
Douluo’s Stealing the Ten Thousand Realms System!

Tang San: Thief, return my Eight Spider Lances! Return my fairy grass! Why can’t my Blue Silver Grass awaken as the Blue Silver Emperor? Xiao Yan: Which thief stole my strange fire! Castan: Who stole Feiyan’s heart? I am pleased in every way, but she is indifferent! Tian Yan: Father, when will you come back to see me and mother again! Li Xingyun: Shouldn’t the empress like me? Sasuke: Return my Nissan’s writing wheel! Hello, I am not the original author, I loved this novel very much, I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it and those who do not know. I don't own anything about this novel and the characters. Note; I do not expect any income from this novel. Original: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-stealing-the-ten-thousand-realms-system/ https://m.qidian.com/book/1025142158.html Author: Fried green pepper with egg

Taddena · Anime & Comics
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Weird Hu Liena

Stepping on the mysterious step, Hu Liena's body just shook, and she came to the forefront.

"Everyone, don't look into her eyes."

Feng Xiaotian shouted loudly.

Hu Liena's martial arts spirit is a demon fox, possessing extremely powerful charm ability, and the spirit abilities are mainly charm.

This is no longer a secret in the eyes of everyone.

The Shenfeng Academy team followed Feng Xiaotian's instructions and subconsciously moved their eyes to the bottom of Hu Liena's neck.

"Gu." Except for Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian, the other five swallowed fiercely, which made it even more attractive.

A faint smile appeared on Hu Liena's face, and a pale red light came out through her body.

The demon fox spirit was released, and she seemed to be more beautiful.

A huge fox tail stretched from behind, and Hu Liena made a seductive hoarse voice, "Brothers, why don't you dare to look at me!"

From the moment she threw the first wink to the hoarse voice, no one in the Kamikaze Academy dared to make a move.

Feng Xiaotian, who was about to perform Haifeng Thirty-Six Slash, looked at a standstill. This is too alluring!

If she hadn't missed Huo Wu from the beginning to the end, she would have been unable to resist it.

"Little brothers, since you don't look at your sister, then your sister will be angry." Hu Liena's voice sounded again.

While talking, she gave Xie Yue a look.

Xie Yuexin understood it and rushed towards the opponent.

A shocking scene happened, and the six spirit rings on Hu Liena's body flickered very regularly.

The sixth circle of black spirit ring, the fifth circle of black spirit ring, the fourth circle of purple spirit ring, the third...the first circle of yellow spirit ring.

Every time the spirit ring flickered, the light red light that emerged from Hu Liena's body would grow stronger. Suddenly, a light curtain had formed around her.

At this moment, Xieyue also came over, Xieyue did not stay behind seeing the red light curtain, holding a sharp blade in each of her left and right hands, spreading her arms, and her body directly slammed into the past.

At the moment the two collided, the red light curtain wrapped them up.

With a click, the light curtain shattered, and red light spread from the cracks.

In an instant, it covered the entire competition arena.

Naturally, everyone in the Shenfeng Academy and Wuhundian Academy was enveloped.

The red light flickered, the man and the woman had merged into one, and a wicked young man who could not distinguish the gender came into view.

The evil charm young man held two large moon blades in his hands and cut them out at will. The red light on the stage became more intense, and suddenly he couldn't see his fingers.

That's right, this is Hu Liena and Xie Yue's martial soul fusion skill, demon.

Seeing this scene, the clan's eyes flashed with surprise.

By doing this, didn't Hu Liena cover his teammate's sight?

In addition to the clan, many audience members also showed their doubts.

Tang San in the direction of Shrek directly exclaimed, "This is a martial soul fusion technique."

Only the members of the Wuhundian Academy team sat on the bench with pride on their faces.

Since he couldn't see the specific situation on the arena, the clan simply started to see and hear the domineering.

An even stranger scene happened.

I saw the other five students of Wuhundian Academy look as usual, as if the red light did not cover their sight, they stepped on the ground and slammed at the seven members of the Shenfeng Academy.

The demon even disappeared in the same place in an instant, and once again appeared in front of Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wu.

Holding the double blades upside down, the end of the blade hit the two people's abdomen, throwing them out of the competition ring heavily.

The same thing happened to the other five members of the Kamikaze Academy team. Headed by Yan, the other five members of the Wuhundian Academy team punched them out of the ring.

The red light dissipated, and only seven members of the Wuhundian Academy clan were left on the arena.

"Wuhundian Academy is against Shenfeng Academy, Wuhundian Academy wins." The referee announced the result of the game with excitement.

The audience was all dumbfounded, what was going on, the battle ended right from the beginning. The Shenfeng Academy of the entire Soul Sect did not even have a trace of resistance, so it was eliminated.

Qibao Liulizong rest area.

Ning Fengzhi frowned, and looked at Jian Douluo deeply, his face becoming particularly solemn.

"This game is not easy to play!"

Sword Douluo nodded and said with a serious face: "The strength of the monster has surpassed the level of the soul sage, and there is almost no opponent below the soul sage. Unless it is the soul sage who restrains them, it will have the power to fight."

"Different from Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's powerful attack by the Nether White Tiger Lord, the demon is controlled by the master. Within the control of the demon skill, everyone's senses will be reduced by 50%, and the spirit power will be suppressed by%. Fifty. All actions are delayed by fifty percent."

"However, the remaining five members of the Wuhun Temple Academy clan within the skill control range are not affected. It can be seen that Hu Liena's control has reached a very high level, and can be controlled within the range without acting on teammates."

"This is also the main reason why the Kamikaze Academy has no resistance."

Sword Douluo was a level 96 Super Douluo, how strong his mental power was. In three or two clicks, you can get an insight into the demon's abilities.

Unlike the clan hanging on the wall, relying on seeing, hearing and color can ignore the enchantment and reduce the sensory ability. He found it purely by relying on his extremely powerful mental power.

In the end, it was concluded that the spiritual power did not reach the level of Contra, and it was impossible to get rid of the demon's sensory control skills.

Even if the spiritual power reaches the standard, the senses are not affected, the soul power and speed will still be suppressed. Unless there is any special means to counteract this control skill.

Ning Fengzhi sighed, "I hope the little guy from the clan can surprise us!"

Dugu Bo, who was sitting aside, was not as negative as Ning Fengzhi, and said calmly, "Don't worry! That kid is not that simple."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi showed a faint smile on his face and said, "Then we will wait and see."

On the other hand, the atmosphere at Shrek was a little dull, even Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were not as relaxed as before. It wasn't that the two of them were worried that Shrek Academy would lose. After all, it was not easy for Shrek to get to this point.

They are worried about the clan, this time the opponent is too strong, there are only three cultivation bases above the soul king, and one of them is the soul emperor.

Especially Hu Liena and Xie Yue's martial soul fusion skills are too weird and impossible to guard against.

Goulan Phoenix Ma Hongjun's face was pale~www.mtlnovel.com~ as if he was a ghost, "It's over, this Wuhundian Academy team is simply more perverted than the clan."

Oscar also sighed, "I hope I don't meet it so early, otherwise we will stop here."

Dai Mubai nodded deeply in agreement, the strength of the Spirit Hall was too terrifying, and the worst was able to compete with his brother Davis.

As for Tang San, his brows furrowed. Since Hu Liena and Xie Yue released their martial arts fusion skills, he has been watching with the purple magic pupils, but only with the purple pupils of the first realm, he can only see a blur. .

In desperation, he can only pin his hopes on Yu Xiaogang. If Yu Xiaogang can help him realize that idea, there may be a glimmer of hope.