
Douluo: Crow's Guiding Light

In a world where martial arts reign supreme and the divide between the privileged and the commoners is stark, Sheng Jun, an orphan born into a humble background, grows up ignorant of the ways of combat. Despite his lack of training, he possesses a latent talent that goes unnoticed until fate intervenes in the form of a dying martial master, himself a product of commoner origins. Recognizing Sheng Jun's untapped potential, the master takes him under his wing as his final disciple, passing on his knowledge and skills before drawing his last breath. With the weight of his master's teachings on his shoulders, Sheng Jun vows to use his newfound abilities to challenge the injustices plaguing society, where the powerful oppress the weak. Facing formidable adversaries and daunting obstacles, Sheng Jun's resolve is tested time and again. But with each challenge he overcomes, his determination only grows stronger. Along the way, he gathers allies from all walks of life, united by a shared desire for justice and equality. As Sheng Jun's reputation as a champion of the oppressed and a teacher for all spreads, he draws the attention of those who see him as a threat to their positions. In the end, Sheng Jun's journey culminates in a final showdown with the forces of tyranny that lasts for 30 days, where he is slain due to his only weakness being exposed. He closed his eyes in both regret and satisfaction; regret because he never really had time to enjoy his life, but if given another chance, he would still make the same choices. Still, his last thought was that of satisfaction, knowing that his goals had been accomplished. Little did he know that this was not the end for him, as he opened his eyes in the world of Douluo Dalu. ... I'm writing this fanfic primarily for myself and for those who are interested. The MC will primarily interact with the original main characters of the show, but he will not harbour prejudice against Spirit Hall or hate them in any way without a good reason (obviously since they help common people awaken their martial soul). This is not a harem fanfic, and the MC will not pursue romantic relationships with the original characters. Instead, he will focus on helping them improve in strength and character, particularly Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai. English is not my first language, so there may be many typos and mistakes. This is also my first book, as I didn't find any Douluo fanfic that suited me, so I decided to write one myself. You can't imagine how unbearable my sister and I feel when reading some fanfics. Of course, some might feel the same about my fanfic, and you're free to have your own opinion, so ignore it if you don't like it. By the way, I have no idea how Chinese names work so if you see a mistake please feel free to comment.

Aczekial · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Death?? (End of Volume 1)

Sheng Jun stepped forward with visible excitement sparkling in his eyes. With a warm smile, he began, "Oscar, give me one to-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Sheng Jun's expression froze, his eyes losing their luster as his body trembled uncontrollably. Concern etched the faces of the others as they hurried towards him, ready to inquire about his well-being. Suddenly, Flender's urgent voice pierced the air, his face pale with alarm.

"Oscar, distribute your flying sausages to everyone!" Flender's command left no room for hesitation as he gestured urgently for everyone to follow suit.

Although confused, everyone naturally followed Flender's urgent command. Sheng Jun, who had snapped out of his daze, also intended to follow suit, grabbing hold of the sausages. But before he took off, he uttered softly, "Qinyu, Saixi"

A couple of seconds later, a woman and a man emerged from the shadows nearby, standing beside him, ready to obey any orders. "Yes, Young Master" they responded respectfully.

Sheng Jun nodded slightly, acknowledging their presence, before issuing his orders. "From this moment onwards, regardless of the circumstances, your priority is to ensure the safety of Ma Hongjun and everyone else. Get them out of the forest immediately" he commanded calmly.

Confused by Sheng Jun's orders, Saixi couldn't help but voice his confusion. "What do you mean, Young Master?" he asked, seeking clarification on Sheng Jun's unusual orders. However, before he could delve further, Sheng Jun swiftly interjected, dismissing Saixi's concerns. "You don't need to think about it. Just follow my words. This is an order" he declared firmly.

Acknowledging Sheng Jun's authority, Saixi agreed with a nod of understanding. With that settled, Sheng Jun took a bite of Oscar's sausages before soaring off to join the others who awaited him. Meanwhile, Qinyu took Saixi into the shadows, following closely behind.

As Sheng Jun flew through the air, thoughts of the vision he had seen earlier nagged at the back of his mind, as he pondered the cause. However, he pushed them aside for the time being, opting instead to focus on the task at hand. The best course of action, he reasoned, was to alter that ominous future, as he had done countless times before.

As they flew in tense silence, all eyes turned to Flender, whose complexion grew increasingly pale with each passing moment. Urging them to hasten their pace, Flender's urgency was palpable. 

Meanwhile, Oscar's expression mirrored Flender's distress, his complexion paling as he struggled to maintain the production of his Swift Flight Mushroom Sausages. Despite his efforts and the assistance of his Big Recovery Sausages, the drain on his soul power was becoming overwhelming.

After a while, Oscar reluctantly admitted to Flender that he could no longer sustain the production of sausages, causing Flender's already pale face to drain of all color. 

Faced with no other options, Flender swiftly took action, scooping up Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, who were closest to him. Instructing Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang to do the same and carry someone with them. Ma Hongjun chose Oscar, while Bai Chenxiang opted for Ning Rongrong, who was nearest to them.

