
Douluo dalu: System Loot

Travel across the Douluo Dalu, obtain the explosive attribute system, awaken the twin martial souls, and properly pass the standard equipment. However, one is an ordinary beast spirit black tiger, the other is an ordinary weapon spirit black iron rod, with only three levels of innate spiritual power. Got permission to post this in here spoke to the actual guy that posted this and got permission from him to post here if I want to continue this fanfic or not Original author: Master Ice Tea Link to the original: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluo-dalu-attacking-to-loot-attribute/

Zer0phia · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6: My name is Xiao Wu, Let's dance

After Chen Feng merged with his martial soul, he returned to the Seven Shelter.

Since the system can explode martial souls, it means that his martial souls can continue to merge and evolve, and the only flaw is also made up. I don't know if other martial souls can be exploded. If it can, then the system is really too bad. Up.

Tang San had already arrived at the Seventh House at this time, and looking at Wang Sheng's appearance, he seemed to be fighting Tang San. It might be that he saw Tang San's thin figure and didn't believe that Tang San had such a strong strength.

"Little San, you are here." Chen Feng said.

"Brother Feng." Tang San responded.

"Is this the Seven House?" A clear voice came from the door, and Chen Feng turned around to look around. There was a pretty young girl standing at the door.

The little girl looks about the same size as Chen Feng and is slightly shorter than Chen Feng. She has a pretty little face that is rosy and tender and looks like a ripe peach. Her long black hair is combed into a scorpion braid. With curiosity in his watery eyes, he looked around.

"Is this Xiao San's child bride-in-law? It is really cute." Chen Feng thought to himself in his heart.

"Can mixed men and women live here?" Tang San asked in a low voice to Wang Sheng beside him.

Wang Sheng nodded, and also lowered his voice and said, "Everyone is still a child, and every dormitory in the school is mixed gender. Only the Intermediate Soul Master Academy is separated."

"In previous years, it would be nice to have one work-student, but three came this year, the boss, go up and give him a good start."

"I don't need this." The other party is a girl, and she is so cute. If he let him bully the other party, he really can't do anything.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Wu, Dancing Wu." Xiao Wu smiled and walked in.

Tang San was pushed in front of Xiao Wu by Wang Sheng and signaled that he could not break the rules of the dormitory. In desperation, he knew and said, "Hello, my name is Tang San, I belong to the Seven Houses... What is Wuhan?"

Xiao Wu blinked her big bright eyes, thinking Tang San was very interesting, and said, "My spirit is a very cute rabbit. What is your spirit?"

"My martial spirit is Lan Yincao, and your martial spirit just overwhelms me." Tang San said shyly.

Tang San had been living in Tang Sect in his previous life, and he had never had any contact with any woman, nor in this life. He was a little at a loss when he suddenly talked to a girl.

"You are really interesting, can you let me in?" Xiao Wu smiled.

Wang Sheng reached out and poked Tang San, motioning him not to forget the business.

"That's the case. Our Seven Houses has a rule, that is, the new work-students have to show their strengths. We need to learn from each other." Tang San tried to be a little bit euphemistic.

"Fight, okay!" Xiao Wu said excitedly, putting the things in her hands on an empty bed, and then returning to the previous position.

"Okay, let's start."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking before Tang San could react, her right leg bent up, her toes popped out instantly, and she went straight to Tang San.

Tang San's reaction was not slow either, turning his body to the left, avoiding the kicked foot, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Wu's ankle, and a poster Shan Kao came out.

Chen Feng was watching from the sidelines, Xiao Wu's soft skills were indeed powerful, and when combined with her spirit power, it was also the tenth level. Now he is not Xiao Wu's opponent.

Tang San's strength is stronger than Xiao Wu's, but Xiao Wu is a girl, which makes Tang San a little unable to play. After the two played for dozens of rounds, Tang San was thrown out by Xiao Wu with soft skills.

"I lost, can you tell me what technique you used just now?" Tang San wasn't someone who couldn't afford to lose, and he himself didn't want to be the boss of this dormitory.

Xiao Wu smiled triumphantly: "This is called soft skill, a skill that uses the softness of the body and the toughness of the body."

"This soft skill is very powerful." Tang San nodded, and then said: "According to the rules of the dormitory if you beat me, you will be the head of the Seventh Shelter, and our boss."

Xiao Wu rolled her eyes and said excitedly: "Boss, it seems to be fun. I will be your boss in the future. It seems pretty good to be a work-student."

At this moment, a teacher in his thirties came in and said, "Who is this year's work-student, come forward."

Chen Feng, Tang San, and Xiao Wu stood up at the same time.

"Which one is Tang San?" the teacher said.

"I am." Tang San quickly stood up.

"My name is Mohen, you can call me Teacher Mo, this is the bedding for you by the master." Mohan handed the bedding in his hand to Tang San. The bedding was normal, but with the dry breath, it was brand new.

"Chen Feng, Xiao Wu, Tang San, you three are first-year work-students. From now on, you will be responsible for cleaning the south garden of the playground. Ten copper soul coins a day. Remember, you must clean it every day, otherwise, your son will be deducted. He even ordered you to drop out."

"Remember." Chen Feng said in unison.

After Cohen left, Xiao Wu looked at the bedding in Tang San's hand and said blankly: "Bedding, this seems to be a problem."

Wang Sheng clearly noticed that Xiao Wu didn't bring a quilt, and said, "Boss, you can use my quilt first. I just lay the mattress half and half covered."

Xiao Wu took a look at the beddings of many work-students. Although they were clean, most of them were tattered. Only the bedding in Tang San's hands was brand new.

"Don't call me the boss, you call me old." Xiao Wu frowned.

"How do you do that? This is the rule." Wang Shengdao.

"Since I am the boss, everything must be listened to by me. You will call me Sister Xiao Wu from now on." Xiao Wu said.

After speaking, he walked to Tang San's side and said grinningly: "Tang San, how about we discuss something?"

"What's the matter?" Tang San asked subconsciously.

"I think your bedding is also quite big. It won't be a problem for the two of us to cover it. That way, we will put the bed together so that it won't all be useful."

"That's not good, men and women are different, and Feng Ge didn't bring bedding. I plan to use it with Feng Ge." Tang San was taken aback for a while, then said.

"I'm okay, it will be just one night today. Just go out and buy a set every day." Chen Feng smiled.

"He said so, and I don't care if I am a girl, what are you afraid of." Xiao Wu snorted dissatisfied.

Tang San didn't know what to say for a while and cast a look at Chen Feng for help. Chen Feng smiled playfully, shrugged, and said that he could do nothing.

"Come here quickly and put the beds together." Xiao Wu decided directly and urged impatiently.

After everyone helped to put the bed together, Wang Sheng said, "You probably haven't had lunch yet. Let's go to the cafeteria for lunch together."

As soon as Xiao Wu heard it, she went to eat, her eyes lighted up, and said, "Eat, okay, what's delicious?"

Wang Zheng smiled bitterly: "What good food we can eat as working students, just buy some cheap meals in the cafeteria and just do it."

"I'm not going." Tang San said, he brought his own food, and he didn't have a soul coin.

"Little San, I still have some money on me. Let's go eat together. You are naturally full of spiritual power. You can become a spiritual master as long as you live with a spirit ring, and you can receive one gold soul coin every month." Chen Feng said.

Others heard that Tang San could soon become a soul master, and they all showed envy.

"All right then." Tang San nodded.

"Does it cost money to eat? That's the soul coin." Xiao Wu said embarrassingly, she also didn't have a soul coin.