
Douluo Dalu: Seize the Blue Silver Emperor at the Beginning

Ye Yang(meaning "leaf of the sun or sunleaf") reincarnated into the world of Douluo Dalu as the Blue Silver Grass. He obtained the "Double Skill Replication" system and awakened the dark devouring ability of the Blue Silver Grass. Tricking the newly humanized Blue Silver Emperor, he copied her Blue Silver Tyrant King Spear skill and defeated the Tang Hao brothers during their mountain trials, winning the affection of the Blue Silver Emperor. Ye Yang's rise was rapid! After quickly reaching ten thousand years of cultivation, each of his nine leaves permanently copied a top-level soul skill: Haotian Hammer, Golden Saint Dragon, Six-Winged Angel, Seven Treasure Glass Pagoda, Seven Kill Sword, Nine-Headed Phoenix... After one hundred thousand years of soul power, his soul skills evolved into nine top-level martial souls! Facing Ye Yang's terrifying strength, the Wuhun Hall suffered heavy casualties, and Qiandao Liudao fell into darkness, collaborating with the evil soul masters from the Sun-Moon Continent. Tang San led the Seven Monsters and joined forces with the Three Sects and the original body sects of the Sun-Moon Continent but was still defeated. Ten Great Fierce Beasts emerged, three Ultimate Douluo joined forces, the Sun-Moon Continent drifted over early, and Tang San was about to ascend to godhood... Especially to suppress Ye Yang's ascension to God Beast, several major deities from the Divine Realm took action... ---------------------------------------------------- • This is a translation of a fan fiction written by the author "Lao Ge." • If the original author requests the removal of the translation, the translator(i) will comply. • Donations of power stones would be greatly appreciated as they contribute to the translator's(my) energy and translation speed. • Original Fan - Fiction link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/178757/ ------------------------------------------------------ Please leave a review about your reading experience. I will really be gratefull for that.

LostMan · Anime & Comics
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Tang Hao's Path of Revenge! Tang San's Martial Soul Awakens!

Tang Hao roared, venting all the anger and frustration he had bottled up for five years.


The Haotian Hammer, suppressed for five years, appeared behind him.

It was covered with blood-red patterns and even more powerful than before.

His cultivation level was still 83rd rank.

Six years ago, when he was in a drunken stupor all day long, his father forced him to absorb a Soul Beast with over ninety thousand years of cultivation, directly breaking through to the 83rd rank.

Then, under his father's arrangements, he married Yang Juan, the daughter of the Yang Clan's invincible Yang Wudi, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Today, exactly five years later, Tang San was born, and he left Haotian Sect.

Today, on the same Mid-Autumn Festival, he returned!

He broke through the gloom in his heart, converting grief and anger into power, vowing to seek revenge and settle old scores!

His cultivation level was still 83rd rank.

However, six years of stagnation, with five years of life-and-death training, had solidified his foundation extremely well.

Now, he could quickly improve his cultivation, accumulating strength without affecting his foundation.

After a brief thought, he murmured, "The sect, let's not return just yet."

"Haotian Sect, Father, I'm sorry."

"I won't return until this grudge is avenged!"

As for the wife who had given birth to his son after he was drugged by his father and spent a confused night, he had almost forgotten her appearance.

And naturally, he had no memory of the son he had only glanced at.

Tang Hao was just that kind of person, only remembering his own hatred, living in his own inner world.


He left and found a village to live in seclusion, practicing hard to enhance his soul power.

To survive, he worked as a blacksmith, barely making ends meet.

Coincidentally, this village was Shenghun Village.

The village chief was the old Jack who had seen Bibidong chasing the Death Spider four years ago.

Only, Tang Hao no longer spent his days drinking, but instead focused on cultivating his soul power.

Another Mid-Autumn Festival arrived.

Haotian Sect.

Grand and majestic, brightly lit.

Douluo Continent also had a Mid-Autumn Festival, but it wasn't called that; it was called the "Full Moon Festival."

On this day, the moon was the biggest and brightest, making it a festive holiday for the people of Douluo Continent.

Today was also Tang San's sixth birthday.

For young children, turning six was a birthday worth celebrating.

Because once they turned six, they could awaken their martial spirit.

In ordinary villages, it was usually the large spirit masters of ranks twenty or thirty who would awaken their spirits one by one.

Any child who turned six years old could go for their awakening.

Moreover, spirit masters and great spirit masters earned good incomes.

For the Martial Soul Hall, this was a significant expense.

Just like how, in the country Ye Yang transmigrated from, the nine-year compulsory education for children gave ordinary people an opportunity to rise and was a great cause.

Naturally, Haotian Sect didn't need people from the Martial Soul Hall to awaken their spirits.

After the grand birthday banquet, Tang San was brought by his grandfather to the erected platform.

"Today is my grandson Tang San's sixth birthday and the Full Moon Festival. Let us witness his martial spirit awakening together!"

Under the high platform, in addition to the Haotian Sect members, there were the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

In addition, the lower three sects and some large merchant alliances were also gathered here.

Even the Martial Soul Hall had sent high-ranking members, including several Soul Saints and Soul Douluo.

This was the face of the number one sect in the world.

