
Douluo Dalu: Seize the Blue Silver Emperor at the Beginning

Ye Yang(meaning "leaf of the sun or sunleaf") reincarnated into the world of Douluo Dalu as the Blue Silver Grass. He obtained the "Double Skill Replication" system and awakened the dark devouring ability of the Blue Silver Grass. Tricking the newly humanized Blue Silver Emperor, he copied her Blue Silver Tyrant King Spear skill and defeated the Tang Hao brothers during their mountain trials, winning the affection of the Blue Silver Emperor. Ye Yang's rise was rapid! After quickly reaching ten thousand years of cultivation, each of his nine leaves permanently copied a top-level soul skill: Haotian Hammer, Golden Saint Dragon, Six-Winged Angel, Seven Treasure Glass Pagoda, Seven Kill Sword, Nine-Headed Phoenix... After one hundred thousand years of soul power, his soul skills evolved into nine top-level martial souls! Facing Ye Yang's terrifying strength, the Wuhun Hall suffered heavy casualties, and Qiandao Liudao fell into darkness, collaborating with the evil soul masters from the Sun-Moon Continent. Tang San led the Seven Monsters and joined forces with the Three Sects and the original body sects of the Sun-Moon Continent but was still defeated. Ten Great Fierce Beasts emerged, three Ultimate Douluo joined forces, the Sun-Moon Continent drifted over early, and Tang San was about to ascend to godhood... Especially to suppress Ye Yang's ascension to God Beast, several major deities from the Divine Realm took action... ---------------------------------------------------- • This is a translation of a fan fiction written by the author "Lao Ge." • If the original author requests the removal of the translation, the translator(i) will comply. • Donations of power stones would be greatly appreciated as they contribute to the translator's(my) energy and translation speed. • Original Fan - Fiction link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/178757/ ------------------------------------------------------ Please leave a review about your reading experience. I will really be gratefull for that.

LostMan · Anime & Comics
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The Spear in the right hand protects the hammer in the left hand! Innate soul power at level 18!

As a Super Douluo, Tang Xiaotian's spiritual power was still powerful despite not focusing on its cultivation.

He could tell that his grandson's soul power was definitely not just a simple innate full soul power!

Several high-level members of the Martial Soul Hall also stood up in surprise.

Awakening the martial soul for the people of the continent was the responsibility of the Martial Soul Hall, and most people were awakened by them. Naturally, they knew a lot about soul awakenings.

They also noticed that the child in front of them seemed to exceed the level of innate full soul power!

Few people outside knew that there were indeed super geniuses in the world who surpassed innate full soul power!

For example, each generation of their Popes, once they successfully awakened the Six-Winged Angel Martial Soul, possessed a terrifying innate level twenty soul power!

At the age of six, they could directly add two soul rings and become a great soul master!

This was what countless people dreamt of.

Could it be that the Haotian Sect had also produced such a super genius today?

Just as they wanted to observe and compare carefully, to speculate on Tang San's exact level of innate soul power, Tang Xiaotian suddenly waved his hand and put away the blue crystal ball. At the same time, he arched his hands and laughed to everyone, "Hahaha, thank you all for gracing us with your presence today to celebrate my grandson's birthday and his martial soul awakening ceremony."

"It's getting late, so I won't disturb you all for moon viewing and rest."

This was essentially an eviction order.

The people could only helplessly nod and understand.

The Haotian Sect was revealing their precious genius and didn't want to expose him too early.

The people who came to visit were from various major sects, clans, and merchant guilds.

In other words, they were the Haotian Sect's biggest competitors.

It was normal to be cautious.

Watching the people leave, Tang Xiaotian took Tang San and instantly soared into the air, flying towards the inner hall of the sect.

Only then did he let out a sigh of relief, patting Tang San's shoulder and laughing, "Not bad, my grandson! You actually surpassed innate full soul power!"

"However... it's fine... The Prying Soul Spear is also good."

In his heart, he was planning for Tang San's future. Even if his grandson couldn't become the sect master in the future, he should at least become a great elder or vice sect master.

It was just a pity that if the Prying Soul Spear Martial Soul could transform into the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul...

"Grandfather, in fact, I have another martial soul."

Tang San didn't hide anything from Tang Xiaotian.

At this moment, concealing his true abilities was the most foolish behavior.

Only by revealing more talents could he gain higher recognition. Tang San understood this very well.

While he spoke, he extended his left hand.

His palm opened, and with the surge of soul power, a black small Haotian Hammer, the size of an egg, with a handle as long as chopsticks, appeared.

Tang Xiaotian was stunned at first, then his eyes widened, and his whole body trembled.

It took three full seconds before he burst into laughter, his voice like thunder, causing the entire hall to tremble.

"Hahaha! Good! Good!"

As he laughed, tears of excitement rolled down his cheeks.

He looked up at the round moon in the sky outside the door and choked, "Father, can you see this?"

"Your great-grandson not only surpassed innate full soul power but also possesses a dual martial soul!"

"In the future, he will achieve more than your son, and maybe even catch up to you. He will surely revitalize our Haotian Sect!"

Tang San's voice sounded just in time, "Grandfather, rest assured!"

"I will definitely work hard in my cultivation and become stronger, making the Haotian Sect even stronger!"

"I heard that the Martial Soul Hall always wants to oppress us. When little San grows up, he will definitely crush the Martial Soul Hall!"

Hearing Tang San's words, Tang Xiaotian put away his melancholy, crouched down, and lifted Tang San, laughing, "Great!"

"You really are my good grandson!"

"Come, Grandfather will take you to get soul rings!"

At this moment, many other people in the sect also rushed over.

Tang Xiaotian's third daughter, Tang Yuehua, also walked over at this time.

She was in her twenties, tall, with a kind of gentleness that ordinary people didn't have.

