
Douluo Dalu: Four Timelines, One Soul

__________________________________________________________________________________ Our protagonist reincarnated in four different Timelines of Douluo Dalu at the same time with a chat group connecting them Witness how they flip their timelines upside down. __________ This novel is more of a wish fulfilment and casual type novel. If you want unique plot and story fanfic then you can check out my other ongoing fanfic. 1-2ch/week will be updated. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist.

Nero_schizoid · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


[ Su Ming D4: I have fused with my Martial soul; we can start the synchronization.]

[Su Ming D2: Finally, you guys sure took your time.]

[Su Ming D3: Well, unlike a certain someone, we didn't have almost innate full soul power.]

[Su Ming D1: Okay, stop bickering. System, start the synchronization.]

[Ding! Commencing Synchronization.]

Instantly, all four Su Mings felt their mental and physical power growing at a monstrous rate. Their spirit rings automatically emerged, and their color changed from purple to black almost instantly. The transformation didn't stop as the black color became deeper.

[Su Ming D4: At this point, I don't really know what is the limit of our physical and mental power. This Synchronization ability is really the biggest bug.]

[Electrolux: It is true; I personally witnessed Xiao Ming's spiritual space magically expanding in almost a blink of an eye.]

[Su Ming D2]: Let's check the changes in cell Martial soul. System, display the information about cell Martial soul.]

[Pseudo Martial Soul: Cell

Abilities: Scanning of genome, Copying the genome, fusing the genome, making the spiritual origin adapt to changes in Bloodline.

Material scanning: Now using cell Martial soul, the user can acquire the composition of soul tools, Artifacts, and other objects.

Genome Alteration: Using cell Martial soul, the user can now change the genome of others. If the one whose genome is being changed is doing it voluntarily, then the user can change even a Divine Beast's genome. But if the user wants to forcibly change the genome, then the upper limit is ten soul ranks above your current soul rank. Be aware that if the person has Divine Protection, then it will be dangerous.]

[Su Ming D4: Amazing, what an outrageous ability. We can turn a genius into waste and vice versa.]

[Su Ming D3: At Titled Douluo, we can literally destroy a clan without even killing a single person.]

[Su Ming D2: Although I was expecting that this ability will come, I am still shocked. The best way to use this ability is to use those people from the original timeline who had a lot of potential but due to physical or other reasons, they were not able to become real geniuses. So, let's discuss our next plans regarding faith collection.]

[Su Ming D1: I found a way to almost generate unlimited faith points; it's just we might have to save faith points for the next few years.]

[Su Ming D2: What is it?]

[Su Ming D1: Take a look at this.]

[Live Broadcast system: An auxiliary system that will shield the world from gods and hijacking the will of the world. It can display whatever you, the user, wants to the world.

Price: 20% of the faith points earned in the next five years]

[Question and Answer system: An auxiliary system that grants rewards and punishments using Question and Answers.

Price: 50% of the faith points earned in the next five years.]

[Gold list: Allows the user to publish a Gold List and gives rewards to those in the Top ten.

Price: 30% of the faith points earned in the next five years.]

[Su Ming D3:How the hell did you manage to find such outrageous things in the system mall?]

[Su Ming D1: I just made a random draw and found this. Although for the next five years, we won't have faith points, but after it, we will almost have unlimited faith points.]

[Su Ming D2: You are right; we have to buy these things. The price is nothing compared to the benefits we will enjoy later on.]

[Su Ming D4: Yes, in fact, considering my timeline, the faith points that will come out are something we will not be able to use even if we want to.]

[Su Ming D3:Buy it.]

[Su Ming D1: Wait, we should first empty our faith points by buying whatever we need in our future plans.]

After buying what they needed, they purchased the three items.

[Ding! Purchase successful; from now on, until the next five years, every faith point you earn will be taken by the system.]

Instantly, three golden balls of light appeared in the System space.

[Su Ming D2: Okay, we will use these things after five years. Now, let's discuss our plans.]

[ Su Ming D1: I am thinking after getting my second soul ring I first control Dugu Bo using the item I bought and after enhancing his strength. I will start introducing Soul tools in mainland]

[ Su Ming D3: But wouldn't that waste the faith loints you will earn through this]

[ Su Ming D1: At start yes but it will return once the live broadcast system reveals that I am the one who spread the soul tools.]

