
Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Observe how Ning Bai, big brother of Ning Rongrong aim to be at the top. ------------------------------------------------------ I don't know anything that you recognize all rights go to the author. The cover is not mine. --------------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing something and English is not even my second language so I will be thankful with the correction of grammar and orthography. Constructive comments are appreciated, plis avoid toxic comments.

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To Spirit City 2

We had already traveled half the distance to Spirit City. Today we took a shortcut between two hills, due to the rough terrain, the carriages slowed their speed and the distance between them increased. Being bored, I decided to visit Rongrong so I headed to her carriage.

All Shrek's team were walking outside the carriage with the exemptions of Xiao Wu and Chenxiang.

"Hi" I said approaching them. They greeted me.

"Hi, big brother. Are you also bored with the trip?" asked Rongrong.

"Yeah, maybe it will be a better option to go running, it will be half the time" I sighed "I don't see Xiang, Xiao Wu or Grandmaster, where are they?" Reacting to Grandmaster, Liu Erlong growled and left to another place angrily.

I was surprised "Something happened?"

"You see, Erlong is very mad, it's better to not approach her, you won't be the first to be attacked by her. And never said the name of you know who in her presence"

"What exactly happened?" I asked.

"It seems that Grandmaster broke his relation with her, telling that she was like a sister. Like his feeling were distorted and were wrong, that he truly didn't love her. He bowed apologized and accepted a beating from her. Erlong stayed 3 days crying, and Grandmaster went to someplace, explaining to us that we will see again in Spirit City" Rongrong explained.

"Oh? They're inside the carriage cultivating, we let them alone to concentrate. They are working really hard to breakthrough before the finals. We only need to stabilize our ranks, but Xiao Wu and sister Chenxiang will have a lot of impact if they breakthrough" explained Rongrong.

"I knew that Xiao Wu was near 40, but Xiang is near 50?" I asked a little surprised.

"Yep!" nodded Rongrong.

"Xiao Wu won't have any problem, but Xiang will find it difficult to find a compatible spirit ring" I said in low voice.

"What are you mumbling?" asked Rongrong.

"Nothing, only that it would be difficult for them to search for a ring" I answered.

"Sister Chenxiang said that she had a plan, but she keeps it a secret. Are you worried about losing against us?" Rongrong teased.

I pinched her cheeks "Don't be too cheeky, Rongrong. You think you're really to fight against me?"

At that moment something made shadow, blocking the sun (A cloud?) I looked up only to see some silhouette falling. After the first, as if raining, started to fall more.

The Imperial Knight immediately moved to push them aside from us. Looking at them clearly, they were corpse [Quickly! Activated your domain!] Paul shouted.

Sensing that something wasn't right I followed Paul's advice. I manifested my Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sword. Holding it with both hands I concentrated on my will.

If the intent is a manifestation of your will, the domain is forcing that will to your surroundings. A white aura exuded from me creating a white dome figure covering Shrek's group and carriage.

Just a second after I deployed my domain, all the corpse started shining with a purple light, the corpse started swelling and exploded. Louds "Booom!" were listened, filling all outside my domain with purple flames, shooting debris everywhere.

I could see the Imperial Knight falling prey to the flames, they seemed to be chuckled by them, become older until they seemed like mummies without any life in them.

The truth is that the explosion wasn't very strong, and I resisted just fine with my domain. The main attack where that purple flames, that chased any living they close and for what it seemed absorbed their vitality. It was an attack without true strength to my domain easily stopped it.

I could see the shocked faces of Shrek, closing their mouths with their hands.

After 10 seconds the flames went out, leaving a tray of mummies. I withdraw my domain. Looking at other carriages, they seemed to be facing the same situation. The majority could protect from the attack, thanks to their teachers, but even with it, some weak students fell victim to the attack.

When the attack seemed to have stopped, the mummies started moving, doing doll-like moved they slowly stood. Almost all of them were the armor of the Imperial Knights, and in the place where their eyes will be, they had now shining purple flames.

Suddenly, all the mummies started attacking, they had a good speed and charged like berserkers. One of them came towards me, I easily cut through it, cutting it in half, forming two symmetric parts.

