
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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791 Chs


Time passed quickly, and on a certain deserted island in the sea, the Caesar Pirates had been here for nearly half a month.

In half a month, everyone in the Caesar Pirates did not rest, and they were all doing their own training.

Regina, Griffin, and Kyle, who ate the devil fruit half a month ago, have become familiar with their respective fruit abilities after a period of running-in practice, and can freely integrate the fruit abilities into their own attacks.

At the moment, the three of them are also training for the ability to use devil fruits near the Rex parking place.

Hades, Brad, Barrett and other people are also practicing near the Rex, occasionally assisting the newly acquired abilities.

At this moment, Caesar was floating quietly above the sea not far from the path.

Holding the black sword in his hand, Caesar's purple light flashed in his hand, and a force of gravity was attached to the sword.

Unleashing all his knowledge and arrogance, Caesar looked up into the sky, as if he had found something, then he raised the domineering knife in his hand, and slashed heavily towards the sky!

A purple slash shot straight into the sky.

Putting down the Ba Dao in his hand, he used his thoughts to re-suspend beside him. Caesar, who was standing on the rock, stood with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the sky, as if he was waiting for something.

Only a few seconds later, a looming roar came from the sky.

"Hades, did you hear anything?" Brad, who seemed to have heard something, stopped the endurance training with Hades, and asked in doubt.

"Ah? Is there? I don't seem to hear anything..."

Looking at Brad who suddenly stopped training, Hades said with a puzzled face.

Then Hades narrowed his eyes slightly. After what Brad said, Hades seemed to hear that there was indeed something ringing.

"But from what you said, it seems that there is indeed something roaring, and the sound is getting louder..."

It seemed that the roar of the howling wind was getting louder from this moment, even the two non-combatants, Amicell and Olga on the ship, could already hear it clearly!

And all the people who were training near the Rex also heard this louder and louder roar suddenly coming from nowhere!

"Look at the sky!!"

Just when everyone was wondering, Griffin and Kyle exclaimed!

Everyone immediately raised their heads to follow the prestige, and suddenly found that in the sky, a meteor was falling down with a bright red tail flame, roaring at extremely high speed!

The roar they heard was exactly the sound of this falling meteor!

Watching this meteor fall at a high speed, the size of a small black spot has now become the size of a football, and the "Chihiro first shot" is constantly enlarging!

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone's expressions changed drastically!

Because everyone could see the direction in which the meteorite was falling, and it seemed to be heading towards the sea area near the small island where everyone was staying!

In the blink of an eye, the burning meteorite roared down.

Everyone didn't move, but looked at Caesar floating on the sea not far away.

Just now they also noticed a purple light slashing towards the sky, so that means it was done by Caesar, so let Caesar deal with it.

Facing the falling meteorite, Caesar remained motionless and looked up quietly.

When the meteorite was still a few meters above the sea surface, the silver lights around Caesar's body spread in all directions like waves of air, and the meteorite stopped abruptly, hanging firmly on the surface tens of meters away. in the air!

However, the impact brought by the rapid fall of the meteorite did not stop like the meteorite, but beat strongly on the calm sea surface, stirring up huge waves one after another!

Because of the release of the gravitational field, the area within a few kilometers is weightless, and all the seawater is impacted and floats in the air, and all kinds of marine life are no exception.

This scene was extremely shocking, as if Caesar had shaken the world.

"Should it be said that he is indeed Captain Caesar? He can always do things that surprise us!"

Griffin and Kyle, who are fur tribes, couldn't help opening their mouths and exclaiming when they saw the scene in front of them, and the other crew members also looked shocked.

Not paying attention to the reaction of his crew members at this moment, Caesar looked at the huge meteorite that was still burning on the sea surface with the force field fruit in front of him.

Then Caesar's silver light flashed, and a strong gravitational point was established at the center of the meteorite!

Because of the appearance of the gravitational point, everything within the weightless range near the meteorite, whether it is sea water, reefs or fish in the water!

They all began to be attracted by the meteorite's gravity at the same time, and suddenly fell towards the meteorite!

