
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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791 Chs


Caesar, who has been unable to determine his location information, did not know that Kuzan had joined the navy until he heard that there was a monster in the navy that could freeze the sea.

It's a done deal, and Caesar can only give up the idea of ​​​​soliciting Kuzan.

Generally speaking, in the past three years, the whole world has changed a lot, and it has become even more turbulent.

In the new world, the major pirate groups have already shown signs of fighting for hegemony.

In this gap, the navy has also added a lot of powerful combat power, and the underground dark forces are no different from before.

The one that has changed the most is the Caesar Pirates.

Don't look at the present, the newly arrived little guys are still very young, they are nothing.

But in the future, these little guys will definitely be troublesome and helpless guys for the Navy!

Since having these children, Caesar Pirates has an extra rule.

That is to find an island every once in a while, as short as half a month, as long as one and a half months. It is best to stop at an island with human life for two or three days.

The purpose of doing this is not for anything else, but simply to let the children see more of the world and learn more.

I always stay on a boat, although relying on Tony's ability, there is a lot of space in some places, but it is still a boat, and there are only their group on the boat.

"Lily, it's time to find an island to stop!"

During this time, they had been sailing at sea for a month, and Caesar felt that it was time to find a small island to stop and let the children and women relax.

Hearing this, Lily quickly picked up the map and searched it carefully.

Near them, there is really a small island that is more suitable for repairing. From the size and name, it should be relatively prosperous.

So, under the command of the navigator Lily, the Rex quickly headed towards the island.

half a day.

Where the naked eye can see the sea level, there is a small black dot.

As the ship advanced, the black spot gradually enlarged, and a medium-sized island suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

For the matter of going to the island.

The children were also very happy. The mother group took their children and rushed to the shopping street and amusement park after getting off the boat.

The rest of the men either went to the bar or went to the casino, so pleasant.

As the father of three children, Caesar should go shopping with Lily, Wei Na, and Regina.

But I don't know why, even though his strength has reached the strongest level in the world, as long as he goes shopping with women, he will feel back pain and leg cramps.

Hungry and thirsty, heels hurt.

Women usually treat this kind of physical and psychological double phenomenon as evidence that they don't love them.

For this reason, they will play a little temper with Caesar.

Of course it's not that he doesn't love her, it's just that this phenomenon is very unreal, almost all men will be like this!

Although he loves children very much, he can't stand being quarreled every day, even the strongest man.

This docking, he just took this opportunity to relax and relax!

I have to say that the islands that Lily found are almost all good. Although the scale is not very large, there are everything on the island.

Just like that.

Suddenly, Caesar noticed a casino.

The people inside were yelling and screaming around the gaming table in excitement or frustration.

"Blow blow blow!"

The so-called small gambling is fun, seeing the people inside having fun, Caesar also walked in with a playful attitude.

Of course, before going in, he simply changed his appearance.

Now, his arrest warrant has spread all over the world.

If you go to such a crowded place, if you show your true face, it will definitely cause quite a commotion.

He didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble and disturb his mood of playing.

Different from Caesar's impression, the casino in One Piece World also has a doorman to welcome guests.

As soon as he stepped into it, he was greeted warmly.

However, this welcome line made him "Chihiro's debut" momentarily unaware whether he was entering a casino or a bathing center...

After wandering around casually for a couple of times, Caesar finally stopped in front of a card table.

Just because the people around this table are the most in the entire casino.

A small gamble is for entertainment. Only those who want to win and make money will cheat at all costs.

Caesar, who is not short of money, naturally wouldn't cheat. For him, it doesn't mean much to win, all he wants is that kind of nervous and exciting feeling.

However, after several rounds in a row, Caesar lost, which seemed to be due to bad luck.

Gradually, his complexion became ugly. Although he didn't want to cheat, but he lost continuously, even he would be in a bad mood.

In this way, Caesar became irritable after losing more than a dozen games.

He doesn't want to cheat, but he can see if others are cheating!

Therefore, Caesar, who was full of displeasure, quietly turned on his knowledge, carefully observing the dealer and other gamblers for cheating.

But the results were pleasantly surprised.

He lost money purely because of bad hands, no skills, and nothing to do with anyone else!

This time, Caesar was even more restless.

If it was because the casino played games, or the gamblers cheated, he could accept it in his heart after losing so many times in a row.

After learning that Chunchun lost so many times because he didn't know how to play and had bad luck, he became even more irritable.

In a fit of anger, Caesar decided to change the table and try his luck!

He switched from the card table to the dice table, planning to show off his skills here.

The rule here is even simpler, that is, guess the size of the points and then place a bet.

