
douluo dalu: beautiful narcasist

man reborn into douluo world where he follows along to show off his narcissistic tendencies and tries to make everyone fall for his beauty ignorant of his character flaws.

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25 Chs

Meeting God

what felt like thousands of years but was in reality only a few seconds passed by before my vision started coming back to me followed by my hearing and other 3 senses. it took me a moment to come to terms with my mortality but o well people die all the time not like my death really matters in the grand scale of the universe. I put on a brave front for absolutely no one since I was alone and was internally crying that truck kun didn't get me. now I'll never have my glorious adventure in the iseki dimension where all my fellow otakus are waiting for me.

I sighed and mopped about the misfortune that a little girl was the one to end my existence. completly unaware that an unregistered flying object... cough cough I mean very majestic diety of the 9th dimension or some such nonsense was floating behind me and getting a kick out of my tragic and heroic death.

once I finally took note of the lazy looking hobo... cough I mean relaxed heavenly persona or God or whomever is just letting my internal monolog go on for so long without interruption...

he looked down his nose with a completely deadpan face and says. " you know i can hear you right".

and of course he can hear me. sigh just my luck to piss off a powerful being after only a few seconds of interactions where in only a single sentence was spoken aloud. sigh I don't think even my majestic aura can help me get out of this. not that it was much help in the past considering all of humanity was blind to my beautiful face and majestic personality.

the lazy bum gave an amused look before completly taking charge of the conversation and putting a stop to my beautiful internal thoughts.

"well now that your done with whatever that was... sigh its time to make a choice". he snapped his chocolate covered fingers getting a little on my face with the force of that snap when suddenly two doors popped out of nowhere. I looked at him with a confused pout and it was a pout not a grimace or something equally unsightly no matter what the lazy bum says.

he just sighed and looked up as if praying to God for patience before looking back at me with a bored look.

"once a soul has disembark from its vessel or body or whatever it inhabits that ties it down to the mortal plain it passes through the dimensional barrier that separates the lower and higher dimension, which is commonly referred to as heaven by you people. we are currently within that barrier where it is my job to decide what to do with you. considering that you were not obliterated after those few seconds that I have been told feels like centuries to the simple minded plebeans of earth, this must mean that your life has been deemed passable in accordance to not having done overly vile acts during the duration of your existence."

before he could go any further I had to ask:

"wait so does this mean that my brother who died overseas fighting in the military didn't get passed the barrier"

perhaps it was due to the worried look on my face or maybe this diety took pity on me and was willing to not rebuke me for my bad maners and answer me truthfully.

" well by vile acts we are not referring to death. sigh humans are really complicated creatures that were left to their own devices mainly because they have the capability to do very good or very bad things and take those actions to the extreme of the spectrum. what I mean by vile acts would be acts that infringe on the rights of others to live their own lifes with peace of mind. so rapist and Serial killers who took pleasure in causing severe mental trauma and or harm to others against their will would have been purged in the in between or judgments pass where people have their life evaluated. seeing as how your here it must mean that you did not partake in either of those vile acts and have been deemed safe. for people who participated in war and or other operations like police duties and did not take pleasure in the act of killing they would be deemed safe. for people who killed and enjoyed it they could end up either passing or being obliterated depending on the people who they put an end to. if those people they killed were bad people then they are allowed into this stage where you are now and are offered the same choices im about to give you."

I sighed in relief knowing my brother passed on and listened with interest as to the choices before me.

"your two options are both rather good and I have heard no complaints... cough seeing as no one who chose that option came back to cough... complain cough..."

he looked a little shady while mumbling that last part.

" door number one is what we commonly refer to as a dream come true in which peoples desires come forth and manifest their dream life. of all those fortunate enough to make it to this point, which isn't as high a number as you would expect. sigh do you know how many humans have fallen to the dark side of their humanity... anyways people like your brother who chose this door often dream of wealth and beautiful women or men cough for people like you cough. by the way he is now enjoying his life as a king of a world with no men except him to satiate all those woman." he takes a moment and shivers " i have no idea how all that estrogen hasn't killed him yet seeing as he is very likely to be kidnapped by an old lady who is sexually frustrated for him. sigh he really did not think that one through."

I take a moment to digest that coment before shivering at the image he literally implanted in .y head using divine mental energy. ' leave it to my brother to wish for a harem of woman instead of super awesome adventures fighting crime and saving damsels in distress.'

god took a moment to get rid of that mental scene before continuing " for people who want to work to make their dreams come true or perverts who want to work to build those harems one panty at a time sigh strait men who only have sex in the brain sigh. they choose to take door number two that leads to a random dimension that branches off the main universe to accommodate for such persons intrusion in the ever expanding Multi-verse of a world of their choosing or a random selection of worlds. it really depends on the individual."

he sighs and looks at me " these worlds that you may be aware of specifically seeing as your obviously a virgin otaku with no life"

I look at him with a confused face and ask

" what was that last part? i cant hear you when you mumble like that"

" cough i said these worlds that have been presented to your universe, through the use of leaked psychic energy that made it to those special oracles of your world, are real universes of their own. Anyway considering that the creation of new dimensions breaching off from the main time lines leads to the creation of more heavenly energy which is needed to sustain the mutiverse and feed the higher dimensions. people who chose this offer are often given wishes to ease their transition and encourage them to make this choice. so whats it going to be door number one where all your dreams are handed to you on a silver plater or door number two where people who usually assend to some sort of godhood, cough no matter how short or long that ascension is, cough usually chose?"

I took a moment before ultimately making my decision.

" i would like to look behind door number ..."