And the meteorite, which suddenly attracted things within a few kilometers, was pinched and compressed under the wrapping of these substances like a can, and the entire volume was nearly doubled from before!

Is the pirate version of Earthburst okay?

Anyway, Caesar is quite satisfied, this trick must be of great use.

With a satisfied smile, Caesar removed the gravitational point in the meteorite and recovered all the fruit power.

All the things that were originally attracted to the meteorite lost the effect of the gravitational point at this moment, and scattered one after another, falling to the surface of the sea.

Including the meteorite, without the influence of Caesar, it also smashed into the sea heavily, and this movement even caused a small-scale tsunami.

However, Caesar can control gravity. After creating a gravity field, he quickly suppressed these movements.

That is, Caesar's physical abnormality, otherwise ordinary people would be drained directly.

After doing this, Caesar did not stop, but stretched out his right hand, and saw a red electric current leap out of Caesar's hand out of thin air, and then disappeared, but this area has already changed.

Soon, whether from the island or under the sea, countless metal ore debris were attracted by Caesar!

Various metal minerals of different colors flew towards Caesar like countless tornadoes at this moment.

Soon, in front of Caesar, various metal ores piled up like hills.

Looking at the pair of metal ores in front of him, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Caesar's mouth.

With this ability, from now on, the Caesar Pirates will not have to worry about the lack of metal materials and purchases if they want to revolt in the future, including gold, Caesar can also use his ability to find it!

After inspecting the past half a month, Caesar is also quite satisfied with the results of fruit proficiency and control.

Standing up, Caesar flew in the direction of the Rex.

Back to the Rex, all the people gathered around at this moment, and they all expressed their admiration in amazement.

"Captain Caesar! How did you do that meteorite just now? It's so handsome!"

"That's right, Caesar! Did you use your fruit ability to do this? It's really too strong!"

"This devil fruit is really powerful and terrifying. I'm afraid it's not as weak as Whitebeard's Zhenzhen fruit!".

[174] Gravity training, everyone's strength growth and positioning

Regarding the admiration of the crowd, Caesar just smiled, waved his hand, motioned for the crowd to be quiet, and then told the crowd a thought in his heart.

"I have an idea that allows you to carry out a special kind of cultivation..."

Hearing Caesar's words, everyone couldn't help being a little puzzled, ~surprised.

Each of them has different levels of strength, and not all of them are at the bottleneck, and they can break through just right.

I saw Caesar smiling mysteriously, and then a burst of purple light flickered from Caesar's body, and then spread out like ripples in circles.

Caesar used his fruit ability to set up a gravity field in this area.

And this is what Caesar calls special training.

Everyone reacted to the sudden gravity on their bodies and understood what Caesar meant by special training.

You must know that gravity is not something that can be resisted by great strength. Gravity acts on every cell, and the whole person will be squeezed by gravity from the inside out.

The Rex sailed slowly on the sea.

The Caesar Pirates had been away from that deserted island for a few days. After all, the four Caesars had already mastered the fruit's ability, so there was no need to stay on that deserted island any longer.

Deep development is not a short-term thing.

As in the past, everyone on board, training, working, and having fun, are doing their own things.

The only difference from before is that Caesar used abilities to add different degrees of gravity to the original training grounds of everyone!

Because everyone's physique is different, and the degree of gravity that everyone can withstand is also different, so Caesar divided the training ground into several areas.

And these areas were also given double to ten times the gravity by Caesar, and everyone on the ship trained in the corresponding areas according to the limit they could bear.

Like Gnaly, he is the strongest person on the ship except Caesar. The double gravity zone basically has no effect on him. Only when it reaches eight times the gravity does it barely make Gnaly feel a little heavy. .

Even in the area of ​​ten times the gravity, Gnaly felt a little pressure, but Gnaly would not be able to train himself with maximum efficiency if he wanted to train here.

So Caesar simply arranged another gravity training for Gnali alone.

Due to the characteristics of the fruit, the closer Caesar's gravity is within the distance range to itself, the heavier the gravity will be.

Therefore, Caesar let Gnaly perform gravity training near him, which can also maximize Gnaly's exercise efficiency.

