
Douluo Dalu: Living...

There are not many things to talk about my past life, even because I was a simple high school student studying like everyone else to one day have a good job, and raise a good family. Well, that's all I wanted… But it was taken away from me when a truck running away from the police swerved from a car on the road and invaded the sidewalk and ran me over. [Read if you want to burn your neurons! Don't say I didn't warn you!]

FanFics · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Qing Ling!

Hi, my name is Qing Ling! And as you can imagine I died in the modern world, and I came back to this gigantic world. Soul Land!

There are not many things to talk about my past life, even because I was a simple high school student studying like everyone else to one day have a good job, and raise a good family.

Well, that was all I wanted... But it was taken away from me when a truck running away from the police swerved from a car, invaded the sidewalk and ran over me.

After that, I don't remember anything else! I didn't get a chance to know God, I didn't have a system, and I didn't have any desires... All I got was a bamboo box where I was abandoned in front of Brockstone Village! That's right, not even in Holy Spirit Village I stayed ...

The name 'Brockstone village' was named after a small dojo that has been in the village for a few hundred years, and the dojo was already starting to deteriorate year after year. Ken Lin, the current master of the dojo was already 78 years old, but he still taught his martial arts with the help of his former students.

Rumor has it that Ken Lin's Grandfather, Ken Gem. He once fought a spiritual beast in order to protect the village from its attacks. They say the battle was epic, Ken Gem, suffered several wounds at the expense of hitting his own, even with his body totally wounded, he still managed to pierce a sword into one of the beast's eyes, and killed it. And then a yellow colored ring came out of her body to everyone's surprise. But in exchange for that, Ken Gem died within days of the fight.


Luckily I was found by a woman in front of the village. It looked like she had just lost her husband not too long ago.. She welcomed me, named me, and took care of me. And by coincidence or fate, she also named me Qing Ling! 

His name was Li Ruo! She was a woman in her early thirties, and kept her earnings at the expense of making clothes for the people of the village. This guaranteed her a good amount of Money, and a good life.

No one knew her origins, all they knew was that she had already arrived here with her husband on a stormy day. The village chief, Sima Yun, seeing that they were both foreigners and did not appear to be of any threat, left them with a small plot of land to make their own home.

Two years after that, the man (husband) died of unknown causes.

Li Ruo lived his life as usual in this bad period, until he found Qing Ling abandoned.

Qing Ling learned to speak, read, and write from her. He also began to learn the right customs that should be followed in this world. The amazing thing for him was that this woman also told him about the spirits, the color of the rings, and various other things related to this world.

She also sent him to the dojo saying that it would be useful for him in the future. 

He was already shocked by the giant knowledge this woman was putting into his head, but he didn't complain as knowledge was always good. But…

When he turned five years old; Li Ruo disappeared….

Qing Ling felt her loss, and didn't even know where she was going. All she left with him was a violet colored pendant on his chest like a necklace. Qing Ling took care of that with his life carrying it everywhere.

He also had to live alone from that. With the money she left him, it wasn't hard to support himself. The village chief even tried to bring him to his house, but Qing Ling respectfully refused.

There were also people from the village trying to take the money she had left behind, and this began to change Qing Ling's personality to be cooler. 

In just one year Qing Ling has completely changed! from a child used to smiling and helping others; he turned cold and emotionless in his eyes. Dialogue with people was minimal, and he only  left his house to train at the Dojo as usual.

Even so, there were still people who tried to approach him with the intention of stealing his things. His house in this village was already bigger than the village chief's, and the clothes inside were very well made and of high quality. In addition to the money that was stored inside.

This kind of friendship intended to take things away from him left him with a problem of not trusting anyone! Even in a 3/4 year old child.

These days he didn't even seem like someone from a world where violence was prohibited! If that were necessary, he wouldn't mind beating a person until they stopped bothering him.

Everyone in the village noticed that he was starting to get out of control, so the head of the Dojo once approached him and said without emotion:

"You… no respect for your elders, no thanks when someone 'helps' you, and beating up the village children with my martial art… I Ken Lin today completely forbid you from entering my Dojo!"

Those words were like a knife piercing Qing Ling's chest. But, his eyes didn't show a trace of it. He just nodded and went to his house under the cold gaze of several people.

When he got there. Tears began to flow from her cold eyes. Remembering his mother's love for all these years, the longing for her was eating away at him. 

"M-mae…why? ….why did this happen? ….why did you leave me?" He dropped to his knees as he held her head.