[ Su Ming D4: True, what next]

[ Su Ming D1: Then, I will make my own team that will participate in Soul Master competition. I will start the Live Broadcast system as soon as I win that championship and Bibi Dong won't harm me since I would cooperate with Wuhun hall regarding Spirit tools]

[ Su Ming D2: Who are you gonna include in your team? ]

[ Su Ming D1: For now I have determined Zhu Zhuqing cause why not, Ye Lingling because of the potential of her Martial soul, Shui Binge'r she was the only one who was able to reach soul sect at age 15 without any external help, Oscar he was a true food martial soul genius, Feng Xiaotian as he was talented but wasted it by focusing on self created soul skills, Huo wu because her martial soul was similar to Main body Martial soul and her martial soul also compliments with Feng Xiaotian Martial's soul, Huo Wushang and Shui yu'er as side members because they are siblings of Shi Binge'r and Huo wu, there is still three side spots that i will reserve if in case I encounter a unique martial soul]

[ Su Ming D3: You really did think this through, well what about you D2?]

[ Su Ming D2: First of all Jiang Nannan because I feel pity for her and she even with her soft-jade bone rabbit was a genius, Huo Yuhao because if the system is shielding us from outer interference then I want to let him have his revenge and also because of Teacher.]

[ Electrolux: Sigh! Thank you, Xiao Ming]

[ Su Ming D2: Its nothing teacher after all technically he is also my junior brother. Next, I think a child with Blue Silver Grass Martial soul just to piss off Shrek and Tang San, Since I am two years older than Huo Yuhao then I think Ma Xiaotao shouldn't have gone to Shrek Academy yet as the admission starts at 11 year old and two soul masters from my clan]

[ Su Ming D3: You really plan to take most of the geniuses of Shrek]

[ Su Ming D2: Well before my memory awakened I already did as apparently my Grandfather save Zhang Lexuan before that old man could do. Now, she is actually being trained as my protector]

[ Su Ming D3: I really want to see Shrek Academy's face when they see the original timeline and current timeline in future broadcast]

[ Su Ming D1: They will probably curse hundred generations of D2. What about you D3?]

[ Su Ming D3: Xie Xie as he is apparently my cousin so it makes sense for me to help him, Gu yue and Na'er are already included, my sister Yun Xu'er who possess Leviathan and Healing rings Martial soul, Xu Lizhi as the guy was literally a better version of Oscar, Ye Xinglan, Xu Xiaoyan, Yuanen Yehui because she is obviously my cousin's future girlfriend and finally Wu Siduo because if according to Elder Yi we somehow manage to enhance and fuse her Martial souls then she would have a God-Level Martial soul]

[ Su Ming D2: You literally took Tang Wulin's place]

[ Su Ming D3: Well what can I say it is the most appropriate path for me. D4 your turn]

[ Su Ming D4: I haven't decided yet, I will think about it when the right time comes. The most interesting question is how Tang Wulin and Silver Dragon king would feel after watching all three Douluo Series]

[ Su Ming D3: That would be a spectacular Family Drama]

[ Su Ming D2 : Ok let's now focus on our goals]

[ Su Ming D1, D3, D4: Ok ]

Douluo 2 Timeline

Su Ming closed the chat group and shouted, "Sister Lexuan." A silver light flashed beside Su Ming, revealing a black-haired thirteen-year-old girl who was none other than Zhanh Lexuan. She pinched Su Ming's cheeks and asked, "What happened, Xiao Ming? Why did you call me?"

Su Ming shook off Zheng Lexuan's hand and complained, "Sister Lexuan, stop pinching my cheeks, and I wanted to ask Uncle Li to take me out." Zheng Lexuan asked in curiosity, "Why do you want to go out?"

Su Ming looked into Zheng Lexuan's eyes and asked seriously, "Do you really want to know?"

Zheng Lexuan nodded. Su Ming then used his spirit power to construct a formation. Su Ming said to Zheng Lexuan, "Sister Lexuan, this is a contract circle; after signing it, you will never be able to betray me. So, I am asking again, do you want to really know?"

Zheng Lexuan didn't even hesitate and agreed, signing the contract.

Su Ming then told Zheng Lexuan about Electrolux and the Cell Martial soul. "Sorry, Sister Lexuan, but this is something I had to do." Zheng Lexuan shook her head and said, "No, Xiao Ming, you did the right thing. Even an ultimate Douluo would desire your Pseudo-Martial soul. Until you grow up or have extremely loyal Titled Douluo subordinates, you should not reveal this ability. The civilians may not react much, but those clans will literally try their best to hunt you down."

"So, you are going out to recruit some geniuses," Zheng Lexuan said after pondering a bit. Su Ming nodded. Zheng Lexuan and Su Ming then went to find Uncle Li, who was actually responsible for protecting Su Ming until Zheng Lexuan grows up.

