
Douluo Dalu: 1st Cycle: Dancing Panda

A normal dude with everything he wants in life gets transported into the world of Douluo Dalu, hopefully finding his way back home. He gets two martial souls, but has no skills to use them whatsoever, no combat skills, no special cheat, how will he figure out this foreign environment? He even finds a friend in a very similar situation to his own. This is NOT a power fantasy. The fanfic is written quite far already. I started uplauding due to writer's block, but have since resumed writing it. It is an attempt at taking the world of Douluo Dalu seriously, without any cheats, other than reincarnation itself. Our Karni starts out weak, and has to find what he's good at. He lived in a normal world and has no particular advantage in here other than knowing the future.

AzKoPo · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Weight of the Future

"Where is Karni?" Wu Jianguo asked.

"He's in closed door cultivation, so unfortunately, he couldn't come say hi. Hell, even I barely got permission from my teacher."

Siduo's dad scoffed. "Phah. Who is this teacher of his that does not even allow him to see his family off?"

Siduo stared at her father a bit. "The Atlas Douluo."

Wu Jianguo stared for a few seconds. "Oh."

Siduo started laughing, as did Ta Siyu who was next to them getting Jianyu ready to leave. Wu Jianguo just mocked the strongest person on the entire continent.

Wu Jianguo coughed. "I suppose Karni should get everything he can from the experience, yes, yes."

An announcement by the train station interrupted them. The train was about to depart.

"Well, then Sisi, we're leaving. Train hard and become strong like your father!" Wu Jianguo patted his daughter on the shoulder.

"I think I'll rather take mom as inspiration, thank you."

"Oh daughter, you hurt me so." Siduo's dad pretended. Then he smiled and waved her goodbye. Wu Jianyu came on board with them.

Siduo waved back, but quickly returned to the academy. If she was late, she'd get an earful.

Meanwhile, in the train, Jianyu took out his games.

Ta Siyu frowned. "We only just got back, and you won't even talk to us? Are games so important?"

"Actually, I want help." Jianyu said with utmost seriousness. Instead of turning on the little console, he opened its backside. "Some things have been bothering me about how it plays, and I want to improve them. But there are some things I don't understand." Jianyu was a 1-Star Mechanic only after all. He did not know much. Karni created this in quite a complex manner.

The parents changed their tune as soon as they saw his serious attitude. It looked like Jianyu picked up a hobby that might turn out useful for him in more ways than one.

"Let me see." Ta Siyu said. "Hm. It's like this."

… … …

Every little frequency. Every bit of Soul Power in this very room. They flowed. Together yet apart. Soul Power mixed with sound. Cohesion, yet chaos. At points it was slow, at others it moved about with speed. And the music followed.

The sound changed depending on where one was in the room. On one side it was a high pitch. At other's a low one. In yet another corner harmonies jumbled together in a messy, yet beautiful way.

In the centre it all came together. And it sounded wonderful. Even sounds that wouldn't harmonise had a role. Whether it be to connect from one stage to the next, or to be intentionally atonal, forming a dreadful, yet meaningful sound.

And then, without warning it all vanished, suctioned into the very centre. Into the staff. The room turned deathly quiet. There was no movement. Not even from the staff. It was deathly still. Even Yun Ming had trembles in his spear with the technique.

The difference was exactly the inclusion of Sound. A layer of Sound within the staff that protected between the sound inside and outside. Something Yun Ming couldn't just do, since he controlled force through Soul Power, while Karni also added Sound to that equation.

Surprisingly it wasn't even hard to do. Karni only needed to adapt the frequencies so that they calmed down, preventing any vibration of force reaching outside. It was a tiny layer that slowly removed any vibrations, until no frequencies remained.

But Karni did not just still the Sound within his Staff, but also outside. The room was utterly silent. A cultivation room for Sound was silent. Karni walked—his footsteps unheard. But despite everything being quiet, an invisible force slowly rose around him.

Karni, for but a few seconds, lifted off the air, holding his breath. His Sound affected Space and Time. This joint effort between Soul Power, Sound and Force was special. It created a small vacuum around Karni.

Then he released it all. The sound flowed again, like at the beginning. Each song in its own corner and wall. Each one playing its individual part. Only in the middle could one hear the whole.

