

Five years later

"W-who are you?" He managed to stutter out through his beard-covered mouth, totally terrified with what, rather who, was standing in front of him.

Before him is a woman, garbed in men's clothing, which he believes isn't appropriate for a woman. She was standing under the shadow casted by the lamp illuminating his room. A cloak hovering above her shoulders, with the hood casting dancing shadows on her face, giving her a dangerous look.

She curved her lips around her teeth, slowly, in a vicious smirk.

Without any emotion in her voice, she whispered darkly; "Imelda Ward. Your worst nightmare."

The already terrified man was even more terrified, it's a wonder he hasn't soiled his pants yet.

"Y-you mean t-the late king's d-daughter?" He stumbled out, with a look of horror on his face. He didn't know when hot tears started trailing down his chubby cheeks and he could finally feel his underpants getting soiled with the growing seconds.

The only response he got was the clean swipe of her katana, coming at him with impossible speed, cutting his head off his shoulders.

She retracted her katana, with the speed of a snake recoiling back from its victim.

She put it back into its holder on her back without making a sound, with the grace of a panther that just finished stalking its prey.

Picking up the severed head, she hanged it on the wall by sticking one of her throwing knives through his opened eyes, still covered in shock and fear.

She wrote on the wall, right beside his hanging head with his blood;



Born she was,

On a bright day, a sunny morning,

Pain she felt, betrayal she experienced,

On a rainy day, a darkened night,

Vengeance she promised,

For she wouldn't stop until they are all in hell,

Until their blood is stained on the blades of her katana,

Their blood, spilled on the soil of La-Mil,

Innocent she was, carefree she was,

Emotionless she became, a cold-blooded she became,

Slithering across the forest floors, like a deadly snake,

Moving with the shadows of the night, she was but a silent assassin,

The most dangerous of them,

She promised to be back, and now she is back,



This is basically my first book on here so your comments will really be helpul and appreciated. Thank you guys

toyinadecreators' thoughts