
Douluo’s Immortal Swordsman

First of all, this novel isn't my, and if the original author want me to deleted it just email me. Also if you want you can go to the original link because the author already posed 556 Chapters. Just in case gays this novel are copy and paste, i didn't write or add any thinks on it. The Original author is: Congee II synopsis Su Qin accidentally crossed the Douluo Continent and wrote a legend that belongs to him… Tang San: “Brother, can you do anything besides Jian (sword)?” Su Qin: “I still have a good pot of fairy brew. Would you like to have a bite? It’s effective!” Tang San: “Brother, why don’t you draw your sword, do you look down on me?” Su Qin: “Bian (sword) has an air of 30,000 miles, and a cheap (sword) has nineteen continents! I am too powerful, I am afraid you can’t afford it!” This is the Link to the original Novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-immortal-swordsman/ Finally, I don't do that for the money or anything's. it's just to let you read this interesting novel.

adel12 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 75: Test (below)

Although Su Qin's punch received some strength, it was also quite powerful.

Yufeng was hit by this punch and flew more than ten meters away before he could stop.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, Yu Feng wiped his right hand and looked at the blood on his hand. He looked at Su Qin's eyes more formal than before, and said seriously: "I admit that I underestimated you just now, but the real battle has only begun now!"

As he spoke, the third spirit ring on Yu Feng's body shone brightly and floated in the air. His wings shook violently, and a layer of cyan spirit power fluctuations like clouds suddenly released, and the cyan spirit power was condensed in midair. The huge bird shape swooped down and rushed towards Su Qin suddenly.

"The third spirit ability, the wind is surging!" Yu Feng roared.

Su Qin looked at the cyan giant bird that swooped towards him very fast, and Yu Feng who swooped down with the giant bird, a sigh was faintly revealed in his eyes, his mouth moved, and he thought, just like this ? That's really boring.

Thinking about this, Su Qin no longer intends to play with Yufeng like this anymore. He lifted his head slightly, with an evil smile on his face, and also shouted, "The third soul ability, Jianyu!"

In order to hide his original third spirit ability, Su Qin used this one that was considered to be his own. The inspiration for this spirit ability was the guy who had used sword rain on Su Qin. In addition, Su Qin had some other self-created spirit abilities, which are now relatively complete, and the consumption is barely acceptable.

Su Qin held a sword in his right hand and swung his sword towards Yufeng, who was swooping in. Behind him, hundreds of sword-shaped phantoms condensed by soul power suddenly appeared. These swords were directed towards Su Qin. Yufeng rushed away.

In the eyes of others, this blow was the third spirit ability that both sides had displayed their full blow.

Qin Ming looked at the two people on the stage of fighting the soul, and while happy in his heart, he said to Ye Lingling who was on the side: "Prepare to treat them."


Ye Lingling nodded, and the martial soul Jiuxin Begonia appeared in her hands. At the same time, two yellow and one purple spirit rings also appeared on her body.

In Ye Lingling's hands, there is a pink begonia flower, composed of white and pink petals, with gorgeous colors and graceful posture. Flowers and leaves and branches slipped down from both sides of Ye Lingling's palms. The soft vines faced the wind, hanging down, like a lady with beautiful hair covering her face, her veins were affectionate and graceful and pitiful.

Yu Tianheng in the audience watched the collision between the two, their expressions changed slightly, their eyes fixed on the two people on the soul fighting platform.

Speaking of late, that is fast.

Among them, it was only a short breath or two, and the two attacks collided together, and the powerful shock wave oscillated the soul fighting platform into cracks.

The sword rain collided with the cyan giant bird. After consuming seven to eighty sword-shaped phantoms, the cyan giant bird was broken and disappeared instantly. The remaining sword-shaped phantom continued to move forward and collided with the ensuing Yufeng Together.

Under Su Qin's control, the remaining sword shadows did not cause too much damage to Yufeng, but only knocked it out of the fighting spirit platform.