Karni breathed, releasing his grasp over sound. This was control. The ability to guide something to such an extent, you might as well have freely controlled it.

He walked out of the room, for the first time in a month and a week. Yun Ming was already waiting for him. 

"Shower, then come to the arena. Let's see what you learned."

After a decent scrubbing, Karni got to the arena.

"Show me."

Karni did as told. He got into the stance.

His Staff was upright, and Karni started to spin it. Sonic Rhythm combined with his Soul Power. An artificial force of suction appeared. The sound of the surroundings started to vanish. The trembles of the air sucked into him from the whole arena.

Yun Ming's eyes changed as he sensed the surroundings. Karni didn't just quiet down the place. No. He removed any flow of frequencies completely. There was no shaking in the air that Yun Ming could feel. The smallest of effects could be detected by him. Even Yun Ming's movements didn't leave any ripples in the air. Nothing was allowed to disturb the surroundings.

A person seeing only through the change in the airflow would be blind right now.

Then Karni's spin stopped. Just like Yun Ming showed him two months ago. Yun Ming's eyes further focused. He saw Karni lift off the ground for a few centimetres. "He has stepped into the realm of controlling Space around him. His Sound really is no ordinary Sound element." Yun Ming's voice didn't actually come out. Words changed into thoughts instead.

Karni continued to hold it. Yun Ming stepped closer to feel the changes on his skin. He had to use some Soul Power on his ears due to the vacuum around them. A miniscule amount, but Soul Power nonetheless.

The Sound was released, staff spinning in the other direction. A symphony of colourful music was revealed. Yun Ming walked around, satisfied. Half a metre of movement with no presence of the sound and another half a metre before it was present again. Continuously changing yet consistent.

Then everything stopped. Karni could hold it no more. Yun Ming nodded. "Great job. You learned the technique well and adapted it to suit your Martial Soul. But don't get content."

"Speaking of not being content, I have a question."

Yun Ming raised his eyebrow. "Do ask."

Karni was genuinely hungry for more. It was like a path had revealed itself before him. He wanted to walk it. "When using Disordered Drumstick Resonance," Karni changed his form and presented the technique. At the ninth hit, the magnetism started. Karni spoke while continuing to show the effect. "It happens without me needing to manipulate forces through Soul Power. This is a pure combination of Sound and Force. My guess is it happens due to my Sound's properties."

Yun Ming nodded. "You're planning to fuse the two techniques together."

Karni confirmed. "Yes. Do you think it's the right path?" He might have seen it before him, but getting confirmation from Yun Ming would greatly boost his confidence in walking down this road.

"That's for you to decide," Yun Ming smiled. "It is certainly a way. And if you choose this path, good. That way you do not have to wonder how to continue forwards later. If the path has already shown, follow it. If you think it isn't suitable, you can always drop it."

Karni bowed. "Thank you, teacher."

"Now come. One last thing for us to do. We need to check if your vision has changed somewhat."

Karni paused. He forgot about that. But he quickly gathered himself and sat in a meditative pose in front of Yun Ming.

"Focus on that destroyed city first."

Karni did just that. He summoned his Martial Soul again, activating his Sonic Rhythm and Golden Insight. Sonic Rhythm was far more controlled this time around. More focused on its special properties.

Gold. Destroyed city. But there was something else. Something that could only be described as an odd feeling of detachment.

The two stopped. Yun Ming started thinking, and Karni did not disturb him. "The same vision. Nothing changed. But what was that? Was it a sense of distance? Time? It felt far away."

Karni nodded. He agreed. It was detached from here and now, but in his opinion, it was only time that mattered. He did not sense actual distance in that vision.

"Let's try that other one as well. The one you worried about more than even this." Yun Ming nudged Karni. The two went into positions.

There was no vision. Only that dreadful feeling. But it felt… farther than the one with the city. Shrek's destruction was farther away. But not by much.

Yun Ming looked worried. "Something terrible will happen after the destruction of that city…"

"There's one more thing we should check." Karni noted. He wanted to make sure he was right. That only time mattered, not the spatial distance.

"One more?"

"There's a vision I had on Star Luo Continent when I visited it. And nothing has happened with it yet."

Yun Ming nodded. "I understand. Let's try."