She wore a moon-white palace dress, elegant and noble, with a beautiful and gentle appearance.

Her innate soul power was at level nine, and her martial soul was a variant of the Haotian Hammer, a small hammer for percussion instruments.

However, she could never break through level 10 in her life and couldn't get a soul ring.

But she had the innate domain "Noble Circle," and she was the dean of the Imperial Court Etiquette Academy of the Star Dou Empire.

Today was a festival, and it was also Tang San's birthday and awakening day, so she had come back home.

"Father, it's so late. Are you still taking San to add soul rings?"

She was very surprised.

"Hello, Aunt."

Tang San greeted her obediently.

"Yes, big brother, why don't we do it tomorrow?"

One of the elders said, he was Tang Xiaotian's younger brother.

"No need, we'll be back soon."

"It's also a good chance for little San to gain more experience."

"Strong people don't just need talent; they also need tempered minds."

Tang Xiaotian said, recalling his second son.

Known as the world's number one genius, but now beaten by a soul beast, he is in a state of confusion, like a useless person.

Having left home for several years, it is unknown whether he is alive or dead.

Even with the strength of the Haotian Sect, there's been no information, and the outcome might already be confirmed.

Just the thought of losing both his sons, and his daughter being unable to cultivate, filled Tang Xiaotian with urgency.

He placed all his last hope on his grandson.

He hoped to see his grandson grow up in his final twenty to thirty years.

Tang San also felt the same urgency and anticipation in his heart.

With Tang Xiaotian leading him, they rushed towards the Star Dou Forest overnight.

"Xiaosan, you should first add soul rings to your Clear Sky Hammer."

"Once you reach the fifth-level Soul King, or even Soul Ancestor, you can directly add ten-thousand-year soul rings to the Haotian Hammer."

Tang Xiaotian said as they flew through the sky.

Tang San nodded, feeling that it made sense.

The theory of Yuxiao Gang, like the Ten Great Theories, was actually not that great.

For a powerful soul master, it was merely studying the records left by their predecessors and summarizing some experiences.

And he wasn't the only one doing this; many major sects and forces had their own research.

Yuxiao Gang just wasted time, focusing too much on details.

For example, he maximized the years of each soul ring, especially the earlier ones, down to a single digit.

This was something you could do if you had nothing better to do.

For a true powerhouse, what difference would it make if the first soul ring had a few dozen or a hundred years?

For the first soul ring, putting it around three or four hundred years was enough, why bother being so precise?

True geniuses could almost always surpass his theories.

Just like Tang San himself, the third and fourth soul rings were added far beyond the limit.

Yuxiao Gang's theories were quite mediocre.

"The Purgatory Spear emphasizes all-out offense and no defense, it's an extremely extreme martial soul."

"To be honest, if it weren't for our Haotian Hammer being too domineering, the Purgatory Spear might be the world's number one martial soul!"

"The Seven-Killing Sword is similar."

"Our Haotian Hammer is only slightly superior to them."

"So, for your Purgatory Spear martial soul, I suggest finding some kind of poisonous snake-type soul beast."

In the sky, Tang Xiaotian spoke to Tang San as they flew.

"I read in the books that most poisonous snakes are smaller than non-poisonous snakes, especially with thin necks and weaker strength."

"So, their attacks are all about one-hit kills, biting once and then waiting for the prey or enemy to die from the poison."

Tang Xiaotian smiled and nodded, "Xiaosan, you are really smart. You're right!"

"So, in the future, you should mainly add soul beasts like poisonous snakes and spiders to your Purgatory Spear."

"Not only do they have powerful killing abilities, but they also carry strong toxins."

Tang San asked, "Then when I become a Soul Ancestor, should I add ten-thousand-year power-type soul beasts to the Haotian Hammer?"

Tang Xiaotian pondered for a moment and said, "That's roughly the idea."

"However, it's better to add more rings later when it's critical. The soul rings you add then will be more powerful and have more choices, so don't rush."

"You must remember, your main martial soul is the Haotian Hammer, and the Purgatory Spear is just laying the foundation for you."

"You should use your right-handed spear to protect your left-handed hammer."

Tang San also nodded seriously, "I understand, Grandfather!"

As the two were talking, under Tang Xiaotian's full-speed sprint, they had already seen the Star Dou Forest.

Under the moonlight, the endless forest looked like an unending black sea.


Even before they got close, Tang Xiaotian sensed something.

He accelerated with Tang San and instantly rushed into the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

"Hahaha, Mandala Snake!"

"Xiaosan, you're so lucky!"

Looking at a five-meter-long Mandala Snake, Tang Xiaotian burst into laughter.

This Mandala Snake had nearly 500 years of cultivation and was very powerful.

But facing a 97th level Super Douluo, it had no resistance and was knocked out by Tang Xiaotian with a palm from afar.

Tang San pulled out his dagger and, with a courageous expression, walked over and stabbed it into the snake's eye.

Soon, a yellow soul ring appeared.

This year exceeded the limit of the Master's theory.

However, whether it was Tang Xiaotian or Tang San himself, they didn't mind.

Although it was somewhat painful, Tang San successfully absorbed the soul ring.


When he used the Purgatory Spear again, the martial soul's aura became stronger and sharper.

Tang Xiaotian could also clearly sense Tang San's soul power.

"18th level!"

"Hahaha, Xiaosan, you're truly a genius. You actually have innate 18th level soul power!"

Tang Xiaotian laughed loudly, feeling even happier.

[Ding! Warning! Warning! Warning! Tang San has added the first soul ring, and it is also a Mandala Snake. The karmic relationship with the host is +1]

Hundreds of miles away, Ye Yang, who was enjoying the moon with Ah Yin and Xiao Wu, suddenly heard the voice of the system in his mind.