
Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Observe how Ning Bai, big brother of Ning Rongrong aim to be at the top. ------------------------------------------------------ I don't know anything that you recognize all rights go to the author. The cover is not mine. --------------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing something and English is not even my second language so I will be thankful with the correction of grammar and orthography. Constructive comments are appreciated, plis avoid toxic comments.

picaco · Anime & Comics
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257 Chs

Emperors and Monsters

I brought Mayi to our site and let her rest on the bed. In the afternoon Shrek's won their match against the Godwing Academy, for what I was explained, they already knew their rival strength and habits and they swiftly won. Thanks to Lingling, Chenxiang was completely cured without any tray of injured, but due to her spirit and mental exhaustion, she didn't participate in this match, resting for tomorrow.

In the evening Mayi finally woke up. She looked up to me and jumped at my arms hugging me hiding her face in my chest while crying "I lost. Please don't leave me, Bai"

I took a handkerchief and cleaned her tears "Don't cry, Mayi it will soil your beautiful face. You don't need to worry, I'm not with you because of your strength, it changes nothing if you lose"

She looked up to me, with round eyes that attempt to start to cry again "Really? You continue to love me?" she asked hopefully.

I bent down, leaning my lips to her and lightly kissed her. Breaking the kiss "I really love you, Mayi" she seemed a little reassured and stopped crying.

Seeing her more calm I said "Anyway, you didn't lose the match"

Mayi looked at me strangely and expected me to continue "You lost your control in the match, becoming stronger and moving by pure instincts. You seemed an ant fighting"

Mayi lifted her hands punching the air while smiling "Yeah! How could I lose to Chenxiang? Mayi is the strongest"

It made me a little angry, I glanced at her who froze in her place "Mayi, this is not something to be happy. You lost control and started attacking Xiang. If I didn't stop you, you would have killed her. I was lucky that you didn't go against me" I reprimanded.

Mayi made a downcast expression "Sorry, bai. I never would attack you, for Chenxiang..." I lifted my eyebrows. She shook her hands apologizing "I will apologize to her in the future. I suppose that my beast instinct took control. Next time, I'll control it better"

"I trust you" I said.

Mayi then turned to one side and said in low voice "Anyway, it won't be funny if I didn't remember myself beating her"

I glanced at her "What did you say?"

Mayi was a little nervous, she shook her head "Nothing!" she then hugged my arm and pushed me standing up "Let's have dinner and rest for tomorrow. Tomorrow is the final!"

I sighed and let Mayi guide me to have dinner.

The next day we woke up, had breakfast with the team and Mayi and I headed down to Shrek's residence. I was worried about Chenxiang and wanted to see how was she, Mayi came to apologize to her and it was evident that she came to control me.

At Shrek's place, we were well received by all. For their states the seemed to be in great form, completely recovered from yesterday fights. I was glad, it wouldn't be interesting fighting against a tired Shrek.

I greeted all of them and patted Rongrong's head. When I looked at Chenxiang I couldn't help to be a little depressed, faulting myself for what had happened. If not for myself, Mayi and she won't have this rivalry.

I long-breathed and smiled at Chenxiang "How are you?" I asked with concern.

"Don't worry, your friend heal me to top condition. I'm perfectly fine!" Chenxiang said.

I glanced at Mayi and signaled her to say something. Mayi stepped forward, a little ashamed and in low and awkward voice, she said "Chenxiang, for the last battle..."

Chenxiang grinned "Oh? The battle were you became crazy. I don't really understand why they let you win. It was clearly my win as you were unconscious. Next time this beauty will win over you easily"

Mayi was becoming angry, I could see her clenching her hands. I touched her shoulder, she clenched her teeth and said in low voice "So-sorry"

"What did you say? I didn't listen" Chenxiang was smiling.

"Sorry!" shouted Mayi "I am sorry for injuring you yesterday"

"I accept your sincerity. I know that your very regretful" said Chenxiang sarcastically.

"Paf!" I clapped my hand "Enough. Mayi your too insincere and Xiang stop laughing to Mayi. Both, shake your hands.

A little grumbling they shook their hand, Mayi glanced and Chenxiang "Next time, I will destroy you" said in low voice only for Chenxiang to listen.

"Be careful, next time it won't be as easy" said Chenxiang smiling.

I said goodbye to Shrek, leaving them to prepare for today's match and I brought Mayi with our team.

When it was time to go, we went towards the stadium. We were guided to a waiting room until the start of the match.

In the waiting room, we all sat in sofas. Tianheng stood up "Today is the last match, winning meaning becoming the champion. Showing that we are the best on the continent. Shrek is surely strong and we even lost before against them. But this time will be different, we will gain and proclaim us as the strongest!" tried to courage us.

"Of course it will be our win, we are the favorites. Our strength is far superior. That time we only lost because Mayi and Bai weren't there" Yan said.

I shook my head "Yan, trust in yourself. You can't always rely on us. Anyways, Shrek also has a spirit king. And if I must say, they have better coordination than us. Don't underestimate them"

"At worst we can rely on Mayi and you spirit fusion like against Spirit Hall. There's no way to go against it" Osler said.

"This was a one-time thing, it is impossible for us to do it again. Act as if Mayi and I didn't have a spirit fusion" I explained.

"Are you fine, Bai? Something bad happened when you used it before?" Asked Lingling with concern.

"It's not that. We couldn't relay in this, in today's match we won't use it, even if it means our defeat" I said.

Then we were told to enter the ring. Entering the ring we could see all the audience looking forward to the match, the VIP lounge with dad, uncle, Grandmaster, and the Supreme Pontiff in there.

"Today the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament will finally have the closure match that will decide the strongest academy of the continent, winning the honor of that title and 3 10.000 years spirit bones. On one side we have... Shrek Academy!" The announcer shouted, announcing Shrek to enter the ring.

Shrek positioned Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu at the front, at the side Zhuqing and Chenxiang, beside them Tang San, then Hongjun and Rongrong at the rear. A 2-2-1-1-1 formation.

"Shrek had become the dark horse of this tournament. And unknown academy that little by little made a name in the tournament, their coordination is one the best overall the team, especially its control master, capable of control all the field. Not only that, they are the youngest of the tournament, all of them less than 17 years, 6 spirit ancestors and 1 spirit king. Let's cheer for them!" Explained the announcer, the audience cheered aloud.

"On the other side, we have one of the favorite teams to win the tournament, the seeded team of Heaven Dou Empire... Heaven Dou Imperial Academy!"

We entered the ring, our formation was Mayi and Mò at the front, I just behind and between them, then was Osler and Tianheng followed by Yan with Lingling at the back. A 2-1-2-1-1 formation.

"They were always on the favorite teams to win this tournament. They already showed their great strength overwhelming the enemies. Especially in the fight against Spirit Hall and the Spirit fusion showed there. They have 5 spirit ancestors with 2 spirit kings. Let's cheer for them!" The audience became even more fervent.

Seeing both teams in their places the announcer shouted "Activated your spirits!"

Happy Christmas! Even if it was one day later. I think that I can post another chapter at evening, look forward to it! Thanks for reading!

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