The two focused again. Karni remembered the distant continent. The Bamboos. The blood. The terror. And then it appeared. A golden forest of bamboo, flowing through a lake of blood. Bodies. Bodies of Pandas and then… nothing. It ended. There was just one problem.

"That felt like it will happen much sooner than the other two." Karni's voice was filled with worry.

Yun Ming nodded. "This does confirm two things. When you concentrate on the event, the place doesn't seem to matter in terms of clarity. This makes the destroyed city we're looking to identify even more of a needle in a haystack. The second thing we confirmed is that your cultivation is not as important as your comprehension when it comes to your visions."

Karni nodded.

"I will worry about the city, you cannot do much in terms of that. You worry about furthering your comprehension into Sound. That's your best way to help me."

Karni nodded and stood up. There was a lot of work ahead of him. The second semester was about to start, and most importantly, he wanted to see Siduo.

 "Just one more thing." Yun Ming stopped him. "The technique I showed you last time. What name did you give it?"

"Resonant Spiral Force. Or Resonant Spiral Staff, until I figure out how to apply it on the Drumstick form."

"It's suitable. Well then. You go now. The new semester starts tomorrow, and you should go say hi to your girlfriend."

Karni stood up and bowed to his teacher. "Thank you." Then he hurried away.

Yun Ming stayed in the arena alone. A minute later another person appeared. Elder Long.

"Are you sure you want to send him away? I know I recommended it but…"

Yun ming nodded. "Yes. As much improvement as he just had, I must admit, I do not have much to teach him. Our Martial Souls are not similar, and he seems to favour his Drumstick form instead of Bo Staff form. From our intel, he should have a teacher there as well. Not to mention the vision he just showed me. It will be better for him."

"That's too bad. I was hoping to do my disciple a favour. It seems they'll have to part for a while." Long Yeyue seemed to carry bits of regret, but there was also amusement in her voice.

"Speaking of, how is your disciple?" Yun Ming was curious.

"Oh she's…"

… … …

"Fine? I'm more than fine." Siduo looked at Karni after a long hug. "I have a few surprises for you. I hope you have some for me too."

Karni was satisfied after the hug. "Of course I do. You'll have to wait until a suitable moment though. Better if its spontaneous, don't you think?"

"Oh you're up for another game are you? That's fine by me."

The two walked alone to the boat going across the lake. Karni found out what happened when she said bye to Jianyu. Especially her father's words.

Karni could not help but feel somewhat warm inside. He did consider Siduo and her family his family as well, though he also somehow never considered them his actual family, nor adopted family. It was all sort of weird. He never saw Siduo as his stepsister, and he was sure she did not see him that way either. Though he did see Jianyu as his little brother.

From afar, two people watched Karni and Siduo leave. It wasn't the elders. "That's the guy who became your disciple brother?"

"Mhm." A silver haired girl nodded. "Teacher praised him."

"Well, if he tries anything tell me. I trust him, but-"

"Oh, please brother. Can't you see them? He's head over heels for her, and she's head over heels for him!"

"You cannot underestimate your beauty Na'er."

Na'er rolled her eyes. This brother of hers. She loved him, but who would expect he'd be so overprotective now that they finally met again. "Wulin, he doesn't even know me yet."

… … …

An hour before the beginning of the next semester, Siduo and Karni were at their usual spot. On a public outside table, drinking their morning cocoa. On days that it rained; they took to the dorm's canteen instead. Luckily, today was sunny, if a bit cold.

Now that the holidays were over, they would not have to worry about their cocoa supply anymore. Jianyu also introduced them to a not so far away alternative in Heaven Dou City.

Karni and Siduo looked to be at peace. "I missed this. Even if the time did fly by." Karni said.

Siduo nodded. "I took some extra training. It feels weird for us not to do things together if I'm being honest."

"When you live together and do things together constantly, that sort of thing does tend to happen. We're a team."

Siduo smiled. She agreed. They really had been doing things together since forever. Even if she did force it at the beginning. There was also the one time they had a fight and didn't really talk. It was very unpleasant then, but even so, the two were in each other's presence.

Odd. Such a short time, but it felt lonely. It happened when someone's company became part of one's everyday routine.

Siduo sipped her hot cocoa. "You know, it is a bit more than that-"

"Wait Sisi." Karni shushed her and put a finger on his mouth. Then nudged her to the side.