Even though they might have conflicts behind the scenes with the Martial Soul Hall, on the surface, they still gave each other face.

The gazes of thousands of people were fixed on Tang San, wondering if he could awaken the Haotian Hammer martial spirit.

Although the Haotian Hammer was the number one martial spirit in the world, with an extremely powerful lineage, there were still ordinary people within Haotian Sect who hadn't obtained the Haotian Hammer martial spirit inheritance.

Some had even awakened waste martial spirits.

These people could only go outside to do business and were considered peripheral members of their clans.

Even Tang Xiaotian, a 97th rank Super Douluo, was a little nervous.

He waved his hand without releasing his martial spirit, and a vigorous soul power surged out.

On the ground, a peculiar six-pointed star appeared, and the gemstones on its six corners emitted a special pale golden light curtain.

A large number of golden specks of light entered Tang San's body.

"Xiao San, extend your right hand!"

Although he had changed his mother, Tang San was still Tang San.

Neither his name nor his soul had changed.

As a soul transmigrator, he didn't actually have much say in his parents.

Even after Ye Yang changed the plot, Tang San's life had improved compared to before.

Although he lacked fatherly and motherly love, his grandfather, two nannies, and the entire sect were very good to him.

At six years old, he was already as tall as an ordinary eight-year-old child, with a robust physique.

In addition, with a thirty-year-old man's soul inside him, he appeared even more mature.

Listening to Tang Xiaotian's words, Tang San lightly nodded and extended his right hand.


Amidst a faint ringing sound, a pitch-black long spear instantly shot out from his right palm!

"Soul Breaking Spear!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Many people's gazes turned towards Yang Wudi, Tang San's grandfather.

Yang Wudi was also stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed, not knowing whether to be happy or helpless.

He didn't expect that his daughter's inherited martial soul would actually suppress the Haotian Hammer.

His own grandson, it turns out, has the Yang family's Broken Soul Spear as his martial soul, not the Haotian Hammer.

Tang Xiaotian was also taken aback, and then frowned.

Tang San himself was also stunned.

Although he was only 6 years old, his soul had lived for over thirty years in two lifetimes.

Naturally, he knew the rules of Haotian Sect.

If his martial soul was the Broken Soul Spear, no matter how good his talent was, he wouldn't be valued.

Especially when he saw his grandfather, who had doted on him so much in the past, looking unpleasant, he was sure of this.

In his previous life, he had spent over twenty years in neglect at Tang Sect.

In this life, he had enjoyed six years of a happy life, and he didn't want to lose it.

"Grandfather, I..."

He felt a familiar energy in his left hand.

That energy seemed to be the same as the Haotian Hammer within the sect!

Just as he was overjoyed and wanted to share this good news with his grandfather.

Tang Xiaotian waved his hand, interrupting him.

He took out a transparent crystal ball and handed it to Tang San, saying, "Focus your mind and sense the energy within your body, then infuse it into this crystal ball."

"Okay, grandfather!"

Tang San nodded.

While pretending to sense the energy within his body, he was actually secretly operating the Xuantian Gong.

In this life, perhaps because his life was better or because of the nourishment of his grandfather's soul power and precious medicine baths, he was able to secretly cultivate Xuantian Gong at just over two years old.

In a little over three years, his Xuantian Gong had already reached a bottleneck.

Tang San extended his palm and pressed it on the crystal ball.


As the crystal ball hummed, his right hand trembled, and the blue crystal ball instantly lit up, shining brightly.

"Ah! Full innate soul power!"

At this moment, almost everyone exclaimed in astonishment.

Generally speaking, the amount of innate soul power can roughly determine one's future cultivation limit.

For example, many soul masters have a two to three-level innate soul power, and their future cultivation limit is typically around Great Spirit Master or Spirit Grandmaster.

Having a four to five-level innate soul power is considered a talented individual and could potentially become a Soul Elder or Soul King in the future.

If one's innate soul power could reach the seventh or eighth level, they would be considered absolute geniuses and could possibly become a Soul Sage or Soul Douluo!

It's quite rare for a village to produce a Soul Sage. The rarity of a Soul Sage is apparent, with one in a million.

As for having a full innate soul power, it was highly possible to break through to become a Title Douluo!

When it came to Haotian Sect, most people who awakened their Haotian Hammer martial soul typically had a five or six-level innate soul power.

Each generation's Sect Master had at least an eighth or ninth-level innate soul power.

However, having a full innate soul power was still very rare even for a strong sect like Haotian Sect.

Only the missing former Sect Master Tang Chen possessed a full innate soul power.

Even the man known as the continent's number one prodigy, Tang Hao, only had a ninth-level innate soul power when he awakened and did not reach full innate soul power.

Tang Xiaotian was quite familiar with full innate soul power.

But he didn't know that Tang San had full innate soul power.

It was just that, because he was a transmigrator, and had Xuantian Gong from his previous life, and he diligently practiced it over these few years, his Xuantian Gong power was converted into soul power on Douluo Continent, advancing his cultivation ahead of time.

"No! This isn't right!"

After seeing his grandson possess full innate soul power, a smile appeared on his face, but he then exclaimed in surprise.

His formidable spiritual power spread out, carefully probing Tang San.

"My grandson not only has full innate soul power!"