
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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791 Chs


"Lord Mizukage..." A group of ninjas looked at the fourth generation of water shadows with complicated eyes. After such a rampage, the prestige of the fourth generation of water shadows in the fog ninja village was completely ruined.

Regardless of whether he was controlled or not, the damage he caused to Mist Ninja Village could not be compensated, not to mention that as a shadow of a village, being controlled by others showed that he was unqualified.

In other words, the fourth generation of water shadows has done it.

Just when everyone was silent. With a swipe, a figure appeared behind Yang Tai. "Woodun - the art of cutting."

With a bang, Uchiha Obito was embarrassed to find that the wooden spear in his hand hadn't even inserted into Yangtai's body, let alone caused internal damage.

At this time, Uchiha Obito's biggest flaw also appeared. Like his teacher Minato Namifeng, as a time-space ninja, although the mobility and evasion are at the extreme, it is inevitable in terms of lethality. Big deficit.

If he has both divine powers in hand, he can naturally make up for this defect. Whether it is space tearing or Susanoo, they are all first-class lethal moves. But now in this situation, he can only use his half-bottle of water, Mu Dun.

Yangtai returned a punch at will, and Uchiha Obito hurriedly unleashed his divine power, only to hear a rumbling sound, the fist wind whistled, and a ditch of dozens of meters long was punched behind him, and even blew up a building in the fog ninja village. architecture.

"Gudong," Terumi Mei swallowed the spit in her mouth lightly, but when she heard the sound was extremely loud, she turned her head with a blushing face, and found that all the mist ninjas were doing the same thing as her.

"Is this really something that Taijutsu can do? Even ordinary A-level ninjutsu is not so lethal!"

Uchiha Obito was also full of cold sweat. The speed at which Yangtai shot just now was too fast. If he wanted to slow down a little bit, he would probably have to become Obito sauce.

But anyway, now that he is wearing a mask, other people can't see his pale face, so he naturally wants to look confident: "I admit that I underestimated your defense, but if you want to hurt me, you Not enough!"

"Pfft!" Yang Tai chuckled lightly. "Uchiha Obito. You seem to have forgotten one thing. Now that I know your true identity. Naturally, I will not forget your other eye!"

"What...!?" Obito was startled when he heard this, and then he remembered that the writing wheel eye that he gave to Kakashi is now in Yangtai's hands!

At this time, Yang Tai raised his head, and saw that his original Samsara eyes changed suddenly, and then a kaleidoscope with soil appeared in one eye.

Possessing Tuntun Fruit, plus the eyes of Obito, are stored in the dark space, and almost instantly, Yang Tai has carried out a human body transformation for himself.

A chill immediately rose from Obito's spine. However, before he could react, a space crack was torn open in front of Yang Tai's eyes, and then a brown piece of wood was separated from him, which was swallowed by the entire space crack.

In the Shenwei space, the brown wooden block quickly turned into the image of Yang Tai, which was his wooden avatar.

At this moment, Uchiha Obito can no longer care about the outside situation. Encountering an enemy in the Shenwei space can be said to be the biggest crisis after he awakened the Kaleidoscope.

In Shenwei space, he can't use Shenwei, and if he uses Shenwei outside, his body will be exposed in Shenwei space, so unless he kills this wooden clone, his Shenwei will be useless.

"Wood Dun - the art of **** chaos." Obito frowned on the spot and performed a proud ninjutsu on the spot, secretly cheering himself up: it's just a wooden clone, no matter how I can't defeat a wooden clone. !

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

With a loud bang, Obito was directly knocked out, and the trees that he had just grown using the wooden dungeon also turned into a pile of waste.

Although it is only a wooden clone of Yangtai, his chakra volume is even more than Nagato, and his mastery of the eye of reincarnation is not comparable to Nagato, and the bonus of immortal chakra, this Zhaoshen Luo Tianzheng simply enveloped the entire Shenwei space, and Obito was simply unavoidable.

"Damn it! It's too hard to fight him in such a small place." Obito groaned and got up, if it wasn't for his body being transformed by the cells between the columns, I'm afraid he would have already Lying on the ground and unable to get up.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

"Oops!" I felt that my body was attracted again, and at the same time, several wooden thorns were fired by Yang Tai's wooden clone, and Obito recognized it at a glance. This was his cutting technique.

"No, the gravitational force is too great to escape." Uchiha Obito gritted his teeth, "I can only take risks!"

In an instant, Uchiha Obito disappeared from the Kamui space and appeared in the real world, and then he found that the surroundings were pitch black.

"What's going on here? This is..."

However, before Obito could react, the terrifying suction force came, and the chakra in his body was squeezed out in an instant.


A black mist shrouded the place where Uchiha Obito disappeared. After a while, Yangtai felt that Obito had returned to reality, and then the guy was absorbed into the dark space.

The speed of absorbing chakra in the dark space is much faster than the outside world, and Obito has not reacted, and has been completely sucked up.

The black mist spewed out, and Uchiha Obito rolled and appeared in reality.

But at this moment ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the chakra in his body has been completely drained, and no ninjutsu can be used.

Yang Tai stretched out his hand to lift off his mask, and without hesitation, he buckled the Shenwei Sharinyan, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

"Uchiha Fuyue's kaleidoscope is really rubbish. One eye is Kagutsumei, and the other eye is Jiandu Thor, but he doesn't know the special flame like Amaterasu, or some special thunder and lightning. The power that comes out is just a little more flexible than the ordinary Fire Dun and Lei Dun."

"This pair of kaleidoscopes with soil is the most buggy among all kaleidoscope writing wheels. The power of space is beyond my grasp even now."

Under the black air, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye was instantly sent to the dark space, and Yang Tai blinked slightly. Soon, there was another pair of gouyu in his Samsara eyes, and at the same time, he also completely mastered the divine power pupil technique.

Seeing that Yang Tai took away the kaleidoscope writing wheel. Chisha Scorpion and Orochimaru were both staring at him, while Mist Ninja, who was standing on their side, watched Obito gnashing his teeth, but when Yang Tai didn't speak, they didn't even dare to make a move.