Siduo looked and rolled her eyes as soon as she saw it. "Gods. What do they want?"

Luo Guixing approached with a group of seven behind him. Wen Bao and Liu Liu have been hanging out more with this group of people since Siduo put them together in a team. Ironically, Siduo brought them together, yet she wasn't part of it anymore.

"Wu Siduo, we'd like to talk," Luo Guixing glanced at Karni. "Alone."

Siduo didn't look at him. "How about you let me finish my morning date in peace and then we can talk."

"Look," Luo Guixing sighed. "This is important, we have some plans-"

"I don't particularly care. Especially so when you bother our alone time. Now if you don't give me some space, I won't talk to you at all." Siduo's eyes turned sharp.

Luo Guixing clenched his fists in frustration but gave up. Just what was bothering him so much? Liu Liu pulled him away. "I told you this would happen. Oh, but you just wouldn't listen." Wen Bao nodded furiously from the side as well. Li Tai and Yu Tian, on the other hand, were hiding behind the group. The two were very much aware this would happen.

"Yeah, yeah. You were right. Fine. We'll wait."

And so, they left and sat at a close by café. They were mostly out of site so that Siduo wouldn't stare daggers at them.

"Well, outside of disturbing our date," Karni began, making Siduo cough. "You should at least listen to them. Don't be so stubborn."

"Eh… I prefer if they're aware that they shouldn't disturb me during this time. This is just how they find out. Liu Liu told him because she was aware of my tendencies, and they still went and did it. I mean, Li Tai, Yu Tian and Wen Bao were clearly aware how I was going to react."

Karni shrugged. "Just saying. Doesn't hurt to be nice." Then he put down the cup, "Though I'd be cranky too if they talked to me during this time."

"See? You shouldn't really be the one to talk." She sipped more cocoa. "No one can take away our cocoa time."

The two finished their morning drink in peace and quiet. Siduo finally decided to go see what the group wanted.

Luo Guixing was already impatient when she arrived. "Finally. Listen. We want to have a rematch against Tang Wulin for the price of getting on the Class Council. If you join, we're willing to give you the position of Class President."

"You're willing? Or are you asking because you know you cannot beat Tang Wulin's group on your own."

A girl in the group started fuming. Zheng Yiran. Luo Guixing stopped her from saying anything. "We have a plan that would leave Tang Wulin helpless. You would guarantee that we can execute the plan flawlessly."

Siduo gave it some thought. "How sure are you of succeeding without me?"

"50 percent." Luo Guixing was honest.

"In that case, I'm out. If I alone make the rest of 50 percent that tells me, you guys shouldn't be on the council. You do realise that if I join, Karni will join them as well, right?" Siduo gave him a stare.

Luo Guixing got a feeling of hopelessness. "We were hoping you'd convince him not to join them. I agree that he has abilities that might be detrimental to the plan."

"I'm not going to do that," Siduo put her foot down. "I don't dictate what he does and doesn't do. And he doesn't dictate what I do and don't do. We are friends, but we're also rivals. No point in competition if you cheat. Especially so in Shrek. You guys are alone in this. I only promise to stay out of it. That's the best way for you to get respect from me and everyone." Siduo turned and left.

"It's fine," Zheng Yiran finally complained. "We didn't need her anyway. I told you this. Unless Tang Wulin literally pulls out some new move we've never seen before there's no chance for him. And you!" She pointed at Siduo. "You better watch out! If we win you don't get to be on the council anymore."

Siduo turned. "I don't believe you guys will win against Tang Wulin with—and these are your own words—fifty percent chance. You're underestimating his group. You think only you improved during the holidays?"

Zheng Yiran wanted to yell more, but Luo Guixing stopped her. "Enough. No point in shouting matches. Let's prepare. At least we know that if she doesn't meddle, Val Karni won't either. We should work with that in mind."

Siduo returned to Karni who looked at her with interest. "Since when do you have such faith in Tang Wulin's group? You think they'll win?"

"So, you were listening?" Siduo put her arms on her hips.

"Sisi, if I don't want to listen, I actually have to focus to filter it out. I can hear anything in a half-kilometre radius. I spend mental energy daily to hear only my surroundings. It gets too much at times. Especially after training these past two months. The range I hear has increased."

