
Douluo dalu: System Loot

Travel across the Douluo Dalu, obtain the explosive attribute system, awaken the twin martial souls, and properly pass the standard equipment. However, one is an ordinary beast spirit black tiger, the other is an ordinary weapon spirit black iron rod, with only three levels of innate spiritual power. Got permission to post this in here spoke to the actual guy that posted this and got permission from him to post here if I want to continue this fanfic or not Original author: Master Ice Tea Link to the original: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluo-dalu-attacking-to-loot-attribute/

Zer0phia · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: Qi She, Martial Soul Fusion

"Apologize to Grandpa Jack!" Chen Feng still stared at the young man at the door.

The young man asked the master for help with his eyes. The master looked at Chen Feng and then at the young man. He said coldly, "Apologize, I hope this is the last time. If there is a repeat, you won't use it."

The young man broke into a cold sweat behind his back, and hurriedly bowed and said to Village Chief Jack, "I'm sorry!"

"Let's go in." The master looked at Chen Feng and Tang San.

Chen Feng and Tang San followed the master and walked into the academy together.

"Teacher, thank you." Tang San said to the master. He also raised his left hand just now. If the master appeared later, he would shoot the young man with a sleeve arrow.

"I'm not a teacher at the academy." The master glanced at Tang San and shook his head lightly.

"Not a teacher, then you must be the leader or principal of the academy?" Tang San said.

The master laughed and said, "You are very smart, but you still guessed wrong."

"Then you are?" Tang San was a little puzzled, not the teacher and leader of the college, how could he have such a high status in the school.

"I'm just a guest in the academy. You can call me a master like everyone else. The meaning of a master and a teacher is very different. Don't call me wrong in the future, unless you really want to worship me as a teacher." Master said.

"Do you want to teach me to practice martial arts?" Tang San asked.

The master stopped, looked at Tang San with both eyes, and asked, "Then would you like it?"

Tang San didn't answer, just looked at the master like this.

Seeing that Tang San didn't speak, the master smiled, "You are really a smart boy."

"Master, Xiaosan, you two will talk slowly. I will sign up first." Chen Feng said. He knew that the master would tell the secret of Tang San's twin martial arts, and it would not be appropriate for him to stay here.

"Well, the Academic Affairs Office is over there." The master nodded and pointed Chen Feng the direction.

"Little San, see you later." Chen Feng took the Wuhun Hall's certificate and ran towards the Academic Affairs Office.

The Academic Affairs Office is on the first floor of the main teaching building. There is a 60-year-old teacher here who is specially responsible for receiving new students. The other two 30-year-old teachers are helping him.

"Hello, I am a working student from Shenghun Village. This is my proof." Chen Feng ran over and handed the proof of Wuhun Hall.

"Martial Spirit Black Tiger, innate spirit power level 3, it's okay." Director Su accepted the proof, then nodded.

"This is your school uniform, which is distributed free of charge by the college. You live in the seven dormitory buildings. The teacher in charge there will arrange your work as a work-student. Go ahead." Another teacher said.

"Thank you." Chen Feng took over the school uniform and then walked out of the Academic Affairs Office.

There are not many students at Notting College, there is only one dormitory building, a total of seven dormitories, and Qishe is dedicated to working-study students.

Chen Feng inquired for a while, found the location of the dormitory building, and came to the Seventh Shelter.

It is said to be a dormitory, but it is actually larger than many auditoriums that Chen Feng has seen in his previous life. There are more than 50 beds, but there are only a dozen bedding, most of which are empty.

As soon as Chen Feng walked in, all the students inside looked at Chen Feng.

"Hello, I am a new work student, my name is Chen Feng." Chen Feng introduced himself with a smile.

The eldest of them walked over and said, "My name is Wang Sheng, and my spirit is Zhanhu. What is your spirit?"

"My spirit is Black Tiger." Chen Feng said.

"We Qishe has a rule. Whoever has the strongest strength is the boss of the dormitory. The person responsible for protecting the dormitory is not bullied. The boss before is me. You must fight with me." Wang Sheng said.

"Fight, I like it." The corner of Chen Feng's mouth raised slightly.

Before he wanted to fight, he could only find Tang San alone. Tang San was stronger than him. It was not easy to explode some attributes from Tang San.

Putting the school uniform and black iron rod that he had just received on an empty bed, Chen Feng came to the center of the dormitory, ready to fight Wang Sheng.

"It's time to start." Chen Feng stretched out a hand and made a request.

"You are careful." Wang Sheng said, and then rushed towards Chen Feng, slamming his fist on Chen Feng's chest.

With a smile on his face, Chen Feng greeted him with a punch.

The two fists touched each other, and Wang Sheng felt a huge force coming, and he took a few steps to stabilize his figure, while Chen Feng still stood in place, motionless, and he immediately saw.

Wang Sheng was surprised, his spirit power was already ninth level, his age was several years older than Chen Feng, and his strength was not as good as Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, his physical fitness was already comparable to that of a normal power attack type spirit master, and even Tang San was far inferior to him simply by physical strength.

He just couldn't beat Tang San because Tang San had cultivated Xuan Tian Gong and his skills were much higher than him.

"Come again!" Wang Sheng said unconvinced, and attacked Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng is not only powerful, but also a lot faster than Wang Sheng. He dodges from the left to the right, catches the gap and gives Wang Sheng a punch. However, he is still very measured and will only make Wang Sheng hurt, not Cause injuries.

After dozens of rounds, Wang Sheng also knew that he was not Chen Feng's opponent.

"I lost, you will be the boss of Qishe from now on." Wang Shengdao.

"Hello boss!" the others said in unison.

"There is another working student in our village this year. I am not his opponent. When he comes, let him be the boss of the dormitory." Chen Feng waved his hand and forcibly suppressed his excitement.

Because the last time he hit Wang Sheng, a golden ball of light burst out.

The golden legend actually broke out on Wang Sheng, and he wanted to know what it was.

"Newborn, stronger than you?" Wang Sheng said in surprise. Newborn also means that he is only six years old. Chen Feng is already abnormal enough, and there is even one more abnormal than Chen Feng.

"He is inherently full of soul power." Chen Feng said.

"Innately full of soul power!" Wang Sheng and others were shocked.

"Okay, I'll clean it up first." Chen Feng said, accidentally integrating the attribute light **** on the ground one by one. You don't have to pick them up with your hands, as long as you touch them, you can merge them.

"Let's help," the others said.

"This iron rod is so heavy." Wang Sheng helped Chen Feng to get the iron rod and almost fell.

"This black iron rod is 108 kilograms, which I specially invited someone to make." Chen Feng smiled.

"No wonder you are so good." Wang Sheng was convinced now.

"Ding Dong! The spirit war tiger is detected. It is of the same type as the host's spirit black tiger. Is it fusion?" When Chen Feng touched the golden ball of light, a mechanical voice rang in his ears.

"Not fusion for now." Chen Feng secretly said.

The attribute light ball lasted for an hour, he didn't know what would happen to martial soul fusion, it was better to find a place where no one was.

"I still have something to do, go out first." Chen Feng picked up the golden ball of light, said hello to Wang Sheng and others, and ran out.

After finding a remote place, Chen Feng was ready to fuse his martial soul.

"Unexpectedly, the system can even burst out martial souls. I don't know what changes will happen after the fusion?" Chen Feng thought in his heart, and then silently muttered fusion in his heart, and he began to merge martial souls.

The fusion of Martial Soul did not have the big movements that Chen Feng imagined, and there was no pain, and it was quickly completed.

The Black Tiger Martial Spirit was still the same as before, but he obviously felt that its power became stronger.