
Family's Gathering

As the initial shock wore off for both Bibi Dong and Zeng Wei, the elderly figure, his eyes twinkling with wisdom and kindness, gathered all the children he had invited to join Spirit Hall. Among them were those who had awakened good martial spirits or displayed promising talents.

The atmosphere in the room buzzed with a sense of anticipation, and the children listened with rapt attention as they prepared to embark on a life-changing journey.

The elder began, his voice carrying the weight of his experience.

"In just a few days, representatives from Spirit Hall, our esteemed bishops, will arrive to escort you to your new destinies.

These next few days serve as an opportunity for you to spend precious moments with your friends and families, cherish this moment that's given to you with them as you guys will not meet them for quite a long time."

His words resonated with the children, who exchanged knowing glances and shared smiles with their loved ones, knowing that the impending separation would be temporary.

The elder continued, delving into the details of their upcoming journey.

"You will begin with four years of education at the Spirit Hall Academy, a place where you will learn the fundamental principles of cultivation and acquire the knowledge necessary to become skilled spirit masters.

This period will be the bedrock upon which you build your future."

Pausing for a moment, he added.

"Following your foundational education, you will have the option to pursue further training in a secondary skill of your choosing.

Whether it be accounting, human resource management, blacksmithing, or any other field where you exhibit aptitude, the choice is yours to make."

The children exchanged excited whispers and smiles, contemplating the possibilities that lay ahead. Their dreams were on the cusp of becoming reality and will not be just a fantasy anymore.

"As long as you possess the talent, you are free to select your path," the elder emphasized, his eyes crinkling with a warm smile.

He then transitioned into a discussion about their financial well-being, ensuring that they were informed about their future income. The children listened intently, their eyes wide with anticipation as they absorbed the details of their promising futures.

Turning his attention to Bibi Dong and Zeng Wei, the elder spoke of their unique and exceptional status as talents that appeared once in a millennia. His words carried a sense of reverence and respect.

"You, Bibi Dong and Zeng Wei, are the shining stars of this generation.

There is a chance, albeit small, that you may even meet the Supreme Pontiff of Spirit Hall.

If your talents impress him, you could be chosen as his disciples, receiving the guidance and mentorship of one of the most esteemed figures in our world."

Their fellow orphans regarded them with awe and admiration, understanding the magnitude of the potential that Bibi Dong and Zeng Wei possessed.

Having delivered the necessary information, the elder looked at the children and asked.

"Do you understand what has been shared with you today?"

With earnest expressions, the children nodded in response, their determination to embrace their futures shining brightly in their eyes.

""Yes, we understand, Elder!""

The elder chuckled, a sound filled with both understanding and warmth. He knew that some of them might still be processing the details

"Very well. You have a few days left to cherish your time with your loved ones.

Embrace it fully, for soon, you will embark on a new chapter of your lives.

Until then, I bid you farewell with the hope that our paths may cross once again."

With that, the children dispersed, their hearts filled with hope, dreams, and the promise of a brighter future.


After the elder's informative briefing, the children eagerly made their way towards their waiting families. Among them, Zeng Wei sprinted towards his loved ones, brimming with excitement and pride.

He couldn't wait to share the news of his remarkable achievement. As he approached them, he couldn't contain his enthusiasm and exclaimed.

"Guys, I've made it! The elder even said that I might even have the chance to meet the Supreme Pontiff!"

His heart swelled with the knowledge that his talent was exceedingly rare, even more so than he had initially realized. With this newfound gift, he could ensure that their orphanage would never want for anything, and he was determined to provide them with a life of comfort and abundance.

He had faith in himself and the promises he made.

Zeng Wei was enveloped in a chorus of hugs and kisses from his family. Their affection overflowed as they celebrated his extraordinary accomplishment.

Some affectionately pinched his chubby cheeks, reminding him that he still retained a touch of baby fat. Others playfully ruffled his hair, and a few excitedly pressed him to buy a multitude of candies, chocolates, and snacks.

Much of this last request came from his younger siblings, whose sweet tooth was insatiable. Zeng Wei couldn't help but chuckle at their antics.

After several minutes of heartfelt congratulations and family bonding, they collectively decided to celebrate with a grand feast that evening. Sister Lee Li, their steadfast caretaker, informed Zeng Wei and his siblings that she would call back all of their older siblings to join in the festivities.

Their voices filled with excitement as they discussed the menu and their preferences for the upcoming feast. Zeng Wei, with his characteristic appetite for meat, couldn't help but exclaim.

"Let's have plenty of meat, Sister Lee Li! In the future, we won't have to worry about shortages of food or money, so why not indulge a little?"

Sister Lee Li chuckled warmly at his suggestion. She held unwavering confidence in Zeng Wei's abilities and knew that, even as he embarked on his path as a battle maniac and potentially a ruthless spirit master, he would never forget them.

