
Chapter 11

Chapter 11 — I'm back!

Ning Chen traveled for a few days before eventually arriving back at the 'Serene Sunset Village'.

He stood on the entrance of the village, smiling faintly as he smelled the familiar scent of the air.

Ning Chen took a deep breath, slowly walking toward the house of his master. He soon arrived at his destination and saw a huge wooden house.

There was also a young girl, a head smaller than him, watering the plants and flowers next to house while wearing a captivating smile.

A wide smile unknowingly made it's way on his face. He waved his hand at the air and greeted very loudly.

"I'm back, Yu Liena!"

Yu Liena stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Ning Chen's direction.

Her pair of obsidian-like eyes hurriedly swept over Ning Chen's body as her face showed a slight relief.

"It's fortunate that you managed to return back without missing a single limbs. It seems like your effort in training hardly wasn't wasted."

Ning Chen laughed slightly and quickly replied, "I'm merely lucky and I was also cautious, not fighting against those extremely strong spirit beast."

"Luck is also part of your strength and I'm glad that you're not endangering yourself by biting off more than you can chew," Yu Liena said with a smile.

Ning Chen was quite happy hearing her compliment.

"It's not a big deal. I think more about my own life and future prospects rather than the present. This is also one of the reasons of why I train to get stronger."

"That's a great thinking, but don't think too far into the future," Yu Liena advised and continued. "Anyway, what did you do during this one month?"

"I didn't do anything much. I just stayed at the Star Dou Forest, imitating several spirit beast to train and understand nature more deeply," Ning Chen explained.

Yu Liena looked weirdly at him. She thought it was rather weird to train like a beast, but Ning Chen made it sound good.

"How about you?" Ning Chen asked this time.

"The same as always. I train my sword art and body whenever I wanted, cook for my father when it's time and then read some books in my spare time," Yu Liena leisurely explained.

"You're pretty carefree," Ning Chen remarked.

"It's because I only improve slightly when I do something I don't want to do. On the other hand, whenever I do things which I wanted to do, I will improve significantly."

"That's something I can't do," Ning Chen sighed deeply.

"Everyone is different and not the same," Yu Long shook her head. "Enough about me. Have you managed to acquire your first spirit ring?"

Ning Chen nodded and said, "I will show it to you along with master later."

"If you're speaking about that old geezer, then he's currently eating his lunch or drinking his tea," Yu Liena pointed her hand toward their house.

Ning Chen's amethyst eyes sparkled after hearing her words.

"I also wanna eat. I've really missed your cooking so much that I'm experiencing a serious withdrawal syndrome," Ning Chen said with his face contorting in pain.

"Haha, sure you can. I have cooked plenty of portions to satisfy your bottomless stomach, dear sir," Yu Liena laughed elegantly.

She felt rather happy to see Ning Chen liking her own cooking.


Ning Chen quickly went inside the house and walked toward the dining room.

Inside there, he saw his master sitting on the chair, taking a sip of his tea while reading an old-looking book.

"Master! I'm back! Did you missed your dear disciple?" Ning Chen quickly approached Yu Qian.

Yu Qian closed the book quickly before looking at Ning Chen.

"I already know that you arrived earlier because I could clearly hear your loud voice outside the house, flirting with my daughter," Yu Qian uttered with a cold tone.

Ning Chen quickly shivered in fright and quickly explained that Yu Qian was misunderstanding things.

"Master, I wasn't flirting with her! We just talked about my experience in the Star Dou Forest."

"Is that so?" Yu Qian raised his eyebrows before continuing to read his book.

Ning Chen released a sigh and made a wry smile. He soon started to eat at the table with a blissful look.

After he finished eating until he was completely satisfied, Ning Chen went ahead to the backyard along with Yu Qian and Yu Liena.

"You two, watch carefully. I will now activate my spirit ability," Ning Chen said with a serious expression.

Yu Qian nodded simply and paid a close attention to Ning Chen. Beside him, Yu Liena watched with curiousity.

"First Sword Color: Red Dragon Power!" Ning Chen roared deeply.

A yellow spirit ring rose slowly from his feet and hovered behind him.

His muscles swelled up, filling the insides of his shirt to the point of bursting into pieces.

A faint dragon roar resounded deep within his body as his amethyst eyes were dyed completely in crimson color.

