
Douluo: Crow's Guiding Light

In a world where martial arts reign supreme and the divide between the privileged and the commoners is stark, Sheng Jun, an orphan born into a humble background, grows up ignorant of the ways of combat. Despite his lack of training, he possesses a latent talent that goes unnoticed until fate intervenes in the form of a dying martial master, himself a product of commoner origins. Recognizing Sheng Jun's untapped potential, the master takes him under his wing as his final disciple, passing on his knowledge and skills before drawing his last breath. With the weight of his master's teachings on his shoulders, Sheng Jun vows to use his newfound abilities to challenge the injustices plaguing society, where the powerful oppress the weak. Facing formidable adversaries and daunting obstacles, Sheng Jun's resolve is tested time and again. But with each challenge he overcomes, his determination only grows stronger. Along the way, he gathers allies from all walks of life, united by a shared desire for justice and equality. As Sheng Jun's reputation as a champion of the oppressed and a teacher for all spreads, he draws the attention of those who see him as a threat to their positions. In the end, Sheng Jun's journey culminates in a final showdown with the forces of tyranny that lasts for 30 days, where he is slain due to his only weakness being exposed. He closed his eyes in both regret and satisfaction; regret because he never really had time to enjoy his life, but if given another chance, he would still make the same choices. Still, his last thought was that of satisfaction, knowing that his goals had been accomplished. Little did he know that this was not the end for him, as he opened his eyes in the world of Douluo Dalu. ... I'm writing this fanfic primarily for myself and for those who are interested. The MC will primarily interact with the original main characters of the show, but he will not harbour prejudice against Spirit Hall or hate them in any way without a good reason (obviously since they help common people awaken their martial soul). This is not a harem fanfic, and the MC will not pursue romantic relationships with the original characters. Instead, he will focus on helping them improve in strength and character, particularly Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai. English is not my first language, so there may be many typos and mistakes. This is also my first book, as I didn't find any Douluo fanfic that suited me, so I decided to write one myself. You can't imagine how unbearable my sister and I feel when reading some fanfics. Of course, some might feel the same about my fanfic, and you're free to have your own opinion, so ignore it if you don't like it. By the way, I have no idea how Chinese names work so if you see a mistake please feel free to comment.

Aczekial · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Despair and Self-doubt

Dai Mubai lunged forward, his muscles bulging with each movement as he entered Martial Soul Possession.

Ma Hongjun braced himself, his stance solid as purple-red flames enveloped him, both his hair and pupils turning crimson.

Dai Mubai could feel the intense heat radiating from his opponent's body as he closed the distance between them.

"Phoenix Fire Bomb!" Ma Hongjun said as he threw a full-powered Phoenix Fire Bomb at Dai Mubai. As the Phoenix Fire Bomb hurtled towards him, Dai Mubai's instincts kicked in. He swiftly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the fiery explosion. Sensing the intense heat on his skin even from a distance, he realized the potency of Ma Hongjun's attack.

With a swift motion, Dai Mubai summoned a protective barrier around himself, the White Tiger Shield Body Barrier shimmering with ethereal light as it formed a shield of energy.

As another Phoenix Fire Bomb collided with Dai Mubai's White Tiger Shield Body Barrier, a series of explosions erupted, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The barrier held on, with a crack after absorbing the impact of the attack.

"How can a tiger only keep defending? Brother Jun said that the tiger who only defends and not attacks is a useless tiger, bringing shame to the title of King of Killing!" Ma Hongjun taunted as he unleashed another volley of Phoenix Fire Bombs, each orb exploding upon impact.

As the cracks spiderwebbed across Dai Mubai's White Tiger Shield Body Barrier, the protective barrier began to falter under the relentless assault of Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Fire Bombs. Despite his efforts to maintain it, Dai Mubai found himself overwhelmed by the sheer force of the explosions. With a final resounding boom, the barrier shattered into fragments, dissipating into the air as Dai Mubai was left exposed to Ma Hongjun's attacks.

With a fierce roar, he retaliated with his White Tiger Intense Light Wave, as the White Tiger Intense Light Wave surged forward with deadly precision, Ma Hongjun found himself unable to evade the attack completely.

Despite his own attack landing, Ma Hongjun could only brace himself for the impact, his flames flickering wildly as he prepared to endure the full force of Dai Mubai's counterattack.

As the battle raged on, sweat dripped down their brow as, their soul power drained with each passing moment.

Despite their exhaustion and the toll the battle had taken on their bodies, neither Ma Hongjun nor Dai Mubai showed any signs of backing down. The air crackled with tension as they continued to clash, their movements swift and precise despite their weariness. Sweat glistened on their skin, mingling with the dirt and blood. Every strike landed with resounding force, each impact echoing through the battlefield as they fought.