His love and dedication to their orphanage family will remain steadfast.

With smiles on their faces and anticipation in their hearts, the group made their way back to their beloved orphanage, their humble yet cozy abode. The promise of a brighter future lay before them but before that, they'll have a feast!

Upon their return to their beloved orphanage, the children set about preparing for the celebratory feast that would mark Zeng Wei's exceptional achievement. Sister Lee Li, their nurturing caretaker, took charge of orchestrating the festivities.

She enlisted the older children to embark on a grocery shopping expedition, relying on their familiarity with the local markets to secure the finest ingredients.

As they scurried off on their shopping mission, another group of youngsters was tasked with informing their older siblings about the momentous news and the upcoming banquet. The message was delivered with enthusiasm, and the anticipation for the evening's festivities grew with each shared secret.

With the groceries now in their possession, Sister Lee Li took center stage in the kitchen, where her culinary magic would soon unfold. Her love for cooking was evident in the meticulous care she devoted to each dish, despite the occasional weariness that accompanied the task.

The knowledge that her cooking brought joy and delight to their home was all the motivation she needed to continue laboring in the kitchen.

As the sheer quantity of dishes required for their large gathering became apparent, some of the older girls joined the culinary effort, lending their capable hands to various aspects of the meal preparation. Each dish was lovingly crafted, with an eye toward perfection, and Sister Lee Li tasted the final product with a satisfied smile.

After hours of intensive cooking, the feast was finally ready to be served. Sister Lee Li instructed the boys to set the table with the sumptuous array of dishes. Now, all that remained was to await the arrival of their fellow children, who would soon gather to partake in the festivities.

Throughout the entire cooking process, Zeng Wei had eagerly participated in every step, contributing his efforts to ensure the success of this special feast. He understood that these next few days would be the last he could spend with his beloved family for a long while, as he prepared to embark on his journey to Spirit Hall.

The bond he shared with them filled his heart with warmth and love, making these moments all the more precious.

The feast that unfolded that evening was nothing short of spectacular. The long dining table was adorned with a rich variety of dishes, each more delectable than the last.

Platters of succulent fish, tender meats, juicy chicken, an array of seafood, and bowls brimming with freshly cut fruits competed for space. Fruit juices, vibrant in color and refreshing in taste, filled crystal glasses that sparkled in the warm glow of lantern light.

The night was alive with the joy and laughter of family, as Zeng Wei reveled in the company of his loved ones. The table buzzed with conversations, laughter, and the occasional friendly squabble over coveted pieces of meat.

They reminisced about their shared memories, recounting tales of pranks led by Zeng Wei, weekends filled with training and sparring, and countless other moments that had brought them together.

Amidst the laughter and merriment, one of the younger children bravely piped up and requested Zeng Wei to deliver a speech. At first, Zeng Wei hesitated, feeling a bit self-conscious about the idea.

But as he reflected on the deep love and appreciation he held for his family, he decided to go through with it. He wanted to express just how much they meant to him.

With a hint of bashfulness, he stood and addressed his beloved family, sharing heartfelt words of gratitude and affection. His speech was sincere and emotional, and as he concluded, his eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

"I'll say my goodbyes to all of you soon, my dear family, I recall all the cherished memories we've created together.

I want you to know just how much your presence in my life has meant to me.

Your kindness, loyalty, and unwavering support have been my guiding light.

I remember the days when we laughed together, played in the fields, and shared stories by the fire.

Those moments were so precious, and they will forever be etched in my heart.

The way we used to gather around the table for meals, sharing not just food but the warmth of our love and togetherness, is something I'll always hold dear.

I can't help but I reminisce about the times we comforted each other during difficult moments.

The way we held each other during storms, the way we smiled through the toughest of times, is a proof to the strength of our bonds. 

I know that my absence will leave a void, hehe.

Don't say otherwise because I'm that cool!

And...I'll miss each one of you terribly.

I hope you'll think of me often while I'm away at Spirit Hall, working hard to become a spirit master.

Please, in my absence, continue to take care of one another, just as we've always done.

And I... I want you to know that I will carry all of you with me, each memory, each smile, each tear, deep within my heart.

The thought of leaving you behind is breaking my heart, but I promise, I promise that I will never, ever forget any of you."

Suddenly, all his family members rushed to him, enveloping him in a tight group hug that was filled with both tears and snot. The atmosphere was charged with raw emotion as the younger children, moved by the moment, began to cry.

Zeng Wei, his voice choked with emotion, insisted that the moisture on his face was just sweat, but the tears flowed freely.

It was a poignant and touching conclusion to a joyful feast, a moment that captured the depth of their bond and love for one another. In that instant, they were not just a group of orphans; they were a family united by shared experiences and a profound connection that would withstand the test of time.

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