Caesar felt that he had already lost so many games, and it was his turn to win, so he stared at the croupier shaking the cup with great interest.

Just now, when he lost in a row, he always wanted to find the fruit of luck at all costs, and then specifically find the casino to win them.

But that's an exaggeration.

Just as Caesar was listening carefully to the sound of the dice rolling and was about to analyze the points, a young man squeezed in beside him.

It's just that the young man's eyes are closed tightly, and occasionally his eyeballs can be seen turning white.

There is an X-shaped scar on his eyebrows that is particularly conspicuous, and it is obvious at a glance that his eyes are blind because of the injury.

After noticing this person, Caesar froze slightly.

The figure in his mind overlapped with this person in an instant!

That's right, this young blind man is the general Fujitora who will explode in combat power in the future and eat the superhuman-gravity fruit. Smile!

"How about it, did you guess the number?"

After getting on the gaming table, Yixiao sensed Caesar's movements and couldn't help asking.

While speaking, he still looked expectant, as if as long as Caesar gave an affirmative answer, he would call the bet without hesitation.

At this time, Yixiao is already a frequent visitor to the casino. It's just that he doesn't seem to be very lucky, but he still loves to play very much.

Hearing this, Caesar shook his head.

Then, as if he didn't know him, he asked in surprise, "You don't even have eyes, how do you play?"

After listening to it with a smile, he was not in a hurry to refute, nor did he feel embarrassed. Instead, he refuted: "You don't need eyes to see dice. Isn't it all right if you have ears?"

After finishing speaking, he listened carefully to the changes of the dice in the sieve cup.

Before the croupier stopped and shouted: "Buy and leave!", Yixiao solemnly placed the chip on the word "small"!

Then he had an expression of trusting me and winning.

"Hmph, I've got it!"

"Your Excellency, follow me, and I'm sure to win you a lot of money!"

Smiling slightly, the micro-expression at the corner of his mouth is very mysterious, those who don't know it think he has some magic weapon to win.

Caesar smiled, as if he believed it, and placed his chips on the word 'small'!

"Buy and leave!"

"Buy and leave!"

After the croupier said several times that he would buy and leave, under the anticipation of everyone, the sifter was opened...

Because of the confident appearance of Yixiao just now, some gamblers believed his nonsense that ears are enough, thinking that the blind man is more sensitive and outstanding than their ears, and they all followed him to bet.

In this last tense moment of shuddering...

"Five five six, big!"

As the dealer reported the points, Caesar's mouth twitched twice.

And Yixiao's expression was sluggish, with words written all over his face: "Impossible!! I'm a **** of gambling, how could Yixiao lose!".

[194] Invite a smile to join, Caesar's ultimate goal

Look at the number on the dice.

Their table suddenly fell into a dead silence.

But soon, curses came and went, thinking that blind people have better hearing, everyone who believed and smiled~ cursed.

"Wow, what a cheat!"

"Blind man, I've lost half of my wealth!-"

"I'm just talking about a blind man who can't see anything. How could he be hit? You idiots, hahahaha!"

"Blind man, don't you stop pretending, don't tell me you are the trustee of the casino?"

At the gambling table, there are everyone, and there are not a few people who blindly follow and bet in order to win money.

But even if they greeted the whole family with a smile, they voluntarily called, so even if they lost everything, they could only show off their quick tongue and vent their anger.

"I'm sorry everyone, I made a mistake this time!"

"There are winners and losers in gambling. Believe me, everyone will win this time!"

He smiled apologetically and apologized again and again, but he didn't seem to think that it was his own technical problem, and he became confident again, and solemnly placed his bet on the word "big".

If this is the first time people see Yixiao, they will definitely be confused by his swearing expression!

However, for the gamblers who have already suffered a loss, no one believes in him anymore, and no one will follow him anymore.

The same goes for Caesar, he just ignored the very bewitching expression with a smile, he didn't want to pay for the loss of his pants...


In the next gamble, Yixiao almost broke through the lower limit.

Caesar wins and loses, and the rest of the gamblers are similar, but Yixiao is sure to lose and lose, and quickly lost all his meal money.

If you continue to play, you will really have to take off your clothes and bring them to the casino! People still don't necessarily accept it.

"Hiss...it shouldn't be!"

"Today's luck should be very prosperous!" After losing the last penny, he stood in front of the gambling table blankly with a smile on his face.


At this moment, his stomach growled loudly as if he knew that he had no money to eat, as a protest.

But what can he do if he is already penniless?

After thinking for a moment, he smiled and turned to Caesar with a blushing face: "Your Excellency, after playing for so long, are you hungry?"