
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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791 Chs


"Mizukage-sama!" Terumi Mei and the other group of ninjas from Kirin's eyes turned red, and shouted loudly at the big tortoise.

"So far away, he can't hear." Yang Tai curled his lips. "He's already been hit with illusions. Now let's hurry up and subdue him."

As soon as the words fell, a large amount of chakra appeared on Yangtai's body to form a black giant, and then he grabbed everyone and flew directly to the three-tailed tortoise.

"This, this, what is this!" Ringo Yuri shouted in surprise in the air, "Wow, this is too high."

"It's Susanohu of the Uchiha clan, the legendary ninja Shura's trick! A forbidden technique that can only be accomplished by a kaleidoscope who has practiced to the extreme!" Ghost Lantern Manyuki also shouted, "It is said that everyone who has seen Susa has Anyone who can care will inevitably die!"

Yang Tai rolled his eyes, listening to the ghost lamp full moon, he was a little embarrassed.

Inheriting the tradition of a certain country, these people's statements are always exaggerated and erroneous, what kind of supreme heavenly eye piercing the three realms, I don't know, I thought that opening a kaleidoscope and writing round eyes would turn into Erlang God!

If all the people you see will inevitably die, how did the information about Susanoo come out?

However, Susanoo is indeed strong enough. Especially the one like Yota who developed it to a complete body, with just a few **** of his wings, Susanoo hovered above Kirinin Village.

At this moment, the Wunin Village has long been a mess. The strong people have been wiped out by Yangtai. Those who stayed in the Wunin Village may stop the fourth generation of water shadows. .

However, if the six-tailed people's pillar force bubble is directly dried with the fourth generation of Mizukage in the ninja village, it is estimated that the entire fog ninja village will soon be gone. As for the dried persimmon shark... sorry, this guy is from Uchiha Obito's side.

Therefore, what everyone sees now is that the four generations of water shadows are rampant in the Mist Ninja Village, and they have killed a large number of ninjas.

"Look at Lord Shuiying's eyes, it's a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!" Qing shouted in shock and anger, and Zai Buzhu, who was beside him, said coldly, "I've seen it for a long time, what I want to know is standing Yes. Who is standing on Shuiying's head?"

Uchiha Obito, wearing a vortex mask, was standing on the head of Sanwei, looking up at Susanoo in the sky: "Damn bastard! You bastard, you bastard, you have been playing with me!"

"Have you received the news? It seems that you also have the ability to transmit information from a long distance." Yang Tai spread out his knowledge and domineering, and glanced around. "That guy Hei Jue is cunning, won't he meet me directly?"

"But you are very irrational. You don't have any demeanor behind the scenes. You still stay here to destroy the Mist Ninja Village... Or are you still dreaming of being able to **** the eye of Samsara back?"

"Humph!" Uchiha Obito snorted coldly, his teeth tingling with hatred, his eyes swept away, and he saw Orochimaru and Scorpion again, "What are you two doing here?"

Scorpion didn't care about Uchiha Obito at all, but just kept looking up and down on him. Orochimaru licked his tongue: "Of course it's to eliminate the rebellion of the organization, the masked man Fei!"

"Bastard! The establishment of Akatsuki's organization is obviously my credit!" Uchiha Obito almost vomited blood. Since Nagato cooperated with him, he has worked hard to find information by Bai Jue, but also to win over himself. Manpower, the result is now that Xiao's organization has taken shape, but he, the founder of the establishment, has been kicked out!

"Really? That can only be blamed on your poor popularity." Yang Tai said indifferently. "Besides, if it wasn't for you, the Akatsuki organization wouldn't have been destroyed, would it?"

Uchiha Obito sneered: "It looks like you know a lot."

"It's okay, he must know more than a self-righteous Uchiha Obito." Yangtai also sneered.

His pupils shrank slightly, and Uchiha Obito stopped speaking. Sanwei, who was lying on the ground, roared angrily, and a terrifying tailed beast jade spewed out of his mouth.

"Be careful, this is... a tailed beast... jade~~" Terumi Mei wanted to remind her at first, but Susanoo pulled out the long chakra sword in his hand. He slashed down with a knife, and when the tailed beast jade was about to explode in the air, even the three tails were chopped with a scream, and a deep scar appeared on the back armor.

The entire Mist Ninja Village was hit by this blow, as if it had been shaken by an earthquake.

"Just kidding! That's the tailed beast jade..." The other Wu Ninjas also swallowed deeply. The pure destructive power is the most shocking and convincing to others.

Yota reached out and put everyone else in Kirinin Village on Susanoo's back. "If you think you can fight me with a tailed beast, I can only say, you think too much, Obito!"

"Super - Vientiane Tianyin - the end of the original darkness!"

A terrifying black hole was formed in Susanoo's hand. The same ninjutsu, after being strengthened by Susanoo, almost skyrocketed in power. The black mist filled hundreds of meters, and Sanwei kept roaring, but still could not stabilize his body on the ground, but after ten seconds, he was sucked into the sky, and the whole round turtle finally became the length of noodles. Bar, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was sucked into the black hole spinning.

The originally noisy battlefield suddenly became silent like death, and everyone looked at the huge Susanoo in the sky in disbelief.

"Done, done?"

"Impossible? That's a tailed beast. It's the ultimate fighting power of Shinobu Village.

"Lord Shuiying, Master Shuiying was also caught!"

Yangta restrained Susanoh and fell from the sky. At this time, many messy Kirin people saw Terumi Mei and others, as if they had found the backbone, they all leaned over.

"Lord Terumi Mei..."

"The little patriarch of the ghost lamp..."

Before Yang Tai and the others came over, the fourth generation of water shadows had been violent for a long time, and now the entire Mist Ninja Village has been destroyed by most of them.

Fortunately, the survivability of ninjas has always been very strong, and there are no civilians in Wu Ninja Village. In the five major ninja villages, except for Konoha, there are no civilians, and there are at most some ninja family members.

Therefore, although most of the Ninja Village was destroyed, the casualties of the ninjas were only two or three layers. Of course, this is almost equivalent to the result of a war in the ninja world. If it wasn't for Yangtai and the others to come back in time, the Mist Ninja Village would have been hit by a wave. It is not impossible to destroy the village.

"Lord Terumi Mei, who are these three people, and how is Mizuying-sama now?"

At this time, several Anbu ninjas asked. Terumi Mei and others' faces stiffened, and they didn't know how to speak.

Yang Tai stretched out his hand slightly, a black hole appeared, and the fourth generation of water shadows was suddenly spit out.

However, most of the three-tailed chakras in his body have been swallowed up by Yang Tai, and I don't know how many years it will take to recover. The current chakra volume may not be comparable to the chakra of the fourth generation of water shadows.
