
Douluo Dalu: Living...

There are not many things to talk about my past life, even because I was a simple high school student studying like everyone else to one day have a good job, and raise a good family. Well, that's all I wanted… But it was taken away from me when a truck running away from the police swerved from a car on the road and invaded the sidewalk and ran me over. [Read if you want to burn your neurons! Don't say I didn't warn you!]

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Spiritual Awakening!

2nd Chapter!

After several months, the day he had been waiting for finally arrived.

He wasn't invited, but he learned through gossip that the spiritual master would come today to awaken the martial souls of all the children in the village.

So, the moment he saw the children walking towards the village under the leadership of the village chief, he too followed them almost ten meters away.

In this period of time their relationship only got worse! Now he was practically mute in the village, an existence no one was allowed to talk about.

Qing Ling would only go out to train alone in the early morning. His food was mostly the hunting  he got from the forest around the village. People gradually began to deny him food, utensils, and other objects. But that didn't bother him!

He would only be here until the day his spirit was awakened. And if by chance he didn't have any, he would leave here around the world looking for other ways to get stronger.

When everyone reached the center of the village, a young man in his early twenties appeared and stopped in front of the great gate of the awakening hall.

With his sharp eyes, the young man could see that everyone was looking with some disgust at a boy who was isolated from the rest of them.

Even so, he didn't care too much about it and started his presentation.

"My name is Sibi Ren, a level twenty-eight grandmaster! And from now on I will awaken your spirits."

"Follow me!"

Then, with energy shooting from his fingers, the gate opened and he started walking.

The children took one last cold look towards Qing Ling, and then began to follow the great spiritual master. 

Qing Ling also got up from his place and started to follow them. 

Once inside, Sibi Ren stopped at the altar and took some strange stones from her pocket. Before releasing your spirit!

His spirit seemed to be a kind of Japanese katana, so he didn't frighten the children; just wonder.


So this is the person who will awaken our spirit… I don't remember someone like him in Romance, maybe someone without much importance.

Not that I care about that. As long as I can awaken my spirit, it doesn't matter if it's a grandmaster or a douluo.

Pov end…

Looking around where the other kids were, Qing Ling couldn't help but think:

'it seems that in all the villages there are few children aged six…'

As he was thinking, the great master was already awakening the second kid ! The first had the blue Silver grass without spiritual power.  

The second was a boy, he awakened an iron rod! But without spiritual power.





As Qing Ling was far away from them, he was naturally the last to awaken their spirit. 

All children have awakened useless spirits, or without spiritual power! And that didn't even change the grandmaster's expression, it was as if he was already used to seeing it.

"Sigh" – Sibi Ren then looked at the last child, and let out a sigh as she spoke:

"Child, it's your turn! Come and stop at the center of these stones." he said as he pointed to the rocks spinning in the air.

Qing Ling walked under the cold, mocking gaze of the surrounding children. 


Like everyone else, I walked calmly to the center of the rocks and stood there for a few seconds. Then, all of a sudden a warm, cozy energy started to seep in and my body like it was looking for something

Soon, I felt inside my body as if something was suddenly broken.

At this point, the necklace that was on my chest began to vibrate rapidly as if it was feeling something that belonged to it. Then, with tremendous force, he began to burrow into my chest like a liquid passing through my pores.

I felt it all happening! The sudden cold invaded my body, and the hot energy rushing out towards my hands.

"Hold out your hand!" - Sibi Ren said feeling something different about this boy.

Qing Ling paid no attention to what he said, and just held out a random hand. Just then, under the expectant gaze of Sibi Ren, and the cold gaze of the children. A small shiny Carrot without a fixed color appeared in Qing Ling's hands.

Sibi Ren: "That's… a spirit food type  !" he muttered excitedly. At least that had a better chance of having some spiritual power.

"Boy, quickly let's see your spiritual power!" - He said.

Qing Ling finally smiled! Not for the spirit helper in his hand, but for the other spirit he felt in his other hand, and for feeling a slight connection with something new in his body.

Then, reaching out for the sphere… A faint glow began to emanate from it, until the glow was almost blinding and he took his hand away.

Sibi Ren: "P-innate spirit power! …. That's innate spirit power! …. I can't believe it appeared in a spirit of food !" he said shocked. Then her happiness calmed down a little.

"Boy, do you want to enter the spirit hall? Only there you can explore your spirit to the fullest!" Sibi Ren said changing her expression to a smile.

Hearing this, the children around were shocked! Finally someone in your village was born with spiritual power. But as they thought about how they treated this future spiritual master, their faces flushed with embarrassment. 

Qing Ling smiled slightly, then with a smile he said:

"I'm going to keep my promise to my mom, and have a normal life in a gym!" — 

The Grand Master stopped smiling at this, knowing the promises would be difficult to break. Then, still not giving up, he said with a smile.

"Alright! As long as you want to enter the spirit hall, just go to a nearby hall and say you're there for me, Sibi Ren!" - He said. And so he began to pack his things and leave the hall.