
Douluo’s Immortal Swordsman

First of all, this novel isn't my, and if the original author want me to deleted it just email me. Also if you want you can go to the original link because the author already posed 556 Chapters. Just in case gays this novel are copy and paste, i didn't write or add any thinks on it. The Original author is: Congee II synopsis Su Qin accidentally crossed the Douluo Continent and wrote a legend that belongs to him… Tang San: “Brother, can you do anything besides Jian (sword)?” Su Qin: “I still have a good pot of fairy brew. Would you like to have a bite? It’s effective!” Tang San: “Brother, why don’t you draw your sword, do you look down on me?” Su Qin: “Bian (sword) has an air of 30,000 miles, and a cheap (sword) has nineteen continents! I am too powerful, I am afraid you can’t afford it!” This is the Link to the original Novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-immortal-swordsman/ Finally, I don't do that for the money or anything's. it's just to let you read this interesting novel.

adel12 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 74: testing)

"Oh? Tianheng, why do you say that?" Qin Ming said in a playful tone.

"Teacher Qin, Brother Su himself said that he is only 12 years old this year, so his spirit power level should not be very high, and we are all more than 30 souls, isn't this bullying him?" Yu Tianheng looked at him. Qin Ming felt a little weird, but he still expressed his thoughts.

"That is, Teacher Qin, don't you let us bully the new student again?" Dugu Yan echoed.

Although the others didn't say anything, the eyes that looked at Qin Ming also revealed this. Isn't this openly letting them bully the younger brother?

If this spreads out, where does it put their face?

"Ms. Qin, should we change the test method?" Yufeng also started to relieve Su Qin at this time.

Qin Ming looked at the students in front of him with a playful smile on his face. He looked at Su Qin and said with a smile: "Su Qin, tell your spirit power levels to these seniors."

Su Qin nodded. He didn't want to hide his soul power level when he came, so it was not surprising that Qin Ming saw him.

"Senior elder sisters, I'm not talented, just broke through level 36." Su Qin said with a humble expression.


The seven Yu Tianheng were all surprised, their eyes full of disbelief when they looked at Su Qin.

"Brother Su, you...you didn't lie to me?" Yu Feng's eyes widened, not believing it.

Su Qin smiled and said, "How can I be such an honest person to deceive seniors and sisters?"

"Then...Are you really 12 years old?" Yufeng stammered.

"Of course it is true." Su Qin smiled and nodded.

"This this…"

When Yufeng heard this, he was completely messed up, and didn't know what to say for a while.

The eyes of Yu Tianheng and the others looked at Su Qin still a little unbelievable, but the facts were in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe them.

"Well, which one of you will discuss with Su Qin first?" Qin Ming asked with a smile looking at several people.

"I, I'll come!" Yufeng was the first to stand up and say.

Yufeng actually didn't believe that Su Qin was already level 36. You must know that he was also considered a genius at the Tiandou Royal Academy. He reached level 35 at the age of 20 this year. Su Qin was only 12 years old and was level 36, 1 level higher than him, but 8 years younger than him, which is simply incredible.

However, Yu Feng thought of another possibility. Su Qin may have been cultivating, the kind of personality that only knows how to practice in retreat. In this way, Su Qin's actual combat ability is definitely not good.

He wants to let this kid know today that it's impossible to practice blindly without knowing how to train a real soul master!

Seeing that Yufeng had taken a step ahead of them, the rest of them sighed helplessly, and found a front position in the spectator seats around to watch the match.

In their hearts, even though Su Qin's spirit power level was one level higher than Yufeng, Yufeng still had a better chance of winning.

Nothing else, they just believed that Yufeng would win the final victory.

Seeing Yufeng stand up by himself, Qin Ming nodded and said, "Okay. Go to the soul fighting platform."

As Qin Ming's voice fell, Yu Feng took the lead and boarded the soul fighting platform. Su Qin didn't hesitate, smiled and walked onto the fighting platform.

Qin Ming looked at the two people on the stage of fighting the soul and smiled and said: "You have one minute to summon your own martial arts. When I announce the start, you can attack. Understand?"

"Understood, Teacher Qin." Yufeng smiled.

Immediately, Yufeng completed the possession of Wuhun.

A pair of medium-sized wings stretched out from behind him. The wings were brown, and the feathers on them did not look soft at all, but they had a solid texture. This pair of wings did not grow out of thin air, but was transformed by his arms. At this time, the wings flapped and they had already flown into the air, watching Su Qin's actions condescendingly. Two yellow and one purple spirit rings appeared on his body.

"Yufeng, Martial Spirit Windbell Bird, Level 35 Sensitive Attack System Battle Soul Venerable." Yufeng looked down at Su Qin and said with a smile.

Unlike Yufeng's somewhat gorgeous spirit possession, Su Qin just smiled and took out his already scarred wooden sword from the heart of the ocean, holding the sword in his right hand across his chest, and also smiling and introducing: "Su Qin , Wuhun Kunwu sword, 36th-level agile attack type war soul sovereign."

In the auditorium.

Oslo said softly: "The sword in his hand is not a martial soul, right?"

When the others heard the words, they all looked at the wooden sword in Su Qin's hand, and they all discovered that it was just an ordinary wooden sword, not a martial soul.

Dugu Yan nodded and said affirmatively: "Indeed, it is just an ordinary wooden sword."

Seeing this, Yu Tianheng snorted coldly, and said, "Huh, I don't know what is good or bad kid."

The Shi Family brothers silently looked at the two people on the soul fighting stage, but their faces also showed dislike. Only Ye Lingling kept the look of a little paralysis on her face.

Qin Ming frowned slightly looking at the wooden sword in Su Qin's hand, but didn't say anything.

When the one-minute countdown came, Qin Ming pushed out the scope of the soul fighting platform, and said in his mouth: "Start!"

Almost the moment Qin Ming's voice fell, the first spirit ring on Yu Feng's body was already bright, and the front edges of his wings formed by his arms had become sharp like blades, and he swooped towards Su Qin with the sound of howling wind.

This is Yufeng's first spirit ability, Wing Blade.

Su Qin did not hesitate, facing the roaring Yufeng, immediately swiped two swords, and the two sword lights flew quickly toward the swooping Yufeng.

Yufeng didn't care to collide with Jianmang head-on, but tilted his body to avoid Su Qin's attack, but his attack was also interrupted. But Yufeng didn't stop his attack, only paused slightly in the air, and then dived towards Su Qin again.

Although Su Qin didn't come here to fight souls, he didn't mind playing with each other either.

Su Qin didn't interrupt Yufeng's attack with the sword light this time, but pointed his toes. This person instantly vacated about 3 meters into the air and pierced the waist of Yufeng who was about to pass by.

Yufeng's reaction was not unpleasant either, and immediately swung the wing and blade of his right hand to cut the long sword that Su Qin stabbed.

But his speed was a little slower. Su Qin's sword pierced Yu Feng's waist first, pierced his clothes, leaving a small wound.

At the same time, Yu Feng's right wing had also struck, attacking Su Qin's wooden sword. But it didn't bring any substantial harm to it.

Su Qin's left hand had already clenched a fist, and at the same moment Yufeng's right wing attacked his wooden sword, this fist had already hit his lower abdomen firmly.