Meanwhile, Zhao Wuji utilized his special ability to dash behind them, effortlessly carrying Tang San and Xiao Wu in his arms, with Sheng Jun securely positioned on his back. 

As they continued their frantic escape, Flender's voice suddenly broke through, his words hung heavy in the air, filled with fear and confusion. "We can't escape, why...why is it coming for us
" Each word seemed to carry the weight of an unbearable truth.

Before anyone could process Flender's words, a massive chunk of earth crashed down before them, halting their progress with a deafening crash. As the dust settled, their eyes widened in shock as they beheld the looming figure of a gargantuan gorilla-like spirit beast behind them.

"Titan Giant Ape?" Sheng Jun's voice trembled as he voiced the realization that dawned upon them all. "And this one seems to be at least ten-thousand-years-old... a hundred-year-old Titan Giant Ape possesses the combat power of a normal ten-thousand-year spirit beast... so this one..." His words trailed off, the implications hanging heavy in the air. A collective gasp escaped the group as they comprehended the gravity of their situation. 

"Titan Giant Ape? What is a King of the Forest doing in the Outer Area of Great Star Dou Forest?" Zhao Wuji's voice was filled with disbelief, as he grappled with the reality before him.

Flender, already as pale as a corpse, stepped forward, knowing the gravity of their situation. With a trembling voice, he addressed the colossal beast, aware that the Titan Giant Ape could understand human language. "Esteemed King of the Forest, we apologize for stepping into your territory. We will leave right away" Flender pleaded, gesturing urgently for everyone to retreat.

But their attempts at diplomacy fell on deaf ears as the Titan Giant Ape ignored Flender's words. With a thunderous roar, it charged toward the group of students, its massive form barreling forward with frightening speed.

Realizing the imminent danger, Flender's voice trembled with panic as he activated his Martial Soul Avatar, transforming into a giant owl. This drastic measure was the Spirit Saints last resort, once the Avatar was destroyed, they would enter a weakened state for a week, vulnerable and almost defenseless.

Zhao Wuji, witnessing the imminent threat of the Titan Giant Ape, also resorted to activating his Martial Soul Avatar, recognizing that they were left with no other options. "Everyone, run!" he shouted urgently as his body transformed into a giant bear, launching a powerful punch towards the Titan Giant Ape. However, the colossal beast seemed unfazed by his attack, brushing it off as if it were nothing more than a minor inconvenience. This blatant disregard enraged Zhao Wuji, prompting him to unleash everyone's Spirit Ring Skills in a desperate attempt to fend off the beast, but to no avail.

Amid the chaos, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong suddenly arrived, stunning Flender with their unexpected appearance. "What are you doing here?!" Flender shouted angrily, bewildered by their reckless decision to intervene. "Didn't I ask you to run away?!"

Liu Erlong stepped forward, her expression resolute as she addressed Flender. "I'm sorry... I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you behind, so I forced him to come back with me" she explained, casting a glance towards Titan Giant Ape. 

With the Titan Giant Ape charging toward Zhao Wuji, Liu Erlong's words spurred a renewed sense of determination among them. "Ten thousand-year-old Titan Giant Ape
didn't I say that you are not allowed to die without my permission?" she declared, her gaze fiery as she stared at Flender, who was momentarily speechless.

With a determined smile, Liu Erlong continued, "If you want to die that badly, then I am willing to die with you" Her words carried undistinguished affection as she stared at her lover with unwavering determination.

At that moment, their shared resolve solidified, and they knew they had to face this threat together. Feeling the weight of their commitment, Flender, Grandmaster, and Liu Erlong locked eyes, their expressions resolute. Without hesitation, they shouted in unison, "Martial Soul Fusion!" 

Not far away, Sheng Jun's voice cut through the stunned silence as he shouted at the group before him, "He said run! What are you waiting for?!" His voice trembled with fear, a rare vulnerability exposed in the face of imminent danger. 

It wasn't just his own life at stake, it was the lives of everyone he held dear. He still possessed a One Time Use Ability of his Healing skill, but his greatest fear was losing everything he cared about. His friends, his brothers and sisters, his teachers, they were all here. The teachers were doing their best to slow down the Titan Giant Ape, and he couldn't bear the thought of their efforts going to waste.

Dai Mubai, his voice also trembling with fear, spoke up, his fists clenched tight. "First Brother, how could we run and leave them behind like this?" His resolve was evident, a promise to himself never to abandon those he cared about again. Others echoed his sentiment, their agreement clear as they refused to leave them behind.

"YOU!... you guys are merely Spirit Elders at best! What do you think you could do?" Sheng Jun's voice rang out, cutting through the tension, but he didn't wait for a response. "Qinyu, Saixi, everyone! Take them away!" he commanded, as Qinyu, Saixi, and the protection team swiftly surrounded the group, preparing to evacuate them to safety.