Heading out of the clan, Su Ming first made his way to Jing Nannan's location. He had already investigated Jing Nannan and Ma Xiaotao, so he accurately knew their information. As for Huo Yuhao, even though it was cruel and selfish, Su Ming would only recruit Huo Yuhao once his mother dies, as that would be his driving force. Su Ming wasn't going to make excuses; he admitted that what he was doing may not be right, but it wasn't as bad as Tang San's doing.

{I am using the Anime appearance}

Arriving at a poor village, Su Ming first asked for Jiang Nannan's address and then went towards her home. "Knock..Knock." Su Ming knocked on the wooden door of the dilapidated hut. The door opened, and an eight-year-old girl with brown hair and hazel eyes emerged from the hut. She wore a red and white skirt with a rabbit ear hairband on her head. {picture in comments}

"Who are you esteemed guest?" Jing Nannan asked in respect, as she could tell that Su Ming belonged to extraordinary origins. "You must be Jing Nannan," she nodded, prompting Su Ming to continue, "I want to talk about your mother's health condition alone." Hearing this, Jiang Nannan became vigilant, as Xuaming sect also talked about her mother's condition.

Su Ming, seeing her vigilance, immediately added, "Don't worry; it isn't similar to Xuaming sect." She breathed a sigh of relief and then allowed Su Ming to enter.

After sitting down on the wooden chair, Su Ming told her about his condition of being loyal to him. Jiang Nannan asked in disbelief, "Nothing else?" Su Ming nodded and confirmed, "Yes, nothing else." Jiang Nannan immediately agreed, as not only her mother would be cured, but she would also enjoy resources for her cultivation. As for being loyal to Su Ming, for Jiang Nannan, that wasn't a big deal because, in the current era, almost every civilian soul master has to be loyal to some force.

After Jiang Nannan and her mother packed their belongings, Su Ming hired a carriage and headed towards Ma Xiaotao's place. Along the way, Su Ming signed the loyalty contract with Jiang Nannan and told her about his Cell Martial soul. Jiang Nannan, for the next thirty minutes, remained stunned and thanked various gods to let her meet Su Ming; after all, he was capable of turning anyone into a peerless genius.

Arriving at a primary academy where Ma Xiaotao was currently studying, Su Ming, with Zhang Lexuan and Jiang Nanna, headed towards the registration office and after finding Ma Xiaotao's dormitory headed there.

Just after Su Ming knocked on Ma Xiaotao's dormitory, a beautiful red-haired girl with a bun hairstyle and adorned in a white and purple academy uniform emerged from the room. "Who are you guys?" Ma Xiaotao asked in annoyance; she was currently suppressing her evil fire outrage when Su Ming interrupted her. "Looks like you are suffering from Evil fire outrage," Su Ming said with a smile. { Picture in comments}

"Who are you?" Ma Xiaotao again asked but this time with cautiousness in her tone. "Someone who can cure your Evil fire," hearing this, Ma Xiaotao didn't lower her vigilance but asked, "How can you do it? Not even the academy teachers were able to do it." Su Ming didn't reply but directly caught Ma Xiaotao's hand and activated the Cell Martial soul.

Finding himself in Ma Xiaotao's Bloodline space, Su Ming first used the Cell Martial soul to find the evil fire genome and then used his light attribute to reduce it. He didn't fully cure it as it had research value. Outside, Ma Xiaotao wanted to yell at Su Ming, but she became stunned as she sensed her Evil Fire suddenly almost becoming nonexistent.

"You, How were you able to do it?" Ma Xiaotao asked in bewilderment. Su Ming then explained her about his Cell Martial soul and his condition of loyalty. "I Agree!" Ma Xiaotao, before Su Ming could even finish, shouted, as her thoughts were the same as Jiang Nannan, she was really whoring for nothing here.

After signing the contract with her, Su Ming departed for his clan. "Su Ming, How is my Martial soul gonna evolve?" Jiang Nannan asked Su Ming while they were sitting in the carriage. Su Ming first thought for a moment and then replied, "I think Jade Moon Rabbit." "Jade Moon Rabbit?" Jiang Nannan asked in confusion.

Su Ming provided an explanation, "Jade Moon Rabbit are similar to messengers of Moon God, they have extraordinary fast speed and the attack power due to moon attribute. These soul beasts went extinct a long time ago." Ma Xiaotao asked in confusion, "If they became extinct, then how are you going to evolve Nannan's Martial soul into it?" Su Ming tilted his head and said, "Who said I need the whole soul beast, I can just grab a rabbit soul beast and look for the Jade Moon Rabbit genome in its genes."

The three beauties again were awestruck by Su Ming's Cell Martial soul as it was really an outrageous and heaven-defying Martial soul. Arriving at his clan, Su Ming took them to his house where he would plan his and others' training plan.