
Chapter 120

After the original Freshman Class 1 student stood up, the other students also stood up quickly and slowly.

Zhou Yi coldly said: "Very good, there are sixty-nine students in the class, and one person did not come. Forty-two people got up immediately after hearing my words, and the other twenty-odd people delayed more or less Time. The person whose name is called next, leaves the classroom and stands in the corridor."

"Huang Chutian!" Zhou Yi was the first to call Huang Chutian from the same class as the original Freshman Class 7 and Qiu Bai.

Hearing Zhou Yi's name, Qiu Bai was also a little excited, "Come on, come on, the old woman is about to be embarrassed." Qiu Bai remembers this part of the plot very clearly.

Huang Chutian was stunned for a moment, then stood up with a smile: "Teacher Zhou, it's just a bit late to stand up, don't be so serious."

Zhou Yi didn't talk nonsense at all, body flashed, and arrived at Huang In front of Chutian, he grabbed the placket of his shirt, flicked his hand, and threw him out of the window. Just hearing Huang Chutian screaming outside, there was no sound. Not only the students were stunned, even Wang Yan was startled.

"Wow! Domineering side leak." Qiu Bai couldn't help sighing in his heart watching Zhou Yi's actions.

"Ye Yulin, Yuling, Tang Xiaoxiao, *** Ya…" Zhou Yi called out their names one by one , and soon, the twenty or so students who stood up a little late were all called out.

With Huang Chutian, the chicken was killed, and the other group of monkeys didn't dare to say anything. Under Zhou Yi's pressure, they all walked out of the classroom obediently and honestly.

Wu Feng was also among the people who were kicked out of the classroom, but it is a bit strange that she didn't protest with Zhou Yi because of her character. But in fact, it's not that Wu Feng doesn't want to protest, but yesterday's battle, she was still a little injured , and seeing Huang Chutian who was thrown out and Zhou Yi with fierce eyes, she also didn't plan to do anything more and left quietly. out.

After all the students she called went out, Zhou Yi indifferently said: "I announce two things, first, designate the class monitor of this class. attack system class monitor Wang Dong, control system class monitor Huo Yuhao. The second thing, in the future classes, dare to question the teacher decider, expelled."

Chapter 120 Academy Life (Page 1/4),. Qiu Bai waited expectantly, waited, waited, continued to wait… eh? How come no one said anything.

Qiu Bai turned his head to look at Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu, and found that although their faces were a little ugly, they had no intention of standing up and protesting with Zhou Yi.

"Fuck, shouldn't you two be dissatisfied? Shouldn't you stand up and protest with Old Lady Zhou? Aren't you two disliked by protagonists, why are you cowardly now?" Looking at the two motionless people, Qiu Bai couldn't help roaring in his heart, he still wanted to see Old Lady Zhou throwing people out of the window again, it's gone! I 'll go to you(ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻

I don't know that Dai Huabin and Wu Feng had similar thoughts before. He was the most seriously injured in yesterday's battle, and he doesn't want to provoke this right now. It would be shameful to disagree. old woman. Dai Huabin did not protest, and Zhu Lu naturally did not move.

Zhou Yi looked at the remaining students in the class, "In my eyes, there are only obedient and disobedient discíples, only excellent and trashy discíples. This class's student Huang Chutian violated the class discipline, since he enjoys core I have no right to expelled students who are treated as disciples, so I will apply to the Academy to transfer them from Class 1, I do not teach such students."

"Teacher Zhou!" Hearing Zhou Yi's words , Wang Yan also hurried up come.

"Teacher Wang, you don't need to say anything. The students you don't manage well will be managed by me. The students you don't punish will be punished by me. You don't need to say anything. Next , you give the students in the classroom. In class, I'm going to teach the students outside the classroom." After saying that, Zhou Yi ignored Wang Yan and walked out of the school gate.

Wang Yan who was on the side was also not uttered by Zhou Yi's words, and

watched Zhou Yi go out in a stunned manner.

In the end, Wang Yan could only start the class full of depression, but after Zhou Yi's operation, the atmosphere of the classroom changed completely.

Under the betrayal of former teammates Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu , Huang Chutian became the only victim after the Old Lady Zhou came to power.

Dai Huabin, who is arrogant, also asked Wang Yan after class to report the problem of class monitor, but Wang Yan who was originally against Zhou Yi …

Chapter 120 Academy Life (page 2/4), . At this time, I somehow stood on the same line with her, and in the end I just gave him a sentence, "Be calm, I don't want two more core disciples in the class."

Wang Yan's words directly touched Dai Huabin. I'm angry, the strongest in Shrek is Class 1. If the son of his dignified White Tiger Duke is kicked out, it would be a shame to let his big brother in the inner court know when the time comes, so Dai Huabin can only Put the complaints back in your stomach.

After this, life at the Academy was completely on track, for all students.

Qiu Bai is now fully enjoying the peaceful campus life. He listens to teacher's lectures every day in class to learn knowledge, and also learns Spirit Master's tactics, cultivation methods and mutual cooperation under the guidance of the teacher.

If no one always came to him to trouble him during this period, everything would be perfect. At the beginning, two people, Dai Huabin and Han Ling, came to him and said they wanted to compete with him. Qiu Bai at first also wanted a few people. It's all a class who look up and see each other, so he simply beats them to save the trouble of looking for him. But he made a miscalculation. Fortunately, after being defeated by him a few times, Dai Huabin's face was a little overwhelmed and he simply stopped coming. But after Dai Huabin didn't challenge him, Han Ling's frequency of coming to him increased instead, from the very beginning half a month to almost two days later, she was going to challenge him. But this girl didn't play seriously when she tried to fight at the back. After launching two powerful offensives,she saw no effect and then surrendered. Qiu Bai didn't think about knocking her down directly, but Han Ling asked him to challenge him. At this frequency, he can't always knock the girl down when she comes on stage. He just thinks it's a game with Han Ling every time. Anyway, every time she will admit defeat without saying that she will step down. During this period, he and Han Ling also became friends. After all, Han Ling has a relic of a god, and he may become a god in the future, and it is not a disadvantage to have a good relationship with her.every time she will admit defeat without saying that she will step down. During this period, he and Han Ling also became friends. After all, Han Ling has a relic of a god, and he may become a god in the future, and it is not a disadvantage to have a good relationship with her.every time she will admit defeat without saying that she will step down. During this period, he and Han Ling also became friends. After all, Han Ling has a relic of a god, and he may become a god in the future, and it is not a disadvantage to have a good relationship with her.

During this period of time, apart from the above two people, Wu Feng at first was always looking for his fault. Wu Feng also knew that he could not beat Qiu Bai, so he could only use this method to find him unhappy. Qiu Bai said that I, Qiu can still let you fix it. After one time, he directly cleaned her up…

Chapter 120 Academy Life (page 3/4), . After a meal, I picked it up and went to find Ning Tian.

Ning Tian was also a little surprised when Qiu Bai came to her, but seeing Wu Feng who was taught by him was also very complicated. Finally, Ning Tian's Young Sect Lord pressure and Qiu Bai's friendly exhortation (that is, fists) ), Wu Feng is also a lot more at ease. Qiu Bai's campus life has also calmed down since then.

In the blink of an eye, autumn and winter come, and eight months have passed. Qiu Bai, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong and the others are coming to the end of their first year at Shrek Academy. Next, will be a month-long vacation.