
Chapter 444: Unlucky Mu Yiyi

Ye Chen glanced across the entire classroom, because there were only seven people, so it seemed a bit empty.

Shrek Academy has detailed information about all of them. Ye Chen probably understood. Except for Zhu Mengying and Yuan Feng, the little couple, everyone else had no contact with them other than students.

This is actually the best. Although the tacit understanding between each other needs to be re-trained, there will be no deep hatred.

Things like Huo Yuhao and Dai Huabin in their session, he didn't want to repeat it in his team.

"I just met you yesterday, I believe I don't need to introduce myself?" When I first met with them as a teacher, Ye Chen deliberately pretended to be expressionless. Since he decided to be strict with them, Can't be too kind.

With those cold eyes, the few people who looked at them trembled, and they felt straight hair in their hearts. They also thought of yesterday's horrible suppression from the spirit of martial arts, and even Ye Yu, who has always been called the beauty of the iceberg, felt a little bit. chill.

"Yiyi, Senior Ye Chen was not like that yesterday. Where did the gentle and kind seniors go?" Song Xiaoxiao and Mu Yiyi whispered, she always felt that Ye Chen was different from the one she saw yesterday.

Mu Yiyi looked at Ye Chen silently, and said coldly: "Hmph, I think he can't pretend to expose his authenticity. Yesterday he just pretended to be in front of everyone."

This little girl is quite grudge, and seems to be still brooding about Ye Chen's playing with her in the entrance examination.

'I don't know how was the senior at the time. I've been here for so long and haven't had a chance to meet. Mu Yiyi thought in a daze, the little girl always firmly believed that the token given by the "predecessor" could be valued so much by Shrek, then the other party must be a certain senior in the academy.

She guessed right, but it was a pity that she couldn't think of it anyway, that the so-called "senior" was Ye Chen himself, and she had just mocked him in front of her classmates.

The others were different. Although they were surprised that Ye Chen became their teacher in charge, they had nothing to do with Ye Chen except for yesterday's assessment, so they looked at him with more curiosity.

"Mu Yiyi." In the originally quiet classroom, Ye Chen suddenly yelled, making Mu Yiyi shiver suddenly.

No way, who made her talk bad about Ye Chen just now, this is called a guilty conscience.

Ye Chen felt helpless, and on the surface he had to pretend to be serious, which was a bit uncomfortable for his original character.

"What are you whispering below, do you think you are strong?"

Facing Ye Chen's sarcasm question, Mu Yiyi's face flushed red, but he didn't say anything.

But Ye Chen still noticed the dissatisfaction in her expression, and then said: "Are you dissatisfied, then let me just say, if you weren't affected by my aura yesterday, you can still sit in this classroom now? "

"Perhaps you have been defeated by your opponent long ago? At your level, really embarrassing you Douling Royal Family." In the end, Ye Chen added his mental power. Only the two of them could listen to the other party's identity. To.

After all, no matter how you say it, everyone has their own secrets. He wasn't sure Mu Yixi didn't want other students to know.

These words are a little bit too far. These students have been called geniuses by the people around them since they were young. Even the few students with not very good backgrounds are still a little proud of their whispers.

Since he will be their teacher in charge in the future, he plans to beat them well.

Ye Chen's aggressive aura deeply stimulated Mu Yiyi's self-esteem. The dissatisfaction in his heart was completely without thinking, and he expressed it through words: "What do you know, if it weren't for the three people to take turns against me, I would have won. Up."

"Yiyi." Seeing that Mu Yiyi was about to start to lift the bar, Chen Bing reluctantly walked to the other side and reminded him aloud.

She had also taught Mu Yiyi before, and she knew the girl's temper very well. Although she hadn't heard what Ye Chen said behind her, she could still guess something from the little girl's excitement.

It was definitely something that stimulated her.

Although a little helpless, her impression of Ye Chen, the prince of Shrek Academy, deepened a bit.

She didn't understand Ye Chen's intentions. Chen Bing clearly knew that his personality was too soft. Although he was able to get along well with the students, he lacked some majesty.

Ye Chen obviously wanted to be this bad guy by himself, so he beat and beat these arrogant geniuses when he first met.

This young man is only two or three years older than the students in the classroom, not to mention his talent, just his character is incomparable to others.

'What a little monster. Chen Bing sighed in his heart, looked at Wang Dong'er outside the door, and at Ye Yu in the corner, he couldn't help feeling a pity.

Originally, according to Mu Lao's intention, Ye Chen wanted to become her uncle, which was a pity.

Regardless of talent or other aspects, Chen Bing was 100% satisfied with Ye Chen.

But for these things, she can only serve as a reference. She, who has suffered emotional frustrations, does not want to interfere too much.

Just go with the flow.

Outside the classroom, Xu Sanshi and others were carefully observing the situation in the classroom while discussing quietly.

"Xiao Chen is so serious that it really looks like that. It has been a long time since I saw him like this. The last time was more than half a year ago, when the Star Dou Great Forest reprimanded Dong'er." Xu Sanshi said without thinking, and took a peek without a trace. Wang Dong'er glanced.

Speaking of this, Wang Donger suffocated for a while. At that time, a group of people went to Star Dou Great Forest to obtain the spirit ring. They found an abnormal situation inside Star Dou. Ye Chen asked He Caitou to accompany a group of girls back to the college to report. She was worried about Ye Chen's safety. Leaving, the result was a reprimand by Ye Chen.

Thinking of this, Wang Dong'er's eyes when looking at Ye Chen changed, as if she had been wronged so much, she looked at the teenager in the classroom quietly.

Ye Chen seemed to feel something, his back felt cold, why didn't he hear Xu Sanshi's words?

Jiang Nannan looked at Ye Chen, who had a serious face, and the students with different expressions in the classroom, and thought: 'This is one thing falling into one thing. '

After that, he glared at Xu Sanshi fiercely, as if saying that if you dare to treat me like this, I will die for you!

Xu Sanshi suffered a disaster without ignorance, so he dared not resist, so he had to focus your eyes on Ye Chen.

But having said that, since half a year ago, after Jiang Nannan teleported to the limit to save Xu Sanshi, the relationship between the two has eased a lot.

The hard shackles in her heart began to loosen unknowingly...