
Double navigation: no pain, no comparison

"I've become the Navy Inspector, and you're telling me there's a system?" The Ultimate Comparison System. If the comparison is successful, you can receive generous rewards! Ren: "Oh no! My plan to dominate the Holy land and seize the world's throne has been exposed! In the summit war without Ren, the public execution of Fire Fist Ace takes place! In the summit war with Ren, the public execution of the Four Emperors takes place! Ren's World: The three admirals of the Navy, Luffy, Ace, Sabo! Original World: Pirate Luffy, Dead Ace, Revolutionary Army Sabo! Garp: "Damn it, why isn't Ren in our world! Luffy and the others deserve a bright future!" Sengoku: "Ren is the greatest Inspector of the Navy in history!" Kaido and Big Mom: "Well, in a world without Rain, are we living so freely?!" Original World Navy: "We strongly urge Sengoku to retire! Let's search for Ren worldwide and make Ren the Admiral!" -------------------------- The following translation is provided solely for entertainment purposes and convenience. I, Your lovely Translator, hereby declare that I do not claim ownership of the novel being translated. The original novel is the intellectual property of its respective author. I am solely acting as a Fan Translator to convert the content from its original language into English. I explicitly state that I did not create or write the original novel, and I do not hold any rights or authorship over it. My role is strictly limited to translating the content to the best of my ability and if you want it removed hit me up. ----------------------- I will be updating this in Wendnesday and Saturday. For every 50 power stones there would be 1 extra chapter

Monarch_of_Time · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 21: The luxurious lineup of the Rocks Pirate! Time has left its mark on Big Mom!

In July 1478, in the New World, a ship filled with formidable bounty hunters!

Have found the Rocks Pirates!

No matter the era, being renowned means trouble!

And the Rocks Pirates, without a large force, presented a rare opportunity!

The two ships roared with gunfire!

The distance between the two sides is rapidly closing!

Bounty hunters and pirates alike went mad!

In a narrow encounter, the stronger one prevails!

Sitting on the deck, Rocks D. Xebec was watching the chaos and smiled!

Even as a hail of gunfire and canon balls rained down on him!

It was effortlessly brought down by a muscular man wielding a silver-forged axe!

All were cut down from a distance!

During the artillery fire exchange, there were strong men on both ships who could easily deflect or destroy the cannonballs!

"Finally found you guys, Rocks!" Sakazuki was already half grown at the moment.

At eleven years old, he had a strong body tempered by many trials and tribulations!

No longer fit to be seen as a child, but a teenager!

Looking at the incoming artillery fire, magma surged from his body!

A magma projectile burst out, smashing the enemy's canon balls!

In this journey, Sakazuki changed ships multiple times.

In the end, only this group of bounty hunters shared his goal.

On this ship, he wasn't the strongest, as many understood Haki!

They could counter his abilities!

Yet, he gained the captain's favor due to his logia devil fruit, akin to a natural disaster! It held destructive power!

Moreover Sakazuki is highly active in battles, and had no issues with how bounty was distributed!

Though he had a fierce demeanor, Sakazuki still had no friends among them!

At least they shared a common goal!

"Well done, Sakaski, you broke through the enemy's line of fire. Move the ship over and kill their captain Xebec! The opportunity to make a name for yourself is right in front of you!!" exclaimed the excited bounty captain.

At this moment, the luxurious lineup of Rocks Pirates shocked the world!

Despite some knowledge from earlier, many people were unaware of the strength of these once-renowned figures!

Some had disappeared from public view for years!

Some had already died, while others had lost their youth!

Now, seeing this young and powerful lineup was truly shocking and even terrifying!

At the bow of the ship, a handsome young man with golden hair held one of the supreme grade blades, Murakumogiri.

Sporting his iconic crescent-moon beard...

Whitebeard, Edward Newgate!

At the age of 30, Whitebeard was at the pinnacle of strength, physique, and Haki!

His looks were equally impressive, unlike the elderly figure wrapped in a headscarf seen later in his life!

He was handsome, confident, and powerful, though seemingly displeased!

Watching the approaching bounty hunters, he furrowed his brow slightly, with no intention of attacking!

At the bow, two powerful pirates were eager to fight!

One was a woman, sexy and beautiful, licking her tempting red lips. She said to Kaido, who was only 15 years old, "Kaido, little brother, follow behind sister, and I'll teach you how to kill!"

"No need for your teaching, I already know how to fight!," replied Kaido, holding a spiked club, his eyes filled with fighting spirit!

"Linlin, you're nine years older than Kaido. Don't you want the old cow to eat young grass? How about I take over tonight? Kaido is still young, and the pressure of an adult, he can't handle!" Captain John leered at Charlotte Linlin.