Almost every imperial knight became one mummy and they numbered 1500. They had the strength of a spirit elder, but their movements were easy to read. Looking at others fighting I could see that the mummies ignored any damage, and could move any part connected with their head.

Shrek prepared to fight, but for some reason, the mummies started to ignore us going to other places.

"Did you like my fireworks?" cracked a gloomy voice.

I turned to the voice finding a hooded figure all covered with a black cape and a white mask, he seemed to piggyback a little replica for himself. I sensed the area is constricted by a great power, I immediately knew that the statues pagoda couldn't create a signal. I quickly turned to Rongrong "Rongrong, warn the clan! Quickly!"

Rongrong nodded and shot firework, showing the clan emblem.

"If the Seven clan came, we will be beaten down" said the little one with a squeaky voice.

"They will be dead before they arrive" said the big one.

At that moment the black-dressed man manifested his rings, there were 9, 2 yellows, 2 purple, and 5 blacks, a titled douluo!

The figure then turned transparent and charged towards Tang San. Shrek's members took out something like crossbows and started shooting arrows, but they simply passed through the figure.

Liu Erlong tried to intercept him with a punch, but she passed through him and then was pushed away by a black power wave.

"Tang Hao's son must die!" said the big one. The little one shivered "Tang Hao is very scary"

I activated my domain knowing that it couldn't stop him but it will improve my intent. "Rongrong, support!" Rongrong activated her skills and I absorbed all of them canceling them in the process. I activated my four first skills, my sword shining brightly in different colors. I pierced towards Tang San activating my 5th skill, shooting a single white sword with a highly condense Protection intent. The best conductor of sword intent is a sword, more if it's familiar with you, using one sword as a carrier of my intent, it improves a lot more than crossing the air.

Just as the black figure was about to attack Tang San with a big purple claw, the claw was stopped colliding with the white sword.

"He could stop us" said the little one. The big one turned toward me, I could sense a death stare from it, full of blood lust. "Die, fly!" said the tall one. One of his black rings shined "<6th skill: Hell's entrance>", a black dome surrounded me, then from the ground around, black shadows appeared. I couldn't move and the shadows started clinging me. I could sense a great death intent from them, trying to drag me with them.

[You useless! Quickly! Give me the control] Paul shouted desperately. I didn't doubt him, knowing that only death waited for me I let Paul take control.

I sensed being pushed inside my mind. My hair turned black as Paul. "I already experimented death one time, you think that I would return, dream on!" my body shouted, Paul could move the body and swung his black sword, dispersing all the shadows, the black dome started cracking. Paul had bloodshot in his eyes and was trembling, he looked at his trembling hands "Take care of the body, I need time to recover. If I need to control before that both of us will die" Paul said, I returned to the control, returning my hair to its white color.

Taking control of the body, the black dome finally fell apart.

"A tiny spirit king could escape from Hell? This is an insult!" said the big one madly. "If we let him grow, he would be very frightening" said the little one.

The black figure changed his target from Tang San to me and charged towards me "You will die first, then it will be Tang Hao's son!" He opened his arms and a purple ring shined "<3rd skill: Shadow Entanglement>".

Shadow appeared at my feet and blocked me, I couldn't move! Seeing him nearing my position I could sense my death nearing [You fucker! You killed both of us, simply for helping Tang San, Your truly an idiot! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!] Paul shouted more mad than usual.

I closed my eyes in fright. At that moment, I smelled a flower fragrance. Opening my eyes I saw the black dressed man had stopped still, his hand only an inch of my heart. He was surrounded by flower petals that stopped him.

"Gu Mei, what did we said about attacking him?" Floating 30 meters in the sky there, was a beautiful woman with long brown hair, wearing a red robe with gold and silver decorations that could only be worn by titled douluos, she stood with elegance and a very rich scent left her.

"We were caught, her holiness will punish us, how scary!" said the little one. "He is Tang Hao's son, he must die" said the big one.