With a determined expression, Sheng Jun stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the Titan Giant Ape before him, ready to execute the One Time Use Ability of his Sacrifice skill.

"Sacrifi-" he began to shout, but his words were cut short as the Titan Giant Ape, as if sensing its impending demise, lunged toward him with a powerful punch.

"Young Master!" Saixi and the others, who were in the midst of taking everyone away, abandoned their task and rushed toward Sheng Jun as he activated his special ability, attempting to erect a protective barrier. But their efforts were futile, the barrier shattered like glass against an unstoppable force, and they were thrown back, coughing up blood.

As a devastating punch hurtled toward Sheng Jun, a voice suddenly rang out, sharp and commanding. "NO!" At that moment, the punch transformed into a slap that sent Sheng Jun hurtling thousands of meters into the air, his bloodied figure disappearing into the horizon toward the depths of the Great Star Dou Forest.

Realization dawned on Sheng Jun amidst the haze of pain and fading consciousness. "Ah, so this is how I died in that prophecy vision. Damn it, it seems
I'm going to miss
my little sister's Martial Soul
Ceremony" he thought hazily as darkness closed in around him. With a crash, he plummeted to the ground, the earth giving way beneath him as he descended into the depths below, ready to begin his five-year resurrection process.

"XIAO WU!" Tang San's desperate cry echoed through the air as he watched helplessly while the Titan Giant Ape carried Xiao Wu away, his tears mingling with the dust and dirt on his face. He felt the weight of his failure pressing down on him, knowing that he had broken his promise to protect both Xiao Wu and Sheng Jun with his life, a sense of overwhelming guilt and helplessness engulfed him.

The scene around him was one of devastation and despair. Many of his companions lay injured or unconscious, their bodies drained of strength and their spirits broken. Ma Hongjun, Bai Chenxiang, and Ning Rongrong were particularly worse off, having exhausted their soul power in a futile attempt to resist the Titan Giant Ape.

Zhao Wuji and Flender, along with Liu Erlong and Grandmaster, lay on the ground, coughing up blood, their bodies battered and broken from the failed attempts to fend off the powerful beast. Although, they were lucky to even be alive. Flender's eyes burned with pain and regret, his expression a reflection of the crushing defeat they had suffered despite their best efforts.

As Tang San surveyed the scene before him, a sense of hopelessness threatened to consume him. But deep within his heart, a flicker of determination still burned. He knew that he couldn't give up, not now, not ever. With renewed resolve, he vowed to do whatever it took to find Xiao Wu and Sheng Jun, even if it meant facing the monstrous Titan Giant Ape head-on and giving his life away.

Tang San then approached Oscar, his eyes filled with a mixture of desperation and determination. With tears streaming down his face, he reached out and grasped Oscar's shoulders, his voice barely above a whisper. "Third Brother... can you give me your Swift Flight Mushroom Sausage? I need to find them, even if it's just their bodies. I have to..." His plea hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his sorrow and resolve.

Meeting Tang San's gaze, Oscar saw the pain and determination reflected in his eyes, understanding the depths of his anguish. Without hesitation, he summoned all his strength and produced the sausages. As he handed the fourth sausage to Tang San, a somber silence enveloped the group, everyone noticing what was going on.

Before anyone could intervene, Tang San accepted the sausages and took flight. As he disappeared into the distance.

As Dai Mubai and the others who were conscious observed Tang San's departure, a sense of urgency surged within them. Dai Mubai, spurred by determination, dashed towards Oscar, his voice urgent as he requested a sausage as well. However, before he could reach Oscar, Saixi, Qinyu, and the others who had already suffered injuries due to the backlash from Saixi's special ability, intervened.

"You guys aren't going anywhere" Saixi gritted his teeth, his voice laced with pain and determination. 

As Dai Mubai and the others expressed their frustration and concern, their emotions running high, they couldn't help but shout angrily at Saixi and the others who were trying to stop them, despite understanding their intentions.

"SHUT UP! Do you think we don't want to?! What are your lives compared to his!! If it was not for his orders, we would have left you here already and gone to find him!" Qinyu's outburst cut through the tension, her voice filled with pain and frustration.

At that moment, Flender and the others, struggling but resolute, stepped forward to intervene. "They are right, your safety is the priority" Flender's voice was firm, his gaze reflecting both concern and determination. He urged Saixi and the others to prioritize the safety of the students and ensure they were escorted out of the Great Star Dou Forest.

Despite Dai Mubai and the other's protests, Flender's determination prevailed. "Us teachers will go looking for them, so please take care of the kids while we go, can you do that?" Flender's request was firm yet filled with concern for their safety as he looked at Qinyu and Saixi.

With a solemn nod of agreement, they detained Dai Mubai and the others, gently but firmly taking them away from the forest. Meanwhile, Flender, Zhao Wuji, Grandmaster, and Liu Erlong turned their attention to the vast expanse of the forest, steeling themselves for the search ahead.

Starting tomorrow, you can expect the updates to resume their normal schedule (1 per day)

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