
Double Goku Comparison : Dragon Ball Super Vs Dragon Ball GT

(before complaining, this uses machine translation from Chinese to English, please understand. I will try to improve the language. Thank you) chinese title : 双悟空对比:超时空集体崩溃 After traveling through the world of Dragon Ball for twenty years, Roger, who had already become Gods of Destruction in GT Time and Space, suddenly awakened the system. Dual space-time combat power comparison system? Compare the Dragon Ball GT space-time changed by Roger and the Dragon Ball hyperspace. If the comparison is successful, corresponding mysterious rewards will be obtained. First GT Goku vs Ultra Goku! Super Saiyan Four vs. Super Saiyan Blue! Super Saiyan five duel perfect Ultra Instinct! GT Gods of Destruction Roger vs Dragon Ball Super Gods of Destruction Beerus. A duel between the younger Saiyan Warriors! The more the comparison, the more collapsed the people in time and space. Vegeta: Can I give you this Goku and exchange the Kakarot from your time and space? Whis: Why am I serving a grumpy cat? No, I'm going to serve Lord Roger. Zeno: What a wonderful duel! I can't help but want to play...

sayanoic · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 29 Super Five Goku, Overconfident!

Under everyone's gaze, holes began to appear on Roger's planet.


In the next second, golden pillars of light like giant dragons burst out of the ground, and then soared into the sky.

In a short while, the surroundings have been destroyed.

Roger also frowned slightly.

"This guy, isn't he just becoming Super Saiyan Five, is it necessary to make such a big noise?"

"It actually destroyed the planet I worked so hard to build like this!"

The whole planet is his own painstaking effort.

Most of these lush and towering trees were taken from other planets and planted by himself.

I didn't expect to be destroyed like this by Son Goku now!

And the whole planet was ruined by Son Goku's powerful aura.

at the same time.

Roger's energy ball just now began to rise a little bit.

Soon the energy ball flew back into the air.

And Son Goku is at the bottom of the energy ball, holding the energy ball with one hand.

At this time, the form of Son Goku has completely changed.

Black's hair had turned into silver and white, and it was more messy behind her.

Two long bangs on the forehead.

There was a curve in the corner of the mouth, and the whole person looked a bit evil.

It has suddenly changed into the form of Super Saiyan 5!

The next second, the moment he let go of the energy ball with one hand, he kicked directly at the energy ball.

The energy ball instantly deformed, and then rushed out of the planet.

"Hey!! I didn't disappoint you, Master Roger."

"I finally managed to break through the limit of Super Saiyan 5."

It can be seen that Son Goku is very happy at the moment.

After all, he has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Not far away, Vegeta gritted his teeth angrily after seeing Son Goku's current form.

It's so uncomfortable to be led by this guy every time.

"Not bad! It's faster than I thought."

"But you bastard, you actually destroyed my planet like this, I must deal with you properly."

Roger smiled faintly, then said sharply.

This is a planet that I have worked so hard to build.

All along, they dare not do too much movement during training.

Today it turned out to be like this...

"Sorry, sorry!! I really didn't mean to be Mr. Roger!"

"Super Saiyan Five's power is so powerful, I'm just not familiar with it at first!"

Son Goku also apologized quickly.

After all, he knew that Master Roger liked his planet very much.

Sometimes when he and Vegeta accidentally knocked down a tree while practicing, he would repair it severely.

But now looking at the ruins around him, he instantly realized that something was wrong.

"Stop talking nonsense to me."

"If you do something wrong, you will be punished."

"Just let me see, after becoming Super Saiyan 5, to what extent your strength has increased!"

In fact, punishing Son Goku is fake, in order to test his combat effectiveness now is real.

"Ah! All right!"

"But Super Saiyan Five is too powerful!"

"Master Roger may not be able to beat me..."

Son Goku said confidently.

He does have the capital of self-confidence.

Because the power of Super Saiyan 5 is completely different from the previous Super Saiyan 4.

It's a qualitative change! !

This also made him burst out with unprecedented confidence in an instant.

"Your self-confidence is a bit too much, Goku."

"Don't think that if you are also Super Saiyan Five, you can become my opponent."

"Soon I will let you know how naive and stupid your thoughts are..."

Roger wasn't angry, his face was still extremely calm.

After gaining great strength, it is indeed easy to swell, and it is estimated that everyone will be like this.

But when reality hit him hard on the face.

You will quickly recognize your position.

"Hey! Then come on, Master Roger."

Son Goku is obviously still very confident.

After all, this sudden force was completely unexpected before.

And they are both in the form of Super Saiyan 5, even if there is a gap between them, the gap should not be too big.

The moment the voice fell, Son Goku took the initiative to attack again.

This time the speed was obviously much faster than before.

The moment the body flashed, it completely disappeared without a trace.

Many people didn't see what was going on at all.

Even God was shocked by all the destruction.

Unexpectedly, with just one transformation, Son Goku's speed has been qualitatively improved!

It is completely different from the Super Saiyan 4 form just now.

In almost a ten-thousandth of a second, Son Goku's body appeared behind Roger.

A triumphant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he slashed directly at Roger's shoulder.

Roger didn't turn around at all, his right hand instantly covered his shoulder.

Easily blocked Son Goku's hand knife!

Then he turned around and said lightly, "I don't remember that I taught you the trick of attacking from behind..."

Having said that, Son Goku instantly looked embarrassed.

Then the body quickly retreated a few steps.

It seems that Roger is stronger than he imagined.

However, he will not give up...

Then Son Goku's body flashed out again.

The speed and strength are very fast, and every punch can easily destroy the planet.

However, Roger's body is like a nimble loach, it only moves in a small range, but Son Goku can't touch it at all.

No matter how fast it is, the end is the same!

"How is this possible? Obviously I have become Super Saiyan 5, but why does it feel like the gap between me and Mr. Roger has not narrowed at all!"

Son Goku was extremely puzzled.

Just now I thought they were all Super Saiyan 5, so the difference should not be too big.

But now it seems that no matter whether he is a super four or a super five, he can't touch Roger's body at all.

Is it because I still can't master the power of Super Saiyan 5 proficiently?

"It seems that you have completely forgotten everything that your previous teacher taught you!"

"Your wide-ranging attack will not only quickly consume physical energy, but also greatly limit the speed."

"Mr. Popo should have taught you once, to be as quiet as the sky when defending, but when attacking..."

Before Roger's words fell, his body disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, it was already in front of Son Goku.

No warning!

Even Son Goku, who broke through the super five, didn't react at all.

A heavy punch directly blasted out!

boom! ! !

Then it landed heavily on Son Goku's lower abdomen.

Wow! !

A mouthful of bright red blood spewed out from his mouth, and his pupils also instantly dilated.

The sharp breath in the body also quickly dissipated.

In the next second, the whole person returned to normal, clutching his stomach tightly, his face full of pain.

Seeing Son Goku whose body was bowed into a prawn, Roger finally finished speaking.

"Attack... as fast as lightning!"