
Chapter One

Born she was,

On a bright day, a sunny morning,

Pain she felt, betrayal she experienced,

On a rainy day, a darkened night,

Vengeance she promised,

For she wouldn't stop until they are all in hell,

Until their blood is stained on the blades of her katana,

Their blood, spilled on the soil of La-Mil,

Innocent she was, carefree she was,

Emotionless she became, a cold-blooded she became,

Slithering across the forest floors, like a deadly snake,

Moving with the shadows of the night, she was but a silent assassin,

The most dangerous of them,

She promised to be back, and now she is back,




In the Kingdom of La-Mil, King Hol'tine sat on his heavily decorated throne, lazily rubbing his beard while listening to his subjects voice their fears.

"Your Majesty, Lord Mayer is dead. He was murdered," one subject said.

"Yes your Majesty. And we believe this person, whoever he is, is after us," another said.

The King waves one of the servant who was carrying his wine closer and took the goblet. He gently brought it to his lips, savouring the taste of the wine on his taste bud .

He didn't bother trying to disguise his inattention to his subjects, instead he played with the heavy and large ruby rings decorating his chubby fingers.

"Whoever it is left a message," a subject voiced out. He was the one who found the beheaded body of Lord Mayer.

"And what is the message?" The king sat up straight in his chair, his curiosity clearly piqued.

They all stiffened in their various sits, weighing the consequences of what was just said;


Meanwhile, Prince Dauke was trying to escape the confines of his room. And the walls of the city.

"Damn!" He cursed under his breath when he stubbed his toe on something he doesn't know and doesn't wish to know.

He thanked his lucky stars when he eventually got to the stable without any of the guards spotting him. Yet.

He quickly located his horse, Black, and saddled him up. He was extremely grateful that the stable boy wasn't there.

That would have been a total disaster, 'trying' to knock him out for the third time, he chuckled.

He lifted his left leg on the stirrup and swung the other leg up, sitting astride on the horse. Kicking him in the gut, just behind the girth, the horse galloped out of the city and into the forest.

He couldn't help but sigh in relief when he escaped the city walls.

He took in the fresh breath of cool and moist forest air, mixed with the smell of earth.

He has been wanting to go out into the forest without the scrutinizing gaze of the guards, but any time he tried to sneak off, he'd be caught.

Getting down from the horse, he led it to a bushy tree and tied it up. He sat down at the base of the tree and admire the gift of nature.

"Is that a girl screaming?" he shook his head, choosing to believe he was hallucinating.

He continue admiring his surroundings, the way the leaves sway, back and forth, like a breath of whisper, and the way it releases some drops of morning dew whenever it is blown by the wind, making the water droplets look like little orbs of silver.

Hearing the noise again, he decided he wasn't hallucinating. He got up to go check what was going on.

He made sure the horse wouldn't be able to run off before following the direction of the voice.


Not far from where that was happening, Imelda was sharpening her blades, the sound of stone against steel filling the quiet forest.

Feeling the edges of the blade, a drop of blood sprouted out of her nicked figure, confirming the sharpness.

Satisfied with her work, she decided to scout the perimeters of the forest she called home, and maybe kill a rabbit or two since she has exhausted the one she caught a fortnight ago, just that morning.

She put on her cloak and brought up the hood, casting the mysterious shadow over her face.

She tested the weight of her katana with a definite and swift movement of her wrist from left to right, before placing it in its holder on her back.

Picking up her handcrafted bow and arrow, given to her by her mentor, she started her trek.

She passed along narrow bushes, dodging the hands of stray leaves looking for victims to snag into its scrawny twigs.

Birds chirped overhead to tunes only known to them, shaking off misplaced leaves caught in their feathers, forming a very ridiculous dance pattern.

Next chapter