His crystal longsword also turned into entirely crimson color, becoming much more heavier and bigger than a normal longsword.

The dragon hand guard between the blade and hilt also experienced some changes, appearing more extremely fierce and it's pair of draconic eyes blazed like a flame.

Yu Qian and Yu Liena watched Ning Chen's changes with surprised and amazement.

"I look more formidable, right?" Ning Chen asked.

"Indeed, you look more powerful," Yu Qian said in agreement.

The corners of Ning Chen's lip started to slowly rise with pride.

"However, I can faintly sense that you're wasting too much energy while it's activated and it's a shame that I can't help you train with your spirit effectively," Yu Qian said while feeling disappointed.

Ning Chen felt his happiness becoming short live hearing that, but was then confused after hearing the last part of Yu Qian's words.

"Why can't you?"

Yu Qian looked at him weirdly, but Yu Liena quickly said something that surprised Ning Chen.

"Did you not know? My father is not a spirit master, he's just an ordinary mortal like me," Yu Liena slowly explained.

"Whoa, that's new to me," Ning Chen was very surprised.

"I thought you already knew about it. You can't sense any spirit power within me, right?" Yu Qian laughed quietly.

"No, I just thought that master was a strong spirit master who can hide his spirit power perfectly," Ning Chen shook his head as he answered.

But even after knowing the truth, he still felt a formidable presence surrounding Yu Qian's body.

Yu Liena looked at Yu Qian with her eyebrows furrowed deeply.

"Father, do you know anything else about Ning Chen? For example, like where he came from, apart from training stuffs?" She asked with a deep voice.



"Because I was so focused on training Ning Chen," Yu Qian averted Yu Liena's gaze.

"I'm very impressed that you started training him without even knowing him even slightly," Yu Liena didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I was not interested at his background in the first place and only cared about his potential and personality," Yu Qian simply refuted and whistled quietly.

Yu Liena sighed deeply after seeing her father's reaction.

"At least try to know about each other even if it's just a little bit! From the books I read, this is a special thing to establish trust for a master-disciple relationship," She said before looking at Ning Chen.

"Ning Chen, where did you came from?"

"I'm from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and If I were to explain it more elaborately, I'm the heir," Ning Chen said.

"What?" Yu Liena was quite surprised.

She didn't expected Ning Chen to be from a prestigious clan and also to be it's heir!

Yu Qian was also surprised and then remember someone that also came from the same clan as Ning Chen.

"Is there anything wrong?" Ning Chen asked, tilting his head.

"No, I just didn't expected you to be a noble," Yu Liena said after regaining her composure.

She decided to continue to be the same as usual even after learning Ning Chen's status.

This caused Ning Chen to be happy since she didn't started to treat him differently.

"Ning Chen, do you know a man called Chen Xing?" Yu Qian suddenly asked by the side.

"I know, it's my Grandpa Sword. Did he met with you before?" Ning Chen asked.

Yu Qian nodded his head and briefly summarized what happened in the past.

"That Chen Xing was a strong user of the Sword Law and he came to learn Sword Art from me, but for some reason, he suddenly left while almost reaching the Sword Weight Realm."

Ning Chen now understood the reason why Chen Xing recommended him to go toward the Sword Dojo.

"Master, have you also reached the Sword Intent Realm?"

Yu Qian's face suddenly became dark after hearing his question.

"No, because the Sword Law requires the use of spirit power to form an intent seed unlike the Sword Art which only requires only the body and mind. I'll also tell you that there also exist many more weapon laws like Hammer Law and Trident Law."

Ning Chen was astonished to hear that there was many more weapon path.

"Do you also know how to create a Sword Intent?" He asked curiously.

"Of course, I know. I must also first warn you that creating an intent seed is easy, but it will also requires a long time of cultivating to make it bloom into a sword intent."

"Then can I learn it now?" Ning Chen questioned with anticipation.

"You can, but we will also start with your next training," Yu Qian said with a dark, thin smile.

Ning Chen was terrified seeing his master's smile, but was inwardly very excited to start his next training.


This chapter is about me trying to make the dialogue between each character better for the future chapters. If it's awkward, I'll try to improve where I did wrong.

I think there's many errors here, but I can only find it when it's published for some reason xD

(Question: Can spirit master use two spirit ring abilities at the same time?)

( I don't exactly remember )

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