mean by being abducted by you? I haven't promised to be your girlfriend yet. You elm head doesn't know how to take the initiative. Do you want me to take the initiative? ?"

Ye Chen didn't dare to look at her angrily. In this regard, he was really at a loss: "Don't worry, this kind of thing can't be hasty, I'm waiting for an opportunity that you will remember for a lifetime. Don't worry, you will not be allowed to wait too long."

Ye Chen's voice was very small, but it was still heard by Wang Dong'er, thinking that while the elm's head had finally opened up, she pretended not to look at him, and walked forward on her own.

Ye Chen really didn't understand that this little ancestor was provoked there again.

When he didn't express his position, he was dumbfounded, and when he expressed his position, he liked to ignore it. It was really a woman's heart that made him puzzled by this emotional mediocrity.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Dong'er had already walked a long distance, Ye Chen shook his head, and quickly speeded up to catch up.


Time flew by, although the two deliberately lowered their steps, they finally arrived at Tiandou City five days later.

Ye Chen thought that someone with short eyes would come over to make trouble along the way, but unexpectedly, the trip went so smoothly that there was not even a single person to talk to them.

After paying the entrance fee for ten Silver Soul Coins, the two of Ye Chen stepped into the quaint huge gate in the guard's strange eyes, and came to Heaven Dou City.

As the capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City, even though it has long since been the capital of the Tiandou Empire, has even changed its dynasty and became the capital of today's Soul Empire, but it still retains the prosperity of the year.

And it is different from the Star Luo City of the Star Luo Empire, because neither the official nor the people resist the existence of the Soul Guidance Device, so the architectural style here incorporates many elements of the Soul Guidance Technology.

Although it was incomparable to Mingdu, it was already the city with the highest technological elements among the three kingdoms that Douluo originally belonged to.

This is also Wang Dong'er's hometown. When he was young, he often sneaked to Heaven Dou City without paying attention to the two Sect Masters, so he was quite familiar with it.

Ye Chen came to this ancient imperial capital for the first time, so at Wang Dong'er's strong request, she took it to wander around.

When she came to her hometown, this girl seemed to have changed herself, so she rarely took the initiative.

Of course, Little Snow Girl had already returned to Ye Chen's spirit sea, and he didn't dare to blatantly take Little Snow Girl into Heaven Dou City.

Among other things, as the location of the Haotianzong base camp, Ye Chen didn't believe that there was no eyeliner for them.

If it is known by the two suzerains, it will inevitably be a big trouble. It is not possible to tell the truth. The less people know about soul affairs, the better, at least until the Sea God Pavilion holds a meeting and officially announces it.

At present, even Xian Lin'er and the amount of money don't even know.

It was already afternoon when the two arrived at Tiandou City. Before Wang Dong'er was full of fun, the night was shrouded in the distant horizon like a big curtain.

Although he was reluctant, he decided to fill his stomach first under Ye Chen's suggestion.

One of them was the prince of Shrek Academy, and the other was Miss Haotianzong. They were not the money-poor, and soon under the leadership of Wang Donger, they came to a huge building with magnificent splendor.

This is an old four-story building, and the hollow wooden windows on each floor even retain the habit of using window paper.

The four interconnected gates are connected together, and the plaque above is printed with three big bronzing characters: Tiandou Pavilion.

The crowds coming and going, the luxurious decorations at the door, and the fragrance of the food wafting out of it, without introduction, you know that this is an upscale place for the rich to eat and entertain.

"Tiandou Pavilion? Hearing this name, it also has a simple architectural style, like Tiandou City, which has been preserved thousands of years ago." Ye Chen's face was full of surprise, and he didn't understand how the Heavenly Soul Empire imperial family allowed this. The loft survived.

Perceiving Ye Chen's doubts, Wang Donger smiled and explained: "You're right, this Tiandou Pavilion is indeed related to the previous Tiandou Empire, and even the founder here is a member of the Tiandou Empire's royal family. You must know something about the decline and disintegration of the Tiandou Empire back then, but there is still a sad fate hidden in it."

"Oh?" Ye Chen suddenly became interested when he heard it. Whether it was in his previous life or in his current life, he had never heard of this incident, which shows that the news is indeed quite secretive.

Speaking of this, Wang Donger immediately talked about it, and as expected, girls like to gossip.

"At the beginning, the power of the Tiandou Empire was gradually declining. Even the two nobles in it have gradually surpassed the power of the royal family. One of the nobles is now the Royal Family of the Soul Fighting Empire. At that time, there was a shock in the family. Gu Shuojin's masterful genius, even more coincidentally, this genius and the princess of the Tiandou Empire at that time had a long-term relationship with each other."

"What happened later?" Ye Chen's interest was also mobilized. He had a hunch that this royal secret could help him in the near future.

Wang Donger sorted out his thoughts and continued: "But because the increasingly powerful family has long been rebellious, after discovering the relationship between the two of them, he strictly warned the boy and told him to leave the princess.

"Later, the boy was confined by the family. Until he came out again, the Heaven Dou Empire had already changed its dynasty. Although the royal princess was not dead, she also lost track in the chaos."

"The princess thought that the boy had betrayed him and escaped incognito. Later, she married a wealthy businessman and gave birth to a boy and a girl. In order to find the princess, the princess eliminated all obstacles placed in front of him. When he finally became the supreme throne, the people he sent out finally brought back news about the princess."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh. Although it sounds like a real historical event, it is too bloody...