"Sounds like a pain." Siduo sat back on the chair. "But yeah. Based on what Tang Wulin becomes, and I do not believe he didn't improve these two months… I'm pretty sure his team will win. I mean, his team are the future Shrek Seven Devils, right? You said so yourself."

Karni finished his cocoa. "Well, you're not wrong. He should win." Karni looked at his wristwatch. "Class starts soon."

… … …

Elder Cai stood at the top of the lectern. The class was quiet. No one wanted to anger the headmaster of the outer court.

"A new semester begins, and some of you might have heard the rumours. This year, first years and second years will cooperate to form a team which will face the third years. Based on the results, some rewards will be in order. As for what those will be. We won't tell you that yet."

Elder Cai nodded to Shen Yi and disappeared. Always short with her speeches. 

Shen Yi walked to the lectern. "As Elder Cai said, this year you have something to prove. Tang Wulin, talk to the second-year president, Yuanen Yehui and form a plan. Work with the rest of the council members if necessary. Now for the start of the first lesson. Mistakes you made during the last semester's test."

Shen Yi went around the class and analysed everyone's results. Though Karni's team and Tang Wulin's team got the least comments, their fights were still scrutinised to a fine detail.

Most of the flaws they were already aware of. Some have already started working on their weaknesses. Karni and Siduo one of them. The first day of classes ended up being more of an analysis than actual training.

As the lesson ended, a group of eight approached Tang Wulin's group.

"I'm up for a rematch." Tang Wulin answered after listening to Luo Guixing's proposal. "Though I don't know if Karni and Siduo will agree with entrusting their positions on this battle, since they won't be a part of it."

"I'm fine with it." Siduo was the first to answer.

Karni nodded as well. He trusted Wulin's group to win. He also wanted them to develop properly. If somehow Karni took away their chances at future development, that would only become detrimental to everyone.

"There you have it." Luo Guixing pointed. "So, let's go, I already reserved the arena."

Tang Wulin nodded and moved, his team following behind him. With Luo Guixing and Tang Wulin at the front, the whole class followed. This wasn't kept under wraps. If anything, Luo Guixing made it intentionally public. A 6v6. A furious battle at the very start of the semester. The only two not participating from Luo Guixing's team were Liu Liu and Wen Bao.

Karni and Siduo got on the arena stand and relaxed. The rest of the atmosphere, however, could be described as electric. This wasn't the past anymore, when the only reason they considered Tang Wulin as a competitor was due to luck and Karni's inclusion. When Youth Ranking still meant something.

No. They've witnessed Tang Wulin's power and the power of his teammates. The fact Karni and Siduo weren't cooperating may have made it even more interesting. Two Council Members weren't taking sides. The team Siduo pulled together was without its leader. It had a new one. Luo Guixing.

Six people on either side. Wu Zhangkong in the middle, refereeing the match.

The match started. As usual Tang Wulin ran ahead, while Ye Xinglan and Xie Xie took to the sides. Three Soul Rings on everyone but Ye Xinglan. She had reached Four Rings now.

On the other side Luo Guixing wasn't losing. He himself showcased a fourth ring.

In fact, just as Tang Wulin reached a bit too far ahead, Luo Guixing's fourth Soul Ring shone a bright Purple.

Tang Wulin hit something invisible. Karni focused. "Space boundary. That's a pure Space Type Martial Soul for you." Karni could not control Space to such a degree. Any Space afflictions he had were done through Sound. Even Shift was activated through Sound.

Suddenly the rest of Luo Guixing's team went into action. Li Tai and Yu Tian fused. Yang Nianxia the Dusk Gold bear went all out. Xu Yucheng the immortal exploded in sharpness. All of them focused on one opponent. Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin couldn't move. They ignored Ye Xinglan and Xie Xie. Tang Wulin's teammates panicked behind him. They weren't fast enough. They were caught in a trap.

"A good plan." There was actually some nervousness in Siduo's voice.

Meanwhile Karni could already see what was about to happen. He remembered how this was about to go. "Just watch. You're in for a treat."

Luo Guixing's boundary stopped, releasing the cage keeping Tang Wulin locked.

