
Chapter 119

At this time, Wu Feng's childhood sweethearts Ning Tian is going to the academy infirmary.

Just now, Freshman Class 3 where Ning Tian is located is also out of class. Ning Tian, ​​who was planning to go to Wu Feng, arrived at Freshman Class 1, but found that there are simply not many people in Class 1. After asking some students who are still in Class 1 classroom , she also knew about the Class 1 battle. It was also a coincidence that Ning Tian came here. These students in Class 1 just happened to come back to get some things.

After knowing that Wu Feng was sent to the infirmary, Ning Tian also walked towards the academy infirmary in a hurry, didn't expect to meet the friend she hadn't seen for a long time on the way to the infirmary, Ning Tian couldn't 't help but stop. However, Qiu Bai's condition doesn't seem to be very good. His clothes are a little messy and he looks like he just got up from the bed, and his face is not very good. The brows slightly wrinkle keeps rubbing his temples. Kind of like a headache.

She also had a good understanding of the battle situation before coming. Qiu Bai fought Wu Feng and two other Spirit Elder students, and finally, after the collision of soul skill collided and exploded , all fell and the game ended in a draw.

Ning Tian didn't expect this result. Ning Tian meaningfully looked at the direction where Qiu Bai disappeared, then turned and walked towards Shrek's infirmary.


Shrek Academy East Gate, Huo Yuhao, Xiao Xiao and Lan Sisters are waiting here. As Qiu Bai told him, Huo Yuhao is here waiting to meet Qiu Bai and they will meet. After a while, the silhouettes of Wang Dong and Qiu Bai appeared in the sight of several people.

"Yo, Mr. Actor is still acting." Xiao Xiao teased. Looking at Qiu Bai who came over, several people also found that his face was not very good. Just now, Huo Yuhao also explained to Xiao Xiao and the Lan Sisters what he and Qiu Bai did together. They also knew that Qiu Bai was actually acting on stage just now, and now seeing Qiu Bai like this, they subconsciously thought he was still acting.

"Haha!" Qiu Bai was also a little embarrassed to hear Xiao Xiao, smiled and didn't speak.

"Okay, don't make fun of him, this guy has a headache now!" Wang Dong also stood up and said.

"en? What's wrong, I'm really hurt." Huo Yuhao asked with some doubts after hearing what Wang Dong said. Xiao Xiao and the Lan Sisters also looked towards Wang Dong with a questioning expression on their faces. .

"Ah, this guy is really powerful in a sense…" So Wang Dong explained to several people the reason why Qiu Bai is like this.

After hearing this, several people looked towards Qiu Bai with a strange look.

"Qiu Bai, I don't particularly admire a peer. You are really the first. I have to say that you are really ruthless." Lan Susu cup one fist in the other hand to Qiu Bai Speaking of. Several other people also agreed with nod. They have never seen such a person in such a long life. They can even kill themselves when they are so ruthless.

"Haha, generally average, the third in the world." Qiu Bai looked at Lan Susu and returned with cup one fist in the other hand.

"By the way, are you all right now?" Lan Luoluo asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just a little headache and it's nothing." Qiu Bai waved his hand and said.

"Qiu Bai, here are the won gold coins, both principal and interest totaling 5,500." Huo Yuhao took out the coins he just got from Zhou Sichen and handed it to Qiu Bai.

Qiu Bai's eyes lit up when he saw the notes, and after simply clicking, he took out two one hundred gold coins and handed them to Huo Yuhao.

"Hey, Yuhao, we'll split the account between two and three and two of the winners. These 200 gold coins are yours."

"Then I'll accept it." Huo Yuhao He also accepted the 200 gold coins without any shirk. After all, it was agreed by them before. He went to bet, Qiu Bai controlled the outcome, and the winnings were divided together. The idea and the principal are all from Qiu Bai, he just went to help bet, equivalent to 200 gold coins for free, which he can say is quite profitable. Now Huo Yuhao said that he really needed money, otherwise he wouldn't have to go out to sell grilled fish every day, which just relieved his anxiety.

"I said you two just split the spoils like this, aren't you afraid we'll say it?" Wang Dong said to the two with a smile of harboring malicious intentions on his face.

Wang Dong's tone barely fell, Xiao Xiao and Lan Sisters on the side also reacted, and they laughed at the two of them harboring malicious intentions.

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but be a little panicked, after all, these people are really scary.

"Don't worry, the two of us will pay you the silence fee. Huo Yuhao's special grilled fish can eat all you can for free today." Qiu Bai smiled and said to them.

"That's it?" Wang Dong said a little unhappily.

"That's it, nothing else, just say whether you want it or not." Qiu Bai said with a persistent face, not changing because of Wang Dong's dissatisfaction.

"Ah~ I will." Wang Dong also saw that Qiu Bai couldn't cheat, sighed and noddéd.

"Did you just decide like this? Don't you ask me as a client?" Huo Yuhao couldn't help complaining when he saw that the two had decided to each minding their own business without asking him at all.

"Okay, class monitor, you have a share in this matter, of course you have to contribute to the follow-up." Xiao Xiao walked up to Huo Yuhao and said with a smile, after all, Huo Yuhao is also A collaborator, and she herself is craving Huo Yuhao's grilled fish.

The Lan Sisters next to Xiao Xiao also joined Xiao Xiao, and the two of them also wanted to eat Huo Yuhao's grilled fish.

Seeing a few people like this, Huo Yuhao could only accept his fate.

That night several people played until the dormitory building was about to close before going back.


During the second day of class, Qiu Bai and Huo Yuhao entire group were still sitting together as the previous day.

Although Dai Huabin, Wu Feng and Han Ling were also injured, they knew that Qiu Bai woke up and left the Academy's infirmary shortly after yesterday. Several people also said that they did not need to rest. , so they still came to the classroom when they could rest today.

The school bell rings. Two class teachers, Wang Yan and Zhou Yi, almost walked into the classroom by the bell. Zhou Yi was still holding the old woman's face. At this time, the old face looked calm, but her eyes were like sharp knives, and she glanced around coldly.

Seeing Zhou Yi's appearance, the person who was originally Freshman Class 1 also knew that this perverted old aunt was going to go crazy next, and couldn't help but tremble.

After Wang Yan told Zhou Yi what happened yesterday, she was scolded by her, and she didn't give him any face. After the two came to the classroom today, Wang Yan stood at the door of the classroom, and Zhou Yi came to the podium alone. She looked around the classroom with cold eyes, and under her sharp eyes, even the students who didn't know her before became quiet at this time.

"All stand up." Zhou Yi shouted coldly.

The students of the original Freshman Class 1 had a tone barely fell on their buttocks like a spring, as did Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong. Qiu Bai and Lan Sisters also stood up immediately like Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao who were sitting next to them.