
Chapter 117

"Hey, Yuhao, did you use it, why didn't I see anything?" Wang Dong knew that Qiu Bai was alright when he saw Huo Yuhao smiling. After Huo Yuhao used the soul skill, he didn't see anything and was a little puzzled.

"Ah? Sorry, I forgot to share it with you." Huo Yuhao also apologized to Wang Dong. He only used spiritual detection and did not give Wang Dong spiritual sharing.

"Okay, it's okay, so Qiu Bai should also fall." Wang Dong waved his hand and said to Huo Yuhao.

"Eh? How are you..." Huo Yuhao was taken aback by Wang Dong's words.

"che, I'm not stupid, where did you get so much money, after thinking about it, only Qiu Bai gave it to you, and you…" Wang Dong tsked, a look that I have seen through everything The expression looked towards Huo Yuhao, and Huo Yuhao stopped him before he could finish his words.

"Okay, okay, don't tell the truth, we'll talk about the rest later." Huo Yuhao lowered his voice and said to Wang Dong, their whole class is in the viewing area now, although the person is They sat apart , but the distance between them was not too far away. If others heard that they were playing tricks on the game, it would cause public outrage.

"Got it." Wang Dong also looked noddéd that he couldn't do anything about you.

After a while, the smoke on the field dissipated, and the situation on the field gradually emerged in the eyes of everyone. Everyone was stunned when they saw the situation on the field.

"Fuck, what the fuck, how does this count."

"How is this possible?"

"Damn, I'm blind for twenty years. gold coins."

All kinds of complaints sounded in the viewing area for a while.

"Fuck, he really made the right bet, this is a waste of work." Zhou Sichen, who saw the situation on the court, said in a foul language.

"Come on, you're just busy working in vain, but I still lost 100 gold coins." Cao Jinxuan, who was next to Zhou Sichen, said angrily.

"You only lost 100 gold coins. Not only do I have to pay 500 gold coins for nothing." Zhou Sichen howled while holding his head.

Qiu Bai, Dai Huabin, Han Ling, Wu Feng on the spirit battle arena all fell on the stage at this moment. From the results, no one won the final victory, so this game The final result of the battle was a draw, and Huo Yuhao, the only one who tied the game, became the biggest winner of this bet.

Wang Yan on the side was also very strange. The situation just now didn't make everyone fall down. Although he was surprised, he hurried up to check everyone's condition.

Wang Yan stepped forward and quickly checked everyone's condition. Although everyone had injuries of varying degrees, they were not particularly serious. All four of them also passed out. recover. After the examination, Wang Yan was also sighed in relief, and shouted to the watching battle stage: "Come here a few classmates, send the four of them to the infirmary!"

hearing the sound, Zhu Lu ran out first. As the Agility Attack Spirit Master, even if she has no spirit possession, her speed is very fast.

Zhu Lu came to Dai Huabin and asked Wang Yan anxiously: "Teacher Wang, Huabin, is he okay?"

"Don't worry, I just passed out. , his injuries are not particularly serious, just rest and rest." Wang Yan said to Zhu Lu with a smile, signaling her to be at ease.

After listening to Wang Yan's words, Zhu Lu's face became less anxious.

He directly picked up Dai Huabin and headed to the infirmary.

There were also people walking towards the spirit battle arena in the stands. Huo Yuhao also planned to go, but was stopped by Wang Dong.

"Okay, Qiu Bai, then I'll go. You can go and collect the fruits of victory." Wang Dong patted Huo Yuhao, Huo Yuhao also noddéd, and then Wang Dong walked towards the stage at a moderate pace .

Huo Yuhao walked to the other side where Zhou Sichen was, when Xiao Xiao's voice came from behind.

"Class monitor, don't you need to see Qiu Bai's?" Xiao Xiao and the Lan Sisters were standing together and asked with some doubts. When Xiao Xiao watched the battle just now, instead of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao sat a little behind Huo Yuhao with the three Lan Sisters, and now she's here to find Huo Yuhao and them.

"Well, Wang Dong said that Qiu Bai can be handed over to him. I still have something to do. I'll make up with him later." Huo Yuhao replied.

Then Xiao Xiao and Lan Sisters followed Huo Yuhao to the position of Zhou Sichen. At this time, Zhou Sichen was surrounded by students who had made bets before, three circles out of three circles. Zhou Sichen, the bookmaker, complained.

Seeing Huo Yuhao coming, Zhou Sichen also has his eyes shined, "Everyone, the result of this match is a draw, and the final result is naturally the one who won the draw." Zhou Sichen took a big step. The crowd walked over to Huo Yuhao.

"Huo Yuhao bet on a draw this time, so he won in the end." Zhou Sichen walked to Huo Yuhao's side and said loudly to the crowd.

At this time, everyone's attention shifted to Huo Yuhao. When they came to Zhou Sichen just now, Zhou Sichen told them that someone had bet on a tie in this game, and the odds of this were to kill. Then press ten to lose again and again. This is undoubtedly the option with the highest odds. As long as it is a draw, you can't help but kill both ends and get one-tenth of the principal. But who would have thought that in the end of the principal four-person melee, there was not even a single person standing at the end.

Huo Yuhao also understands what Zhou Sichen is doing. He wants people to turn their heads in his direction, but he already has a countermeasure against it.

"Every betting classmate, I, Huo Yuhao, won this game with good luck, but I, Huo Yuhao, don't rely on this method to make ill-gotten money, and all the money that everyone put in before will be taken back Come on, I don't want a cent!" Huo Yuhao shouted to everyone.

Hearing Huo Yuhao's words, everyone's favorability towards Huo Yuhao also increased, and the people who had previously made things difficult for him in class were also a little guilty at the moment. Although people's spírit power is low, they really have nothing to say about their character, and the eyes of everyone looking towards Huo Yuhao have also changed a little.

After Huo Yuhao finished speaking, Zhou Sichen also returned the money that he had bet to everyone one by one, and the students who got the money also left directly. During this process, many students They all said hello to Huo Yuhao and expressed their gratitude .

The 5,000 gold coins placed by Huo Yuhao were also returned after Zhou Sichen finished posting the other bets.

"I said this number is wrong?" Huo Yuhao looked at Zhou Sichen with a smile after he got 5,000 gold coins.

"No, what's wrong? Are all five thousand here?" Zhou Sichen said with some doubts.

"You are so forgetful, the dealer. Didn't you agree before that, in addition to all kills in a draw, you will pay me 1 out of 10 and 500 gold coins." Huo Yuhao's face He said with a smile on his face.

"Damn, didn't you say this is ill-gotten wealth? Don't you make money from this?" After hearing Huo Yuhao's words, Zhou Sichen couldn't help but swear. What Huo Yuhao said just now, to be honest , he was also a little touched. He also reflected on himself. He can't do this kind of thing in the future. After all, gambling is not a good thing. Makes people uncomfortable.