And in that moment the Dragon in the Clouds struck with its mighty sword. Xu Yucheng's scythe cut the pressure apart, and Gold Dusk's strength came crashing down on Tang Wulin.

Light. Golden light. Tang Wulin shone like a golden mirror. Two rings showed. Two gold rings.

Siduo's eyes widened. The attacks bounced off, yet Tang Wulin's light only turned brighter when they hit.

Then Xu Yucheng and Yang Nianxia went flying and finally, the bright spot in the middle of the arena jumped, crashing into the dragon shrouded by the clouds.

Li Tai and Yu Tian couldn't keep the fusion going. They weren't allowed to. Tang Wulin's rule over their bloodline didn't allow them to. Especially now that this skill activated.

Golden Dragon Tyrant Body. Wulin would get a great boost in defence and absorb the energy that bombarded it. He could then use it to attack back. With so many people attacking, he gained an enormous amount of energy. The Dragon in the Clouds fell apart before he even hit them due to Wulin's might alone.

The rest of the battle quickly fell apart as well. Luo Guixing was stopped from any other tricks by Gu Yue, while Zheng Yiran, the poison master, was quickly stopped by Ye Xinglan. Yang Nianxia tried to stand back up, Tang Wulin's attack didn't knock him out, but Xie Xie and Tang Wulin quickly took care of him.

Tang Wulin sent a message. Without Wu Siduo, this team was no trouble to handle for him alone. If there were any doubters before due to Tang Wulin losing in battle against Wu Siduo, there were no doubters anymore. The council was here to stay.

"Shit." Siduo cursed. Karni looked at her, confused.

She turned to him; a bit embarrassed. "I should've fought. I'd love to try myself against that skill of his."

Karni burst out laughing. "Just ask him. You know him. Of all the people, he won't refuse the challenge."

Siduo's eyes shined. "Yes. You're right. I'll go ask him right away."

"Sisi, at least wait for the guy to exit the arena."

"Right, right." She sat back down. "Kiki, I'll show you. My new technique might be able to overpower him."

Karni raised his eyebrow. "Why do you think so? I'm pretty sure you'd have trouble in your self-fused form."

"That's exactly why. You saw how it brightened when it came in contact with the attacks right! That's the key! My self-fusion would indeed power him up as I can only do big attacks in it. That skill should be able to block it. It looks powerful enough. After that, I'd at most be able to take a few hits." She recounted her thoughts to Karni.

"But my new technique works with finesse. You'll see. Oh! They're leaving! Come on!"

Between the two of them, she was the battle junkie. Karni preferred to focus on his spirituality and understanding. But she enjoyed the thrill of the fight. Something Karni didn't feel too often.

The two got to Tang Wulin's group. Then they stopped. Tang Wulin was held up by the others. "So it does have a price." Siduo commented out loud.

Tang Wulin nodded. "Hi. Yeah. I still feel the hits when they exceed a certain level, though I'm powered up all the same. Those guys went all out all at the same time. One of which was a fusion. I took a good deal of damage."

"In that case, we'll fight tomorrow. You should be fine by then, right?"

Tang Wulin looked at Siduo. She basically just ordered him what to do tomorrow. But sensing her fighting spirit. He smiled. "Yes. Of course. I'll take you anytime. I need a revenge match against you anyway. I have yet to beat you."

"After class?" Siduo asked. "It doesn't have to be public. Oh, and I don't want your position as Class President when you lose."

Tang Wulin was surprised, then scoffed. "You're assuming you're going to win. But… You don't want the position?"

"Yeah." Siduo nodded seriously. "We already have a decent amount of paperwork to deal with. Me even more since I have all of Mechanics and Manufacturers to consider. Class President would just pile more work on me." She waved her head. She could care less about the position. All that mattered to her was that the people knew who was stronger. Let Tang Wulin bother with the paperwork. Why should she?

Tang Wulin didn't know what to say, but on some level he was thankful. She knew his abilities yet was still confident. That meant she had something. He had to be prepared.

"I want a fight too." A voice interrupted the atmosphere from the side. Everyone turned. It was Xie Xie.

"You want to fight me?" Siduo turned, confused.

"No. Not you. I want to fight Val Karni." Xie Xie looked Karni in the eyes.


Holy. Chapter 99. Tomorrow we reach 100 chapters!


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