
Chapter 443: College prohibition order

Beibei and Xu Sanshi looked miserable. This is simple to say, but it's not a good job.

They probably know a little about the strength of those juniors and girls, although they have extraordinary talents, some of them even surpass them back then.

But speaking of it, the cultivation base is still too weak after all. If 100% of the strength is used, it is no different from the abuse of food for them today, and they will not have the purpose of experiencing each other.

The difference in cultivation base ranges from a dozen to more than 20 levels. In terms of combat experience, Beibei and the others who have experienced many scenes are not comparable to those new melon eggs.

But if the cultivation base is suppressed too low, with the talents of those juniors and sisters, they might really be overturned in the gutter, and that would be ashamed and thrown home.

Therefore, there needs to be a degree, and this degree is precisely the most difficult to control.

Although Huo Yuhao and the simple and honest He Caitou also understood this truth, they didn't have so many worries. Face was nothing. If someone could beat himself at the same cultivation level, he could only prove that he was not strong enough, just try hard to become strong.

"Okay, okay, it just so happens that I want to see those younger brothers and sisters too." Xiao Xiao's eyes brightened, but she showed a keen interest.

Jiang Nannan also reacted similarly, but with a lot of subtlety, not like Xiao Xiao.

As for Wang Dong'er, it was natural that he did not disagree with this statement. Since it was Ye Chen's decision, it was not a dangerous thing anyway, and there was nothing to support.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Ye Chen's satisfaction was written on his face, Xu Sanshi and Bei Bei could only nod their heads in agreement, seeing that they were outnumbered.

"Speaking of Xiaochen, what happened just now, the weather has changed too weird." Beibei changed the subject. Everyone turned their attention to Ye Chen, and they did not forget the main purpose of the trip.

Ye Chen knew that they would definitely have doubts, so he thought about it a long time ago: "Is a titled Douluo-level powerhouse. He seems to know Grandpa Mu. The breath that emanates from that person, even if it is me, is only seen in his life. After talking for a while in the distance, the man left. As for the content, I am not very clear."

Ye Chen had thought about it a long time ago. Since the explanation is unclear, it is better to kick the ball to Mr. Mu. Anyway, they will not ask about it. Even if they ask, I believe Mr. Mu will help him.

Although it smells stinky and shameless, the key is to save trouble...


In the classroom where the reserve team was located, Chen Bing felt the temperature change outside the classroom, and slowly recovered the spirit power scattered in the room.

This is just their temporary classroom. When they come back from the holidays, they will be transferred to the second-grade teaching building.

Just a moment of low temperature, even her sixty-nine soul emperor felt a strong chill, not to mention the children in the teacher.

'How powerful is it that came to Shrek City to cause such a vision? Chen Bing was amazed in her heart. From her experience, it was natural to see that this was not a natural phenomenon.

And a similar situation happened more than ten years ago. At that time, it was more terrifying than it is now. For half a month of darkness shrouded the entire continent, the whole continent was panicked, thinking that the end of the continent was coming.

Although more than ten years have passed since the incident, the scene at that time is still vivid.

At this time, the colleges in the surrounding classrooms walked out of the room one after another, and were returning to the assessment area under the leadership of their respective head teachers.

After hearing the hustle and bustle outside, the seven people in the room looked out the window with their curiosity eyes, wishing to see what happened immediately.

Although the school has issued the password, it is impossible to stop the crowd. There are still many students quietly discussing what happened in the past ten minutes.

This kind of discussion intensified, and it wasn't until the dean of education Du Weilun appeared in the corridor and ordered to stop again, the situation improved.

"Ms. Chen, what happened just now?" Finally, Song Xiaoxiao couldn't bear the doubt in his heart and asked.

With the first person who spoke, several other students watched Chen Bing at the same time, expecting her to give answers.

However, Chen Bing is not omnipotent, not everything is clear.

"I'm not very clear, maybe it's just ordinary weather changes. Since the college has asked for a ban on discussion, let's not think about these things." Chen Bing's tone was a little helpless, but he had to appease these. A child full of curiosity.

Although curiosity kills the cat, for students, the idea of ​​acquiring knowledge is always right.

The notice issued by the college is that other students will continue their placement assessment, and there is no requirement for them, which means that they will stay in the classroom this morning.

At this time, Chen Bing suddenly looked out of the door, and a clear voice came to mind in his mind: "Ms. Chen, I'm here to report."

'This is Spiritual Power Transmission! Chen Bing thought subconsciously, until she saw the figure outside the door, then she reacted, and nodded to the other party to wait.

"Everyone, be quiet." Chen Bing suddenly said, causing the students to have some questions. "I told you before that after the second grade, the class will welcome a second teacher in charge. I am responsible for everyone's basic knowledge, and the other person is responsible for you Now he has arrived for his actual combat, as well as various combat experience and theories."

Having said this, Chen Bing paused, and looked out the door again: "Next, I have invited your senior Ye Chen. Of course, I will be your teacher Yelaoshr."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Chendu's figure appeared in the sight of everyone. He was a little helpless. He originally wanted to keep a low profile, but Chen Bing did not expect Chen Bing to give it a special introduction.

At the door, Huo Yuhao, Bei Bei himself Xu Sanshi and others stood neatly on the side, Xu Sanshi laughed out loud.

Although he was mentally prepared, the term "teacher" was used on Ye Chen, who had just turned fifteen, and there was a full sense of disobedience.

A few girls looked at the classroom curiously. This was the first time they came to the outer courtyard classroom after joining the inner courtyard. Looking at the energetic younger brothers and sisters, they were full of memories from the beginning.

Beibei and Huo Yuhao are thinking about what Ye Chen said earlier, that can create such a mighty powerhouse, and they know Mr. Mu, even if it's not a super powerhouse with a level of ninety-nine strength like Mr. Mu, it's kind of hidden. Old monster.

Of course, no one would be so stupid to ask Mr. Mu, that matters at that level were not what they should be concerned about now.

In the classroom, the seven students looked at Ye Chen dumbfounded, and opened their mouths in surprise. Ye Yu, who was in better condition, was also full of surprises. They couldn't believe that Ye Chen would actually become their teacher in charge.

Although they admitted Ye Chen's strength, this age is too young...