
Chapter 116

Qiu Bai crossed his legs like scissors, and then opened his kick again to Han Ling and Wu Feng who were in a defensive stance.

Although the two women were well prepared, they were kicked out a long way before they stabilized. At this moment, Wu Feng felt that the defensive hands were numb, and he was shaking uncontrollably, and Han Ling was not doing much better. Groaned seemed to have suffered an internal injury.

Dai Huabin, who was knocked flying by Qiu Bai on the other side of the ring, also got up with some difficulty, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, scarlet bloodlust looked fiercely towards Qiu Bai, as if he was going to eat him General.

At this time, the three people are in three directions on the stage, and Qiu Bai is in the center of the three people. The situation of the three of them doesn't look very good. All of them have been injured to varying degrees . However, in the eyes of the three of them, the cooperation of the three of them is not without success. Qiu Bai, who was incapable of harming them before, is now being attacked by them. hit.

In their opinion, Qiu Bai's current state is not very good, not only with injuries but also gasping for breath, obviously because the fierce counterattack just now consumes too much.

Da Huabin, who stood up again, was in a state of rage at this time, and now he has begun to lose his rationality. "roar!" A high roar resounded through the spirit battle arena, his 1,000 Year Spirit Ring flashed again, the White Tiger Vajra Transformation was activated again, the body expanded golden light covering the whole body, at this time he had turned into a devouring head The tiger rushed towards Qiu Bai.

With Dai Huabin's first move, Wu Feng also followed suit and attacked again. Wu Feng's body suddenly glowed with red light, his second spirit ring was shining, the rising dragon fire suddenly turned into a crimson, the original half-body scale armor suddenly became thicker, and at the same time when the red light in his eyes flourished, his left hand had completely changed. Into dragon claw form. This is Wu Feng's 2nd Soul Skill Dragonfury.

Under the effect of Dragonfury, her offensive and defensive strength increased instantly, and at the same time, she could amplify all her other soul skills. The heat of the 1st Soul Skill Dragonfire increased by 100° almost instantly, causing the surrounding air to violently distort.

Wu Feng and Dai Huabin can be said to be attacking Qiu Bai in their strongest state at this time. Han Ling also has no hesitation. Now is a good time to defeat Qiu Bai in one fell swoop. She has silver light on her body. bright. The thunder and lightning that had covered the whole body broke out again, and the long hair scattered behind him also fluttered, looking quite like Thunder Valkyrie. At this time, she is also rushing towards Qiu Bai like Wu Feng and Dai Huabin.

Qiu Bai smiled slightly, looking at the three people attacking at the same time, that's what he wanted. Qiu Bai posed for the coming three, Qiu Bai used his spírit power to form two palm-sized blue light balls in his hands, and two small Rasengans appeared in his hands.

The three who attacked also saw Qiu Bai's actions. This was the first time they saw Qiu Bai use the soul skill. The expressions of the three of them changed at the same time, but now the three of them can't care about it. More, now the three of them have taken out their strongest state to launch the offensive, and there is no reason to stop.

A yellow spirit ring flickers around Dai Huabin, layers of white light made a barrier to protect his whole body against Qiu Bai's soul skill attack.

The three of them have come to Qiu Bai's all around, and the three of them surrounded Qiu Bai. In the eyes of outsiders, Qiu Bai can't be avoided, but in fact Qiu Bai has no plans at all. hide.

Wu Feng was the first to come to Qiu Bai, her whole body is covered in dark red flames, just like a human-shaped fire dragon, the high temperature around her even distorted the air Now, Wu Feng's flame dragon claw hit Qiu Bai's body .

Looking at Wu Feng who was attacking first,

Qiu Bai movement method was used, his body evaded Wu Feng's attack strangely, and he came to Wu Feng's side and pressed her directly with his knees. On the ground, Dai Huabin and Han Ling also came to Qiu Bai at this time. Han Ling waved his wings behind his back, and the strongest thunder wing slash slashed directly towards Qiu Bai. Dai Huabin is also a White Tiger Light Wave condensate that will be launched at close range. At this time, he can't care so much. As long as he can defeat Qiu Bai, both sides suffer.

Qiu Bai quickly got up and took his knee off Wu Feng's body. He jumped up with the other foot and attacked the two from top to bottom. Han Ling and Dai Huabin also changed direction to attack Qiu Bai.

Qiu Bai's blue Rasengan collided with white's light wave and silver lightning's slash respectively. "Bang!" Several different soul skills collided, and an explosion occurred in an instant. The four people at the center of the explosion were also shrouded in aftermath and smoke in an instant.

After the explosion, Wang Yan, who was the referee in the audience, did not move. The explosion just now was caused by the collision of the soul skill. Qiu Bai, who is the closest to the explosion center, doesn't need to worry. During the game just now, Wang Yan has fully realized Qiu Bai's powerful defensive ability. To this extent, he will be fine, while the others are far away from the explosion center. There is a certain distance, and the three are Power Attack Spirit Masters. With their physique, at most, it will not be a big deal to take a little damage. Wang Yan was more curious about the direction of this match than Wang Yan. He was very curious about Qiu Bai's martial spirit and ability during the game, and hoped to see more of his ability in the next game.

However, after a while, there was no movement in the smoke, Wang Yan was also frowned, "No, what happened."

In the stands, All the students in Class 1 were also a little anxious. They eagerly wanted to know what was going on in the scene of the smoke. Among them, the most anxious students are those who bet in the game where Zhou Sichen is the banker. The result of this match is a matter of whether their money can be recovered.

Zhou Siyuan, who was the dealer, was also very curious at this time, "How is it? It's been so long and there's been no movement at all." Zhou Sichen looked anxiously towards the spirit battle arena shrouded in smoke, although After Huo Yuhao made a bet, he didn't have to worry about losing money or not, but he was no less curious about the final result of this match than the students who made the bet.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong on the other side were also a little nervous. Now the development of things is a bit unexpected. With Qiu Bai's strength, if Dai Huabin is resolved at first, this match It may be quite easy to solve, but this person has to wait for the three people to join forces, and now this is the situation.

"Hey, Yuhao, do you think Qiu Bai will be okay? Can you use spiritual detection to see what's going on inside?" Wang Dong asked Huo Yuhao worriedly.

"Yes, wait a moment, I'll take a look." After listening to Wang Dong's words, Huo Yuhao also suddenly realized that although Qiu Bai had told him before the game, but now he is in this situation. Really have to worry . Huo Yuhao raised the 1,000,000 Year Spirit Ring of pure white as jade from his feet, and his eyes also turned into faint golden. The spiritual detection covered all around, and Huo Yuhao adjusted his spiritual detection to go straight to the smoke-covered spiritual battle arena.

spiritual detection ignored the visual obstacles and directly observed the situation in the smoke, and after a while, the corner of his mouth raised a smile.