
Douluo’s Stealing the Ten Thousand Realms System!

Tang San: Thief, return my Eight Spider Lances! Return my fairy grass! Why can’t my Blue Silver Grass awaken as the Blue Silver Emperor? Xiao Yan: Which thief stole my strange fire! Castan: Who stole Feiyan’s heart? I am pleased in every way, but she is indifferent! Tian Yan: Father, when will you come back to see me and mother again! Li Xingyun: Shouldn’t the empress like me? Sasuke: Return my Nissan’s writing wheel! Hello, I am not the original author, I loved this novel very much, I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it and those who do not know. I don't own anything about this novel and the characters. Note; I do not expect any income from this novel. Original: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-stealing-the-ten-thousand-realms-system/ https://m.qidian.com/book/1025142158.html Author: Fried green pepper with egg

Taddena · Anime & Comics
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Blue Silver King

"Xiaozong, we should go to Sunset Forest this time, what kind of soul beast do you plan to choose?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

When it comes to spirit beasts, I have to mention Zhu Zhuqing's fourth spirit ring. It was obtained three months ago, from a mutated ghost tiger that was about five thousand years old.

It is somewhat similar to the fourth spirit ability in the original book, gaining the Nether Shadow clone ability.

But it is more powerful, it is a growth-type skill, each additional spirit ring can separate a physical shadow clone; and each additional spirit ring, the shadow clone can possess 10% of the body's strength, but cannot use the spirit ring Soul skills.

By the way, Zhu Zhuqing's spirit power level is now forty-two, becoming the highest-level existence among the Shrek Seven Devils. Ning Rongrong and Dai Mubai are tied for second place, both at level 39.

"The spirit ring I want to obtain this time is a bit special. I plan to go there alone." The clan shook his head. This time he didn't plan to take anyone there, because his fifth spirit ring would be the life of the Blue Silver Emperor. Soul ring.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were immediately anxious, and they feared that their clan would be in danger like they did in the Sunset Forest last time.

"No, I want to go too." Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing said in unison.

The clan touched the second woman's head and smiled: "Don't worry, this time is different from the past, and there won't even be any danger. I guess I will surprise you when I come back."

"But—" Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu wanted to say something more, Liu Erlong's voice came from behind them.

"Believe him! He said nothing will happen, then nothing will happen."

A trace of surprise flashed in the clan's eyes, but Liu Erlong didn't expect Liu Erlong to say this. Immediately cast a grateful look at her.

He narrowed his gaze, and the clan looked at Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, and said softly, "Hey, when I come back, you will be practicing well in Teacher Erlong during this time."


Several days passed in a flash.

Relying on the positioning of the system, the clan quickly hurried, and finally came the mysterious forest where Tang Hao took Tang San to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor in the original book.

Slowly walking into the forest, the clan found that the blue silver grass grows abnormally luxuriantly in the forest, and every blue silver grass released a faint fluctuation of mental power.

Even if the clan didn't use the dominance of seeing and hearing, or even the mental power, the mental fluctuations emitted by the countless blue silver grasses automatically connected to the mental magnetic net. Integrate with the spiritual power released by the clan.

Through the mental magnetic field, the area that the clan can perceive is amazing. Simply the clan directly makes use of knowledge and domineering.

A scene that shocked him happened. He used to perceive at most the sights and sounds of a radius of two or three miles, and it suddenly increased in a geometric multiple, and it actually directly covered the entire forest.

"this is--"

As the clan exclaimed, a trembling voice sounded in the clan's mind, "The king, the great king, is it really you? Almost eight years ago, you finally came to me. Thank God."

Hearing this, the clan nodded secretly in his heart, it seems that the owner of this voice is the Blue Silver King. I don't know what it will be like when Tang Hao takes Tang San to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor in the future and finds that he has been cut off.

Thinking of this, the corner of the clan's mouth rose slightly, the spirit power under his feet gathered, and he slid in the direction of the Blue Silver King.

Stepping into the depths of the forest, the clan came almost unimpeded all the way. The soul beasts seemed to be welcoming the new king, opening a broad road for the clan. The blue silver grasses were encouraging and celebrating the arrival of the new king.

Soon, the clan came to the place where the Blue Silver King was.

This is a very old vine, with an old face condensed in the center of the vine. Look positively towards the clan.

The clan pretended to be puzzled: "Are you calling me?"

"Wang, my great king, you have finally come. I have been waiting for you for nearly eight years." The old face vomited, his trembling voice with urgency.

"Wang? Waited for me for almost eight years? What the **** is going on? I only came to obtain the fifth spirit ring, and I stepped into this forest unintentionally." Clan said.

The old Vine smiled and said, "Because you have blood that is more noble than me. If I am the Blue Silver King, then you are the Blue Silver King.

About thirteen or fourteen years ago, the previous generation of the Blue Silver Emperor fell. Our Blue Silver Grass lost its vitality and became depressed.

For this reason, I was already desperate. Until more than seven years ago, I perceive your existence through the blue silver grass.

The blood in your body is so powerful, as compared to the previous generation. Just relying on the awakening of ordinary human spirits can evolve the Blue Silver Emperor to such an extent.

It's really incredible. "


After listening to the blue silver king's nagging talk, the clan felt a little impatient, but since he asked others, it was natural to be polite.

The clan said with a serious face: "Then what do you want me to do now?"

As if perceiving the impatience of the clan, King Lan Yin asked nervously: "Then my great king, would you like to protect your people?"

"I am willing." The clan nodded firmly, this is a mutually beneficial thing, and he has no reason to disagree.

Hearing this, the King of Blue Silver immediately burst into tears, and two drops of blue liquid flowed out of the vine's old face. These were his tears.

"Then my great king, now please accept the blessings of your people!"

As soon as the voice fell, the blue silver grass in the entire forest released a light blue light. A single light may be very weak, but a single spark can start a prairie fire.

In an instant, the clan was in the blue ocean where the blue silver grass was transformed.

The blue ocean, centered on the clan, began to rotate violently, forming a whirlpool.

Hundreds of millions of blue silver grasses were transformed into pure energy, which flowed into the clan body continuously with the whirlpool.

For a time, the clan felt that the body was unprecedentedly relaxed, warm and comfortable...

At the same time ~www.mtlnovel.com~the area outside the forest.

Standing a majestic and majestic old man.

The old man's eyes were deep and he stared at the dense forest in front of him, "So that kid entered this dense forest?"

"Yes, Sect Master, according to your instructions, I have used the Soulchaser to observe in secret, and never start to stun snakes. This time I saw him traveling alone, so I dared to report. The kid entered this dense forest."

The speaker was a short and thin middle-aged man standing behind the old man. His combat power was not strong, but his spirit was very special. He could control ordinary birds to inquire about news without using his spirit power. Since ordinary birds do not contain soul power, they are very concealed to monitor. As long as they change different types of bird monitoring, even if they are discovered, they will not cause the other party to suspect.

"Hmph! There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell. You can do it yourself. You dare to calculate our young master."

If the clan is here, he can definitely recognize that the majestic old man is the patriarch Titan.