
Douluo’s Stealing the Ten Thousand Realms System!

Tang San: Thief, return my Eight Spider Lances! Return my fairy grass! Why can’t my Blue Silver Grass awaken as the Blue Silver Emperor? Xiao Yan: Which thief stole my strange fire! Castan: Who stole Feiyan’s heart? I am pleased in every way, but she is indifferent! Tian Yan: Father, when will you come back to see me and mother again! Li Xingyun: Shouldn’t the empress like me? Sasuke: Return my Nissan’s writing wheel! Hello, I am not the original author, I loved this novel very much, I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it and those who do not know. I don't own anything about this novel and the characters. Note; I do not expect any income from this novel. Original: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-stealing-the-ten-thousand-realms-system/ https://m.qidian.com/book/1025142158.html Author: Fried green pepper with egg

Taddena · Anime & Comics
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Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition

The capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City.

In the early morning, the sky was just getting bright, and the transformed Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena was already crowded with people.

The spectators came so early, naturally, not to watch ordinary soul fighting games, because the opening ceremony of the qualifiers for the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Elite Contest will be held here.

In order to be able to see the young soul masters participating in the competition at close range on the first day, they all rushed over.

At this time, passing by a man and a woman from the exclusive passage area for VIPs suddenly attracted the attention of many people around.

The man's clothes are gorgeous, he looks fourteen or five years old, he is 1.8 meters tall, and he wore a dark blue outfit. The flame fan is printed on the back of the strong suit, which is very conspicuous. She has long blue and silver hair hanging down her shoulders, fair skin and a very handsome appearance. A unique temperament permeates the whole body from beginning to end.

If the girl holding his arm is too beautiful, and is always staring at the surrounding with vigilant eyes, I am afraid that the female VIPs who are accompanying him would have come over to strike up a conversation a long time ago.

Girls are born very extraordinary, and they seem to be about the same age as boys. The silky long black hair is combed into neat scorpion braids. The braids are extremely long and hang down the hips. She is slightly shorter than the boy. Wearing a blue knee-length long-sleeved dress, she will have begun to take shape. Her figure is tightly wrapped, and her slender waist is even more enviable by countless women.

Aren't these two of our heroes and heroes Clan and Xiao Wu?

Xiao Wu made sharp eyes and stared at a girl who wanted to strike up a conversation. He pouted her mouth and complained to the clan: "Xiao Zong, didn't you say that our Royal Fighting team is in the recommended quota? Why did you come here to watch this qualifier? The opening ceremony of the game! It's squeezed to death."

The corner of the clan's mouth twitched, and rolled his eyes at Xiao Wu, it seems that this old rabbit is coming for you! In addition, we took the VIP channel, although it is not spacious, but it is definitely not crowded.

Of course, the clan will not really say these things in his heart. He is not a fool, of course, I can see that Xiao Wu is jealous because of the girls who came to strike up a conversation with him in the previous few waves.

Immediately comforted: "Okay, okay, it's me who is wrong, which made my family Xiaowu wronged."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu was overjoyed, and her body got closer to her clan. She put her clan arm on her moon fierce position through the clothes, showing a look of anticipation, "Then I want you after the opening ceremony is over. , Take me to Tiandou City for a good stroll."

"No--" The clan almost refused subconsciously, but after feeling the soft touch from his arm, he swallowed the word "no" back.

The clan said: "Okay! But I must go back to practice in the afternoon."

Hearing the clan's promise, Xiao Wu's eyes flashed and she shouted in her mind: "Oye! Sister Yanzi is right, Xiaozong, the big satyr, really can't resist this move."

Finally, the two came to their VIP seats.

This is the location that the clan asked Qian Renxue for help. The viewing angle is very wide. From the top to the bottom, you can see the entire qualifier area.

When they came in, the two still felt nothing, thinking that the crowding was the same as when they were shopping in the past.

But when I sat down, I looked down at the entire area and was shocked, because the army that maintained order alone reached five thousand, and the crowds onlookers absolutely reached a terrifying number.

"Wow! A lot of people." Xiao Wu couldn't help exclaiming, her big watery eyes blinking, filled with curiosity and shock. Look east and look west.

The clan stroked Xiao Wu's head, with a faint smile on his face. This old rabbit has been in the Star Dou Forest for tens of thousands of years. As a one hundred thousand year soul beast, other soul beasts dared not come close, and only the mother, the Da Ming, and the Erming three beasts were facing them. Now that there are so many people, how can you not be shocked.

At this time, the teams participating in the qualifiers also began to enter the arena, and the various teams of the Soul Master Academy, large and small, were all dressed up under the leadership of their instructors.

I have to say that there are few young female soul masters in Douluo Continent who look ugly.

Tianshui College is one of the representatives. Unlike the all-encompassing face of the previous Blue Star, it is easy to cause aesthetic fatigue. They are all beautiful women, each with their own characteristics.

Especially Shui Bing'er is the best among them. In terms of appearance alone, even the current Xiao Wu is a bit inferior.

"Xiaozong, look at what those people wearing masks are wearing, it's disgusting." Xiao Wu pointed.

"That's Shit Lake Academy." The clan clan couldn't help but twitched his mouth. Who can wear Shit Lake's yellow-green uniform, besides Shit Lake team?

Not only Xiao Wu, there are many people around who are teasing Shit Lake's fancy clothes.

Hearing the clan's words, Xiao Wu also began to observe carefully, and soon recognized Zhu Zhuqing through the iconic ostrich egg.

Xiao Wu lightly patted the Xiaoyue Yuxu, who had begun to take shape, and sighed with relief. Fortunately, he said, "Fortunately, we didn't hear that big wet word to join Shit Lake Academy, otherwise we would wear such disgusting clothes. It's really embarrassing to be thrown home."

With the entry of various participating teams one after another, several heavyweights ushered in the VIP table. They are Xueye, the contemporary emperor of the Tiandou Empire, Ning Fengzhi, the lord of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and Salas, one of the four platinum bishops of the Wuhun Hall.

As in the original work, Xue Ye said a speech that was completely nutritious.

But when it was Ning Fengzhi's turn, the master of ceremonies asked him which soul master team he was most optimistic about. In the rare case, he did not play sloppy, but directly named the Emperor Fighting team by name.

While speaking, the corner of his eyes glanced in the direction where the clan was sitting.

As for Salas, he didn't speak during the whole process, just snorted coldly.

Soon, under the draw of Salas, the master of ceremonies announced the battle list for the first round of the qualifiers.

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Canghui College played against Zixing College~www.mtlnovel.com~ In the first round of the qualifiers, Auckland College played against Flame College."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Tiandou Royal Academy played against Shrek Academy."

When they heard that their opponent was Tiandou Royal Academy, except for Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and Tang San, everyone in Shrek took a breath.

The newly recruited Healing Horcrux Soul Venerable Jiangzhu was aware that the atmosphere was not right, and asked subconsciously, questioning: "Even if our opponent is the Tiandou Royal Academy, you don't have to do this!"

Ma Hongjun rarely played muddled, and sighed: "Sister Jiangzhu, you don't understand. Tiandou Royal Academy is simply a monster among monsters. We can't win."

Jiang Zhu could not say: "No! I also participated in the last competition. Although the strength of the Tiandou Royal Academy is very strong, our Shrek Academy has four soul sects this time! Especially Zhuqing , The soul power is as high as forty-five level."