And Brad, who was a little weaker, also felt that the ten-fold gravity zone could not achieve the best effect on his own training, so he joined Gnaly in individual training.

It's just that Brad can only exercise a little farther away from Caesar than Gnaly. After all, the closer to Caesar, the heavier the gravity will be!

After that, there is Hades who is a murloc. His strength is slightly inferior to Brad's, but because of his race, Hades' physical fitness is far stronger than that of humans!

So Hades was also able to join Caesar's individual gravity training.

As for the strength and physical fitness of the other crew members, they are not as strong as the three of them, so they can only choose a suitable area for training in the ten gravity areas divided by Caesar.

Everyone started exercising in the gravity zone, even Amicell and Olga, who were non-combatants, were asked by Caesar to come and do some exercise in the gravity zone every day!

After all, they all belong to the Caesar Pirates. Even if they don't need great combat skills and strength, they still need a good body and certain combat power!

Because together with Caesar and the others, they are destined to face countless dangers in the future voyages!

Although there are other people on the ship who are responsible for fighting and protecting them, there will always be times when they are in danger and no one can protect them!

At that time, if Amichael and Olga can't even escape to avoid danger because of their weak physical fitness, then there will be no time to regret it!

Seeing that all the people on the boat were exercising under the influence of gravity, Caesar couldn't help but want himself to bear such gravity to exercise himself.

But it is a pity that Caesar's gravity cannot be exerted on himself, so Caesar has no way to carry out gravity training, and can't achieve any training effect.

Another month later, everyone in the Caesar Pirates grew rapidly under Caesar's gravity training every day.

Even the two weakest non-combatants, Amichael and Olga, have been able to train in the triple gravity zone from the very beginning in the double gravity zone!

As for their current physical fitness, Caesar estimates that they can be comparable to the elite sailors in the navy, so that they can respond to certain dangers when they face danger in the future.

Of course, this is not enough!

Caesar's idea is to let them at least have the combat power of school-level officers, or even brigadier generals and major generals.

After all, this is a new world!

The strength of ordinary elite sailors is of no use here, to be honest, it can't even guide domineering.

As for the others, it's the same. Their physical fitness and strength have improved a lot.

As the second strongest Gnali on the ship, under Caesar's individual gravity training, he was able to stay at a position close to five meters from Caesar from the original only fifteen meters away from Caesar.

And during this period, Gnali also proposed the idea of ​​fighting against Caesar, and Caesar did not refuse to agree to his proposal.

During the sparring with Gnaly, Caesar also discovered that Gnaly was strong enough to dominate the sea alone.

If you want to divide the strong men on the sea into a pyramid.

Caesar, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Karp, Roger and others are the strongest at the top of the pyramid. The current Charlotte Lingling is not as strong as it will be decades later, and the weaker is at the second level , then Gnarli is at a level slightly weaker than Charlotte Lingling.

Of course, this is now, Charlotte Lingling's talent is terrifying, far surpassing Gnaly, and she will definitely be the strongest in the future, but Gnaly will hardly grow to that level.

Although Gnaly's strength is already close to the level of the top powerhouse, but Gnaly wants to truly become the powerhouse in the first tier, he can't do it just by relying on this kind of gravity exercise or other exercises.

Unless it is to fight a stronger opponent, and the perception between life and death becomes stronger, only then can one's own strength be substantially improved!

However, it is not easy to encounter battles like that that can be separated between life and death.

So now Gnaly can only train in the gravity environment of Caesar, so that his physical fitness and foundation will be more solid, so that he can become stronger in future battles!

And followed closely by Brad and Hades, who are weaker than Gnaly.

The two of them have made a lot of progress under Caesar's individual gravity training these days.


From the beginning, the two could only withstand the gravity of living more than 20 meters away from Caesar, but now they can withstand the gravity of living about 11 meters away!

At Caesar's request, Brad and Hades conducted actual combat training with Gnaly respectively.

Although both of them were defeated by Gnali as expected, Caesar also had a general understanding of their strength positioning after observing the battle between the two of them.