Yufeng's body hit the ground heavily, he stood up with a bit of pain, looked at the young man on the stage with no wrinkles in his clothes, bowed his head helplessly, and said unwillingly: "I lost."

Su Qin put the wooden sword away, clasped his fist and said, "Master Yufeng, I have accepted it."

Qin Ming's figure appeared in the center of the soul fighting platform at this time, looking at Yu Tianheng in the audience, nodded slightly and said: "The first soul fight, Su Qinsheng."

At the same time, Ye Lingling also released her soul abilities. Accompanied by a faint fragrance, a white light fell into the sky. The white light looked very peculiar. It turned out to be a petal shape, slowly falling, directly on Yu Feng's body, and lightly integrated into his wound.

Yu Feng's body trembled, the wound on his body healed quickly, and his face looked much better.

At the same moment, some white petals floated towards Su Qin's body and slowly merged into Su Qin's body. Su Qin suddenly felt that the whole person's spirit and spirit had recovered a lot in an instant.

"Lingling, thanks to you, otherwise my injury wouldn't be so easy." Yufeng sneered towards Ye Leng.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Ye." Su Qin smiled at Ye Leng Leng.

Ye Lingling's personality was a bit withdrawn, and she only nodded indifferently to thank the two.

"Who still wants to challenge Su Qin?" Qin Ming asked as he looked at the people in the audience.

"Me!" Oslo said. Although he and Yufeng usually like to quarrel, their relationship is indeed very good. At this time, seeing a good friend being injured, he naturally wants to come forward.

However, Su Qin rejected Oslo's challenge.

Although Su Qin didn't mind playing with them, their strength was a little weaker than he had imagined, and Su Qin suddenly lost the idea of ​​discussing with them.

"Teacher Qin, I won the Yufeng senior. This has proved my strength, and I don't need to continue testing, right?" Su Qin looked at Qin Ming and said lightly.

Qin Ming looked at Su Qin's eyes and knew that Su Qin would not agree to this kind of fighting spirit. Su Qin did prove his strength. He was not the kind of person who only knew how to improve his realm through cultivation, and his actual combat ability was indeed not weak.

Qin Ming only hesitated for a while, then nodded: "Well, there is no need to continue the test. Then come with me, and I will take you to see the teacher of the Board of Education."

"Teacher Qin, please wait. I want to challenge Su Qin's younger brother alone." Oslo shouted in the audience. He must help his good friends get revenge, otherwise how can they play together happily in the future ?

Qin Ming did not answer. Instead, he looked at Su Qin and said: "In Tiandou Royal Academy, challenges between students must be agreed. However, Bidou must be accompanied by a teacher. You can start."

"But Teacher Qin, I am not a student here yet, am I?" Su Qin smiled.

Qin Ming was taken aback for a moment, but still nodded and said, "Yes."

Although Su Qin said he was a student of the Tiandou Royal Academy, he still had to go through the procedures that he had to follow. Before completing these procedures, he could accurately be regarded as a student with admission qualifications, not a formal student.

The challenge Qin Ming said was aimed at formal students.

"So, I refuse." Su Qin looked at Oslo and smiled.

"You..." Oslo looked at Su Qin, and since he didn't know what to say for a while, after all, the other party was not a formal student yet, so he could indeed refuse his challenge. And he could never mess up the relationship between a few people just because of a battle of souls, and reason told him that it was not worthwhile to do so.

"I, Yu Tianheng, challenge you on their behalf, do you dare to take it?" Yu Tianheng stood up at this time, staring at Su Qin with his eyes, and asked domineeringly.

"Tianheng." Looking at Yu Tianheng who suddenly stood up, Dugu Yan whispered.

"Boss." Oslo looked at Yu Tianheng's eyes with gratitude.

Not only Oslo, but even Yu Feng under the Fighting Soul Stage and the Shi Family brothers who were also in the audience, looked at Yu Tianheng with a little touch.

Only Ye Lingling kept a facial paralysis on her face, but the look in her eyes changed slightly, and she recognized Yu Tianheng as her teammate.