"I've heard of your 'three-legged cat style,' it's rather weak, and you don't stay in bed for long, mamamama~. Besides, Kaido is not that young; at 15, he's already over five meters tall. Who knows what powerful bloodline he might have in the future!" Linlin scornfully replied.

"Linlin, don't slander me. Who said that i don't last in bed? Are you trying to ruin my chances with women? Captain, I request a challenge against Linlin. If she loses, she spends a night with me. If I lose, she decides my fate!" Captain John immediately got agitated.

"Whatever you want, but deal with the enemies first. These guys seem to have some strength! Keep a few alive if possible, maybe we can add some firepower to the ship!" Rocks dismissed their banter.

"Looks like you're itching for a fight again!" Linlin glanced at Captain John indifferently.

This look was full of charm and teasing, making many crew members on the ship feel their hearts race!

They didn't hide their desires!

Because as long as they displayed enough strength!

There was a chance to spend a night with this unparalleled beauty!

"Start the fight, start the fight!" The Golden lion was also encouraging from the sidelines.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The cannons on both ships exchanged fire, getting closer!

But now, everyone's attention was no longer on this!

Not even on Sakazuki!

[World 2 - Momonga: Hohoho... Although I knew earlier that Whitebeard, Kaido, and others came from the same pirate crew, seeing this group of monsters standing together is still chilling.]

[World 2 - Doberman: It's hard to imagine how these lawless guys created such a storm in their pirate crew at that time. When I was a child, I heard about this demon pirate crew! Even the Roger Pirates at that time couldn't be compared with them!]

[World 2 - Garp: Seeing these guys, my fists are starting to itch!]

[World 2 - Smoker: What a terrifying lineup, I really can't imagine how Vice Admiral Garp defeated this pirate crew back then! Even if you add the Roger Pirates at the time, it seems insufficient!]

[World 2 - Crocodile: Even through the screen, the oppressive feeling is still strong!]

[World 2 - Red Count Patrick Redfield: Truly a nostalgic past! I wonder how the outside world is now!]

[World 2 - Kaido: Old man your still alive?]

[World 2 - Red Count Patrick Redfield: Is the kid from back then so arrogant now?]

[World 2 - Magellan: Who's the beautiful woman?]

[World 1 - Magellan: Don't you know? That's Big Mom! Didn't someone just call her Linlin?]

[World 2 - Magellan: Damn!]

[World 2 - Aokiji: Damn!]

[World 2 - Blackbeard: Damn! Is that the old hag!? This must be a joke!]

At that time, Blackbeard was still four years away from being born!

As a teenager, Big Mom lost her youth! Naturally, he had not seen her!

[World 2 - Silver Axe: Time is indeed the enemy of all, Once a beauty now ugly! Hahahhaha]

[World 2 - Big Mom: Damn Silver Axe, what do you mean? When I was in bed with you, you didn't say that! You even called me dear!]

[World 2 - Silver Axe: Stop talking... When I see your bounty poster now, I feel like vomiting...]

[World 2 - Big Mom: Damn Silver Axe, wait for me. Soon there will be one more person on the Marine Headquarters execution platform!]

[World 2 - Rocks: Is Linlin ugly now?]

[World 2 - Kaido: Atrocious!]

[World 2 -Shiki: Atrocious!]

[World 2 - Whitebeard: It's unbearable!!]

[World 2 - Big Mom: All of you just wait!!]

[World 2 - Rocks: Linlin, don't be angry. Regardless of what others say, you're still my little sweetheart!]

[World 2 - Golden Lion: As expected of captain, commendable courage! Unique taste! I salute you, Captain!]

[World 2 - Kaido: Hmph, you guys indeed have a unique style! ]

[World 1 - Garp: They sure know how to have fun! ]

[World 1 - Sengoku: Of course, if you don't have fun, how can you have so many children?]

[World 2 - Big Mom (roaring): What are you all gawking at? Get lost!!]

Most people in World No. 1 are quietly listening to their comments.

Because in this world, everything they want to say has been said!

Moreover, Big Mom from the second world is, after all, not from their world!

To criticize further would be impolite!

[World 2 - Vice Admiral Doberman: Don't you guys care about Admiral Sakazukil a bit? This lineup seems quite unfavorable for the bounty hunters! ]

[World 2 - Kizaru: Rest assured, Akainu have survived until now, indicating he wasn't taken down at that time! ]

[World 2 - Vice Admiral Doberman: That's true! ]

But everyone's attention slowly returned!


Since it is the season of giving.

I will turn into Santa Claus for you guys.

So, I will be giving you 10 chapter this week!

Happy Holidays!