Despite the pain and fatigue that threatened to overwhelm them, neither Ma Hongjun nor Dai Mubai faltered, their spirits unyielding as they pressed forward with unwavering determination.

Indeed, for Ma Hongjun, flying high above and bombarding Dai Mubai with his Phoenix Fire Bombs would have been the easy way out, but…where's the fun in that?! This isn't a life-or-death battle, and it's extremely difficult to find a worthy opponent. Besides, he didn't have time to fly to Tang San to fight. As for fighting Sheng Jun? He wasn't that stupid. Now that he has found Dai Mubai, there is no way he will let this opportunity pass.

With a roar, Dai Mubai unleashed a powerful punch and with a defiant roar, Ma Hongjun met Dai Mubai's punch head-on, blocking the strike with all his might. However the force of the blow sent Ma Hongjun crashing to the ground, the impact rattling his bones. But before that, he counterattacked with a swift kick aimed at Dai Mubai's face. The blow landed with satisfying force, sending Dai Mubai crashing to the ground too.

Slowly standing up Dai Mubai approached, his footsteps heavy with the weight of their intense battle, Ma Hongjun lay on the ground, his breathing labored and his body battered from the exchange of blows. With blood trickling down his face, Dai Mubai gazed down at Ma Hongjun, a mixture of pride and respect evident in his expression.

"Looks like it's my win this time" Dai Mubai declared proudly, though his tone carried a hint of acknowledgement for Ma Hongjun's formidable strength. But despite emerging victorious, Dai Mubai felt a growing sense of self-doubt and loss.

Before Martial Soul Possession, Ma Hongjun's strength had been on par with his own. If his Martial Soul were not more inclined towards close combat than Ma Hongjun, he wouldn't have been able to gain the upper hand.

"Hahaha" Ma Hongjun erupted into laughter, his voice echoing with a mix of admiration "Dai Mubai you are really strong, you are worthy of becoming our new little brother!"

Dai Mubai couldn't help but be taken aback by the sudden shift in atmosphere. Before he could react, Ma Hongjun muttered softly "Phoenix Nirvana" In a burst of flames, Ma Hongjun invoked his Phoenix Nirvana, the fiery aura enveloping him in a blaze of light.

Dai Mubai watched in awe as Ma Hongjun's wounds began to heal before his eyes, the fiery aura surrounding him growing stronger with each passing moment.

At that moment Dai Mubai realized that despite their fierce battle, Ma Hongjun had never once used his first spirit skill.

With a newfound sense of strength, Ma Hongjun stood up as he charged forward once more, his fists ablaze with Phoenix Fire Bomb.

As Ma Hongjun charged forward, Dai Mubai braced himself for the impact. Despite his best efforts to counter the attacks, Dai Mubai found himself struggling to keep up with Ma Hongjun's overwhelming power.

In the end, Dai Mubai hurtled through the air, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

As he lay there, tears streamed down his face, consumed by a sense of defeat and despair.

"I'm really useless, huh" he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I can't even beat someone younger than me. I'm really not fated to ever beat that bastard in this life. Maybe... running away was the right decision..."

His words echoed in the stillness of the aftermath, carrying with them the weight of his disappointment and self-doubt.

"The bastard you're talking about is your brother, isn't it?" the figure who appeared beside Dai Mubai spoke.

Dai Mubai's gaze lifted to meet the figure standing beside him, his eyes widening in astonishment at the sight of the white-haired individual emanating a holy and regal aura. With a crown and halo adorning his head, the newcomer possessed an otherworldly presence that seemed to command respect and reverence. Dai Mubai then nodded silently, unable to mask the turmoil raging within him.

"Brother Jun? What are you doing here?" Ma Hongjun asked in confusion, indeed the figure was Sheng Jun, in his Martial Soul Possession state, trying to heal Dai Mubai with his passive aura. Despite his embarrassment at lacking traditional healing skills as Healing System spirit master, It wasn't his fault either. It's not like he could decide what kind of spirit skill he gets from a spirit ring, at least, not yet. Besides, he was supposed to get an attack-type skill as his second spirit ring anyway. Although the skill he got is a bit…vicious.

"Look around you, you muscle head, how can I not be here when you two caused such a ruckus?" Sheng Jun's said as he looked towards Ma Hongjun. Ma Hongjun scratched his head sheepishly, realizing the commotion they had caused. "Sorry about that" he mumbled apologetically.

"This is not the place to talk. Dai Mubai, can you walk?" Sheng Jun asked as he turned his attention to Dai Mubai who seemed be lost in thought, his eyes dull as he nodded.

With Sheng Jun leading the way, the trio made their way back to the camp.

Something good happened today, I'm feeling quite happy, so I've decided to release two chapters (One short and one long)

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