"Oh? You already listened to her holiness orders, he can't be attacked. And why are you about to kill another boy? Did you lose your sight growing old?" the woman said. The big one grumbled "He dared to stop me. Her holiness didn't say anything of him, let me kill him"

The woman sighed "You really are demented to attack the Seven Pagoda clan heir. Return, her holiness will punish you"

The black-robed man became shadows and disappeared grumbling. Having escaped a near-death experience I sighed, I bowed to the woman "Thanks for helping me, senior"

The woman warmly smiled "You don't need to thank me, it's our fault. We should apologize"

At that moment a black hole appeared, from it dad and uncle Bone and Sword left. Uncle Sword directly came to us protecting us from the woman. Looking around uncle Bone turned to the woman "Oh? It's not Yue Guan, you're becoming more beautiful with the years" he said teasingly.

"Long time not seeing you, Gu Rong, schoolmaster Ning" said the woman, named Yue Guan.

"What is the situation? You used the clan alarm?" Asked dad.

"It was only one of my companions got out of control, and attack this group of children. Spirit Hall will pay for all the damages, and repay all the loses, don't worry." said the woman.

Dad turned to me "The adults would talk about this, it seems that the carriages are just fine, return to them and continue your trip. Elder Sword accompanied you"

The damage of the mummies attack, wasn't to much, only a cover to gain time. The loses being the non-spirit master of the imperial knight. Arriving at the carriage they were now surrounded by a group of more than 500 spirit masters, all of them wearing Spirit Hall guard clothes.

We were informed, that they will guide us to Spirit City continuing with the travel.

In the carriage a turned to uncle Sword "Uncle, what was all of that? Who attacked us?".

"Spirit Hall. For the damage and techniques, I could detect, you were attacked by Gui Mei, mostly know as Ghost Douluo, and elder of Spirit Hall. The other one, don't let him deceive you with his image, he is very feminine, but he is a man over 200 years old, he is Yue Guan, the Chrysanthemum Douluo, another elder of Spirit Hall. Why the were fighting between them, I don't know" explained uncle Sword.

"They were talking about her holiness order to not attack Tang San, Yue Guan ignored them" I explained.

"It's strange, the supreme pontiff should hate Tang Hao. Maybe Spirit Hall has some intern problem, I hope that will lower their power" said uncle Sword. I nodded. Then we continued the travel, talking about different things, especially about sword cultivation.

When I could be alone a started a conversation with Paul (Do you know what exactly happened?)

[You know almost the same as me. Ghost attacked Tang San, you were collateral damage. But, strangely, the Trap helped up]

(Trap? Another of your make up words?)

[It means a man dressed as a woman, the Chrysanthemum Douluo]

(Yeah, your prediction were wrong, you said that we will be attacked by two douluos, but only one attacked us, the other protected us instead)

[If all went as I know, we will be attacked by both of them, until they escape when our clan's elder come]

(This prove that you're not always right)

[The important is not that I am not right. The most important is why? Why two elders of Spirit Hall act differently? Ghost is a crackpot that hate Tang Hao for injuring him a lot of years ago, so it's normal for him to want to attack Tang San. The Trap move by BiBi Dong orders. It's strange for Bibi Dong to protect Tang San] Paul paused 3 seconds [Of course! It's that! It can only be him, he is the only one who could convince her. I would like to know better what happened and know the conversation]

(What are you talking about? And about whom?)

[Discover for yourself]

(So another riddle. Could you at least tell me how could you destroy Ghost attack, and why did you return so quickly the control)

[Oh, that? The attack wasn't a power attack, it was a conceptual attack. Anyone without enough comprehension would simply die. It's an attack used more to kill lower level than him. The attack had the death concept and the killing concept. I could destroy thanks to my death comprehension, but doing it I was infected by the killing concept. If I continued there, I will be swallowed by the killing, turning into a berserk killing machine. Both of us impossible to take back control. We must familiarize with killing, in this world, it's impossible to grow without killing]

Thinking about it's right, the spirit master world is full of death, but even now I didn't have the need to kill anyone. But it is not like I want to kill without reason.

(Now that I remembered, you said you need time to recover, I suppose is from the killing intent. How much time would you need?)

[There's no need. I'm already recovered. The Trap used one skill to heal us, the rich Heaven and Earth essence of an immortal herb helped me eliminating it]

(It's so. I'm glad for your recover)

[You're really an idiot. If you followed my advice, anything of this would have happened] Finished Paul saying leaving the conversation. I returned to the carriage, continuing the trip.